The accepted and presented papers at the conference will be recommended to our sponsored journals. Please note that only the full paper will be recommended but are not guaranteed to be published in the journals. Please submit the full paper before the conference if you would like us to recommend your paper to the journals below.

》International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation (IJAITG)

Editor in Chief: Prof. Tzong-Ru (Jiun-Shen) Lee

ISSN online: 2516-1970

ISSN print: 2516-1962

More information:

》Open Agriculture


Hans R. Herren, Millenium Institute, USA

Vijay Singh, Texas A and M University, USA

Managing Editor:

Agnieszka Topolska, Poland

ISSN online: 2391-9531

More information:

submission system:

Note: Normally charge 1000 EUR article processing charges (after article acceptance)