逆向思维新模式:活动前先收集德中企业客户对于新技术和创新服务的需求,再由初创企业提出针对性解决方案 。
预选赛将会在大中华区和德国提前进行,获胜的企业将获邀参加此次德中经济峰会开幕派对——AHK 创新之夜。
b2match Business Matchmaking Platform
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德中两国经济界、创业界有影响力的人物,将会分享他们的经验、对未来的展望以及个人感悟思考等。不仅局限于经济层面,旨在通过个人故事 、经历和想法来激励观众、开拓视野。
运动是认识新朋友、交流互动、开启新的一天的绝佳方式!通过运动可以更快地拉近距离,不仅有德国华裔功夫师傅Sifu Christ Yuen带领大家体验咏春拳,还有顶级德国多特蒙德足球俱乐部举办的足球练习体验!
2019德中经济峰会当代艺术展"幸福加速器" 12月3-5号同期举办。
巴斯夫股份公司(BASF SE)是现今世界上最大的化工产品生产商。在项目研讨会上,巴斯夫股份公司将着重介绍其在亚太地区各产业和应用领域开展的数字化灯塔项目。他们正积极寻求潜在客户及合作伙伴,邀请他们参与巴斯夫的数字化项目,共同创造商业价值。
A New Journey of Smart Manufacturing--From the Industry Cluster Perspectives, China Fortune Land Development Co., Ltd.
Under the global economy slowdown and the overall manufacturing slump, smart manufacturing is the prospect for industrial upgrading. Through years of practices in industry cluster, CFLD will share insights on characteristics, trends, and landscape of the smart manufacturing industry cluster, and outlook the potential growing-tracks for leveraging and upgrading the smart manufacturing industry.
Chemical Innovation powered by sustainability to make the world a brighter place, Covestro
With 2018 sales of EUR 14.6 billion, Covestro is among the world's largest polymer companies. Business activities are focused on the manufacture of high-tech polymer materials and the development of innovative solutions for products used in many areas of daily life. The main segments served are the automotive, construction, wood processing and furniture, and electrical and electronics industries. Other sectors include sports and leisure, cosmetics, health and the chemical industry itself.
Learn how to cooperate with their sustainability projects in Asia.
开发智能无人仓解决方案--- 蓝胖子机器人有限公司
Certification for KI - the competence platform KI.NRW,
Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS
In its vision for artificial intelligence, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia focuses on a human-centered AI. One goal of the competence platform KI.NRW is therefore to develop a certification for AI, which not only ensures the technical reliability but also the responsible use of the technology. The current status of the development of a test catalog and test procedure as well as planned next steps will be presented.
The project will be presented within the project session of "NRW Invest"
Cooperation in Global Enterprise Intelligence, GIANCE
GIANCE is a young Sino-German AI startup with offices in Beijing and Berlin. It was founded in 2018 as a spin-off company of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Berlin. Based on proprietary language and knowledge technologies, GIANCE develops and provides advanced solutions for global enterprise intelligence. The AI-based services help corporate clients to monitor their suppliers, partners, competitors, clients and products all over the world. To this end, the technology detects and analyses relevant information mentioned in millions of sources across administrative, linguistic and economic borders.
Hamburgs Intelligent Transport Systems Project, City of Hamburg
The English technical term "Intelligent Transport Systems" (ITS) can be translated as "intelligent traffic or transport systems". This refers to the entirety of information and communication technology systems, which can make transport or logistics processes safer, more efficient, more comfortable and more environmentally friendly. Hamburg wants to take advantage of the opportunities offered by this digitalisation of transport and logistics. Learn about opportunities for cooperation in this project
We are the link between the real and the digital world, Infineon Technologies
Who is IFX? How semiconductor technology link the real and the digital world? Emerging applications with innovative semiconductor solutions. Learn how to cooperate with Infineon through their various projects in Asia.
Hong Kong's unique position as China's international Innovation and Technology Hub, InvestHK
Fuel Cell Powertrain – how to redefine electric mobility
Regarding the lowest carbon footprint mobility concept worldwide, kraftwerk has developed a completely new compact fuel cell. It runs on gas – LPG, CNG, LNG, Propane, Butane – as well as on hydrogen. It's the only low cost, light weight fuel cell capable of repeated cycling and quick startups. It ca be used for stationary, portable und transport devices.
With their partners they are currently working on an automotive full electric powertrain that runs 1400 km by ¼ of current costs and a 'charging' time below 5 minutes. Within their second project scope we developed a drone powertrain with a flight duration of up to 24 hours. To enter the Chinese market kraftwerk are seeking for the right partners who have the expertise for the specific guidelines, standards and right market entry input.
我们如何在生态系统中通过与初创企业和其他相关伙伴的合作中为默克探索并建立可行性新业, 默克
数字化时代的人工智能——中国企业在德 国 北 威 州的机遇,德国北威州投资促进署
Operation Theatre 4.1, SAP SE
While data-driven services are already widely used in various industries in the context of Industry 4.0, in healthcare the use of networked machines and data is still in its infancy. The OP 4.1 technology and business platform aims to revolutionize this: it plans to offer companies of all sizes a technical and commercial basis for the development, distribution, and simple implementation of innovative apps in the operating theatre environment. The purpose of the platform is to simplify and significantly accelerate the transfer of research results into clinical practice for the greater benefit of patients.
Market opportunity for energy innovation in Taiwan, Sinogreenergy
Sinogreenergy is one of Taiwan's largest solar power developers. Cooperate with their several projects across Asia
New trade and business opportunities for German and Chinese companies in the automotive sector in the current US-China trade dispute, StepsBridge Consulting
New market trends with a decline in internal demand in China and its trade conflicts with USA brings uncertainty to the industry. The problem with the overcapacity of Chinese OEM plants could be solved by the OEMs reorienting its sales to Africa and South America but the Chinese Tier1s will need to address the problem differently. Learn about current projects to cooperate in China and Germany.
Sensors as a base of IoT and AI - Machine Learning, Turck China
Turck is one of the leading manufacturers in industrial automation. With about 4650 employees in over 30 subsidiaries as well as sales partners in further 60 countries. The company will present opportunities and challenges for a familiy-owned business and how to cooperate with them in their various projects in China.
Member of the German Bundestag, Chairman of, Parliamentary group "Bündnis 90/Die Grünen"
德中经济峰会结束后,您还有机会前往东莞,并参加12月6日举行的中国(广东)—— 欧洲投资合作交流会。 我们将提供交通工具前往东莞和5日晚的酒店安排。
代表团的对象为希望与广东省合作的德国和欧洲企业。 如果您是德国或欧洲公司想参加会议,请与吴桐女士联系或报名:wu.tong@gz.china.ahk.de 或电话:020-38786686
RMB 2,400 (含税)
EUR 310 (含税)
RMB 1,875 (含税)
EUR 240 (含税)