天使黑客来自硅谷, 是全球最大的黑客马拉松社区, 有超过150000注册开发者, 每年在超过50个国家举办超过100场黑客马拉松.
angelhack.com/@companySix Degrees六度智囊是中国领先的基于“互联网+”专家网络的融智咨询平台,总部在杭州,在上海,北京设立了分公司,并作为谷歌创业者社群Startup Grind战略合作伙伴,服务于全球顶尖的金融机构、管理咨询公司、大型跨国企业寻找行业,为客户提供一手的专家咨询、市场调研、战略咨询、企业转型等服务,帮助客户提升投资及研究效率、提高决策质量。迄今为止Six Degrees六度智囊已汇集了30万余名来自全球不同行业的资深顾问,以其丰富的知识涵盖了全球的主要行业和专业领域。
In 2015 naked Group launched naked Hub, a new concept of working composed of innovative, beautiful co-working spaces and a vibrant online community. It's a unique platform for startups, SMEs and MNCs to develop synergies and grow their businesses.
Work, redesigned - interact, collaborate, achieve
Global Partner
The nonprofit and technology worlds have failed to synchronize and collaborate.
Powered by AngelHack, the world’s largest developer ecosystem, we are bridging this gap with impact-themed innovation and technology programs.
Global Partner - Amazon Web Services offers reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services. Free to join, pay only for what you use.
aws.amazon.com@companyEventBank is a leading cloud-based engagement management technology company that provides chambers of commerce, associations, event organizers, marketers, and businesses with solutions designed to streamline operations, modernize processes, and eliminate engagement challenges. EventBank’s innovative products combine the best event management, membership management, email marketing, CRM, and mobile apps into one all-inclusive platform.
www.eventbank.cn@companyCall for Code, https://developer.ibm.com/callforcode/ is a worldwide, multi-year initiative that inspires developers to solve pressing global problems with sustainable software solutions. Get a leg up on the competition, by using this challenge to create an application that helps build resilient communities, and safeguards the health and well-being of individuals and institutions.
Community Partner - American Chamber of Commerce China.
Non-profit organization representing US companies and individuals doing business in China.
Startup Grind是一个以教育、启发并连接创业者的全球性创业分享社群
Startup Grind于2011年在硅谷成立,现已扩张到全球280个城市
Le Wagon is the leading coding school for entrepreneurs and creative people.
www.lewagon.com/@companyLadies Who Tech (LWT) was started by women who are in the STEM industries and believe in challenging the status quo by encouraging more women to assist and discover their potential in STEM. We want to raise awareness of the lack of women in the STEM industries and help companies to have more diversity.
www.ladieswhotech.cn@company星云链是新一代区块链公链,引入了区块链价值发现体系——星云指数(Nebulas Rank,NR),对区块链世界中每一个地址、DApp及智能合约的价值进行量化。以星云指数为基础,设计了星云激励(Nebulas Incentive, NI),包括开发者激励协议和激励用户的共识机制。更进一步,提出了星云原力(Nebulas Force,NF),以保证星云链及其上的智能合约能够自进化。星云指数、星云激励以及星云原力三者相互促进,构建出可持续升级的良性生态。
nebulas.io@companyAt CollabCentral, we are here to simplify the complex and help you keep pace with the constant times of change and skills development - learn-by-doing. Our purpose is to assist you in identifying and building innovation management capability; create a collaborative open source innovation accelerator programs that can take you beyond just learning to framing the challenge(s) you want to solve to new service or new digital product design needs to identifying the right minimum resources needed to get started to building an MVP to create business at scale proof points
www.collabcentral.com/@companyStrikingly is a website builder that allows the user, with little or no development experience, to create mobile optimized websites “within 10 minutes”.
www.strikingly.com@company阿里云创新中心(Alibaba Cloud Innovation Center)是阿里云计算有限公司基于互联网、云计算、大数据的科技类“双创”孵化服务平台,整合内外部优质资源,联合百亿资金,提供包括创业资金、场地、办公配套等硬件资源,以及资本对接、创业指导、税收减免、开发组件、分发推广、云服务资源等系列创业扶持。截止目前,阿里云创新中心已在全国25个城市部署43个创新中心孵化基地,累计为超过5000家创业企业提供云资源扶持及其他阿里系资源对接。凭借大平台、多模式、富生态的双创服务优势。
www.innospring.com@companyStarted in 2007 by Dr. Lu Gang, TechNode began as one man’s attempt to tell the world about what’s happening in China’s tech and startup ecosystems. Since that time, we have grown into a trusted and respected information outlet, events organizer, and integral part of the tech and startup community both inside and outside of China with our partners at TechCrunch.
technode.com@companySanyan Blockchain is a leading digital media and information provider in China focused on the blockchain and cryptocurrencies. We offer the latest and first-hand news, data and investment advice to our audience through reporting the most authoritative voices in the community.
sanyanblockchain.com@companyChina Classifieds is the only English classifieds website with WeChat integration that is available in over 600 cities across China. Founded in 2016, China Classifieds offers not only a platform for hiring, renting, buying, selling, and swapping products and services, but also a channel for staying updated with events and organizations relevant for internationals. China Classifieds serves to unite the continuously growing international community across the country.
chinaclassifieds.cn@company机器之心Synced创立于 2014 年,是国内首家系统性关注人工智能的科技媒体。创办至今,始终坚持提供专业的、客观严肃的高质量学术及产业内容,向人工智能从业者及爱好者输出真正有价值的信息和知识,借助优质内容的力量来正确引导甚至影响人工智能行业的发展。也正因如此,机器之心得到了国内外众多技术专家、科技公司高管和人工智能从业者的高度认可,并迅速发展成为国内人工智能信息服务领域最资深与活跃的机构。