


黃潤康毕业于加拿大第一的麦吉尔大学,曾在哈佛的电脑科学系进修,是一位经验丰富的开发人员,在技术方面有着15年指导经验,曾负责Axiom6AI在中国的建立和推广。  在Axiom6AI之前,William曾在Couchbase担任移动工程与开发人员关系团队的开发者倡导者。之前,William是移动工程Domum Link团队建立重要软件的团队负责人,而William在Twitter、BlackBerry和Microsoft上担任开发人员关系团队。 William还曾在基于位置的应用中担任OS集团的Research In Motion软件嵌入式GPS工程师

Lili Wang

Lili Wang, 密西根大学安娜堡EE硕士。现任六度智囊联合创始人兼CIO,曾在Patch Media和华为美国R&D任SalesForce Manager/Programmatic Analyst和硬件工程师。曾负责SF Instance流程化管理和数据分析。






  • 2014/6  中美创客马拉松(上海站) 神奇魔方机     三等奖 
  • 2014/8  中日黑客马拉松      招财猫收款机    三等奖
  • 2014/10 阿里云+香港名气通创客大赛 TasteKitchen    一等奖
  • 2014/11 上海纽约大学HackShanghai DulcimerHack    最佳硬件奖
  • 2016/8  国际智能星创师大赛    积木式拼装智能玩具 未来之星奖
  • 2016/11 Intel物联网创客马拉松   魔方打乱机     一等奖

Michele Tavella

Michele Tavella is a pro coder who gained his expertise in distributed systems, machine learning, neuroscience and robotics by working for a plethora of multinational companies and projects all around the world in London, Berlin, Barcelona, Paris, New York, Boston, Tokyo and finally Shanghai. Since moving to Shanghai, he now operates his own business, as the co-founder of Red Crane. Michele now travels extensively between Shanghai, Hong Kong, Bangkok and Hanoi to consult start-ups and enterprises alike on agile methodology, release management, continuous delivery and DevOps.

When not directly involved in running external tech projects, Michele and his Red Crane team focuses on adapting agile methodologies to implement in business intelligence, logistics and trading companies.

Yaoli Wang

Educated at Peking University, the US and Australia, Yaoli is about to start her postdoc at Peking University in September and is AngelHack Beijing community ambassador. Her general mission is to encourage technology entrepreneurship and convert academic innovations in technology into industrial products to solve realistic problems. Her particular interests are in location-based services and urban smart mobility. She got her PhD in Infrastructure Engineering from the University of Melbourne.