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Incubator Space

Shanghai Co-Way International Technology Transfer Center

Established in 2001, Shanghai Co-Way is a professional consultancy dedicated to promoting international cooperation in both technological and business fields. Our core businesses are international tech-transfer and innovation assistance. Through our linkage with overseas partners and local innovation community, we provide diversified services to our clients both in China and abroad.


In2 Space

In2 Space is a co-working space & incubator located as an integrated part of the Jiashan International Innovation Center (JSIIC) in. An ideal base for companies both in startup and scale up phase as it offers the convenience of a Shanghai location combined with very favorable financial support policies from the government of Jiashan county, located in Zhejiang province on the border to Shanghai, which includes strong support for the establishment of manufacturing in Jiashan county.

In2 Space focuses on four industry verticals: life sciences, cleantech, advanced manufacturing and next generation information technology.


The Inoocare has three functions.Spin-out Empowerment and Spin-in Landing Accelerator is an international comprehensive entrepreneurship platform.The platform links innovation centers and academic institutions at home and abroad, and is committed to helping Chinese enterprises achieve international layout and localization development of overseas start-ups. Innocare Contract Development and Co-Innovation Foundry focuses on technical innovation.We are keen to build a global technology total solution platform, which covers innovative technology R&D, deep technology application, technology transfer, IP licensing, finance & risk controlling and so on.And we create innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem with international elite circle, talents referral and professional mentoring.

格桑创服共有三大功能: 一是离岸创业赋能和跨境落地加速平台。是面向跨境创业者的基于前置式多元化服务构建的国际化综合性创业平台。平台链接海内外创新中心及学术机构,致力于帮助中国企业国际化布局,加速海外创业企业跨境落地及本土化发展。 二是创新铸造中心。深耕科技创新领域,旨在打造集创新技术开发、深度科技应用、科技成果转移、专利授权使用、技术股权融资为一体的国际技术孵化与投融资服务平台,为国内外各类科技成果落地与创业提供涵盖整个生命周期的全方位服务。 三是创客经纪公会。通过推广科学有效的测评方法,建立对人才进行完整甄选和评鉴的标准,实现国际化创客的精准遴选和高效招募。紧密围绕创业加速平台以及创新铸造中心,建立专业人力资源公司、领军企业创业导师、高校双创教育师资联盟,结合创业实践,培养与赋能职业化创客,制定专业创客评价体系,实现创客经纪与产创融合。


InnoSpring is dedicated to creating a premier innovation ecosystem, with advanced manufacturing, life sciences and smart city as its primary focus. InnoSpring’s extensive services range from space rental, innovation and entrepreneurship services and venture investment. InnoSpring now have seven innovation centers around the world, covering cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Nantong and Kunshan, Silicon Valley and Munich.To date, InnoSpring has served 6,000 innovative start-ups, incubated more than 300 start-ups and invested in 60 companies, six of whom went public. InnoSpring has four funds under management and has set up three industrial research institutes by far. Its global network enable InnoSpring to build relationship with over 24,000 entrepreneurs, 200 mentors and industry experts.


Jiading Yucheng Center

Jiading Yucheng Center is an industrial technology innovation and transformation organization jointly established by the Jiading District of Shanghai and Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology Research, CAS. It aims to promote the transfer of scientific and technological achievements and business incubation, as well as to promote the integration of technology, industry and capital. Inno-China Entrepreneurship Competition is the major international event of Jiading Yucheng Center . Starting in 2013, it has attracted more than one thousand projects to participate. More than 50% of the contestants hold a doctoral degree. A number of projects have gained funds from the competition, ranging from RMB 500,000 to RMB 10 million.



neoBay was co-founded by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Land Group and People’s Government of Minhang District. It’s committed to establishing a scientific innovation cluster in South Shanghai. Through talent and technology provided by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, industrial resources and capital offered by Shanghai Land Group as well as coordination and policy by the local government, neoBay is devoted to forging a bridge connecting the academia with the industry as well as an international ecosystem for resource matchmaking and technology transfer around the world. By converging global resources and attracting the startups across the globe, neoBay pays its contribution to advancing Shanghai towards the leading hub of hi-tech innovation with global influence.



Set up in 1999, Shanghai Withub Hi-tech Business Incubator is a national science business incubator for public welfare which was jointly established by the Science and Technology Commission Shanghai Municipality, People’s Government of Xuhui District and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It is a national incubator at SJTU Science Park, in the central region of Xuhui District, Shanghai. Two incubation bases are operated by Withub at present, which are respectively located at No. 333, Hongqiao Road and No. 33, Leshan Road, and cover 35,000 square meters. The incubated businesses specialize in IT, AI, big data in the technology field. Withub is an important member of national demonstration park of independent innovation in Xuhui, which has been honored with lots of awards.


Shanghai Yangpu Technology Business Incubator Center

Shanghai Yangpu Technology Business Incubator Center (hereinafter referred to as the “Yangpu Venture”) was established in 1997. It has now become a national High-tech Innovation Service Center, a national public service demonstration platform for SMEs. Yangpu Venture was selected as the recipient of the AABI Incubator of the Year 2018 Award;In 2019, the “Entrepreneurship Incubation Service” was awarded the Shanghai Brand Certification.We initiated “Yangpu whole chain incubation model Model with implanting quality factor".This model corresponds to growth stages of start-ups and is based on three sets of service specifications. We build a three-level coaching system through implanting the quality factors of standards, metrology, culture, brands and performance.

上海杨浦科技创业中心(以下简称“杨创”)成立于 1997 年,是国家级高新技术创业服务中心、国家中小企业公共服务示范平台、上海市文明单位、上海市企业文化建设示范基地、“上海市质量金奖”企业、上海知名品牌示范区。2017年总经理谢吉华荣膺“上海市市长质量奖”, 2018年荣获“亚洲最佳孵化器”,2019年“创业孵化服务”获上海品牌认证。杨创始终将培育科技企业和企业家作为使命,积极参与区域创新创业环境的打造,通过服务前伸,建立创业苗圃,服务后移,建立企业加速器,开创“植入质量因子的孵化全链条”杨浦模式,对应初创企业成长过程中的三个成长阶段,打造“创业苗圃+ 孵化器+ 加速器”的阶梯式孵化;以三套“苗圃服务规范”、“孵化服务手册”和“加速器服务管理办法”为基础,通过植入标准、计量、文化、品牌、绩效等质量因子,构建“联络员+ 辅导员+ 创业导师”三级辅导体系,形成“孵化服务九宫格”模式。


InnoSpace is a community for entrepreneurs and startups, providing effective incubation and open innovation services. It encompasses cube for startup incubation, labs for industry acceleration, college for talent development, club for connecting entrepreneurs, investors and industry experts, and funds for angel investment. Together, these form a comprehensive and robust support ecosystem for startups. As one of China’s pioneer ‘New Generation Incubator’, InnoSpace has nurtured over 450 startups.


Caohejing InnoClub provides modern co-working space for global entrepreneurs in the heart of Caohejing Hi-tech Park. Currently, InnoClub has three sites including InnoClub@ICE, InnoClub@GemsPark and InnoClub@OASIS. InnoClub members receive full suite of professional services, including educational programs, policy support, mentoring, accelerated program. Besides, members can access Caohejing ecosystem resources, such as corporate and investors. The 10,000 sqm space provides 800 desks, demo halls, video conference rooms, café, foosball & pingpong in a collaborative environment with all the amenities you need to start a business.

Expand Digital Partners

Expand is a technological accelerator founded in 2016 and operated by global senior talents across different industries: ICT, Digital Industry and Smart Hardware. Together we have supported more than 1000 complex ICT projects in the past 25 years. We focus on new ventures (from idea stage until round B) which need strong Technical strategy and business guidance. We provide high level ICT consulting, strategy and Scientific advisory, Know-How and R&D transfer, temporary management and China bridge business services. We co-invest in all our startups and spinoffs, we mentor them, we coach them, we advise them and we share our network of resources with them.


Startup Runway

Aimour 爱魔儿

Aimour is an entertainment app that applies AI to determine how much you like someone through his or her photo. Aimour first analyzes the photos you just rated and makes conclusions about what type of guys or girls you prefer, then calculates how the person’s face on the photo uploaded by you matches your visual preferences. Aimour can also recognize a famous person on the image and determine how handsome and beautiful you find this celebrity.



Boostek was Founded in September 2018 in Shanghai, based on the technology of Internet plus intelligent manufacturing, integrates the resources of electronic information industry, and builds intelligent electronic foundry and product operation platform. It realizes scale and specialization effects through centralized purchasing, production, operation and professional management, effectively improves production and operation efficiency, improves product quality level, and reduces production. Production and manufacturing costs, to provide better cost-effective electronic OEM services for technology companies.



Oakary connects quality teachers to Online Teaching and Teach Abroad opportunities all over the world.

一站式招聘解决方案 • 专业的跨境招聘平台 — 挖掘线上就业市场,全方位覆盖在华及来华的外籍人力资源,为人才的跨境流动提供便利。 • 外教职缺媒合平台 — 线上线下英语教学。已覆盖90%以上的主流线上英语教育机构。第一线市场行销数据,每月数千名外教的流量增长。 • 智能招聘解决方案 — 透过平台接口与智能 SaaS 招聘系统将招聘流程最佳化。以猎头形式直接锁定招聘人资,快速迭代,进而大幅提升职位匹配准确性。


CitySport is a new company based in Shanghai. Our goal is to simplify the process for playing sports. With our WeChat mini program, sports players can easily find sports venues and book matches.



"KaiZao" is a Consumer Co-Creation Community. KaiZao provides corporations crowd-sourced solution through interactions with consumer communities, so that to help corporations getting feedbacks from the market, reducing risks of launching new products; pool the wisdom and effort from outside; creating products that users really like and even cultivate seed user community. Since Kaizao launched in end of 2017, we have 10,000+ consumer creators, 5000+ ideas and 1 co-created product won the iF Design Award 2020.

“开造”是一个消费者共创平台,通过提供企业与消费者用户的互动和共创,帮助企业在研发过程中得到消费者的观点,获得外脑帮助,快速低成本探索市场,降低研发风险,培养早期用户社群。 “开造”自2017年上线以来,累计用户约10000+,创意5000+,一款共创产品获得2020年德国iF设计奖。 主要运营平台是公众号:开造


The world as we know it is judging society by the technological advancement, the automation and the digital communities as new standard for what define a civilized culture. The new digital world has been facing a phenomenon which we refer to as Weak Links, these are isolations where one is distant nowadays ever than before from meeting neighbours, family or general acquaintances whom are in similar conditions. Our belief is we can build a more advanced and civilized society that combines and utilize the technology for not only benefit of humans but extends to the benefit of the animal’s world as well. The aim with YiQi as it’ own unique social platform as well as providing services, is by combining the digital and real world, we can strengthen those “Weak Links” in the millennial society.

就目前我们大家都熟知的高科技,全世界都在以技术进步、自动化和数字化作为定义文明文化的新标尺,来衡量和评判一个国家的社会秩序的先进程度。但是人类应该保持一种态度,驾驭高科技,而不是被高科技迷了眼睛。让高科技服务和满足的不止是人类,还有动物,地球甚至宇宙。高科技是一种趋势,人类技术替代品的兴起也一直是一个争论的话题。 新的数字世界正面临着一种现象,我们称之为“薄弱环节”,这种现象是个体的孤立,在这种情况下,人与人之间的相处,同社区条件的邻居、家人或普通熟人之间的距离比以往任何时候都要远。而YiQi正在努力建立人与人之间,人与动物之间的文明连接。 我们的信念,就是在结合和利用高科技的同时,建立一个更先进、更文明的社会生活方式,不仅让人类获利,而且也有利于动物。YiQi作为一个特色的社会交流平台,提供的远不止是服务,我们的努力将数字和现实世界结合起来,避免社会“薄弱环节”的发生。


Enhancing humans through artificial intelligence. We build AI-powered Virtual Customer Care & Sales Assistants to serve your customers and enhance your agents, making sure your conversations have a purpose, a set goal that will help your business evolve. Our AI-powered Virtual Customer Care Assistants can talk directly to your customers, enabling 24/4/365 customer support. Or they can talk to your agents, suggest them replies based on your customers questions, reducing the response time to 0.5 seconds. We are specialists in creating solutions using worlds biggest Neural Networks and applied AI (such as Natural Language Processing) to build conversations that satisfy your customers and increase sales.

EVO Creations,即Evolutionary Creations,我们旨在借助人工智能(AI)拓展人类的能力。 我们可为您创建人工智能型虚拟客服、销售代理,从而为您的客户提供服务,提升您的代理能力。 我们使用会话架构设计目的型对话,运用包括Google Dialogflow、Facebook WIT、Microsoft Luis、Amazon Alexa、IBM Watson、腾讯、阿里巴巴和百度在内的全球最大神经网络,以及自然语言处理等应用人工智能,构建各种会话,满足客户需求,推动销售增长。 运用会话分析,对您和客户的所有对话内容进行分析、可视化及优化。

Warp fitness

We want to bring the healthy lifestyle to people who lives in the big city. Wellness, Happiness, fitness and nature are all about it.



Talend was founded by expats to provide effective online recruitment service for Chinese companies and global talents.



The VACAN system automatically collects and analyzes traffic data from sensors and cameras installed in each facility (toilet, restaurant, meeting room, etc. )



DuanDuanZu is an online rental marketplace for short term office, commercial, and entertainment spaces. We connect professionals and business looking for flexible and on-demand workspace to amazing properties. We solve the lack of transparency and accessibility in the office and meeting space market by allowing anyone to quickly and easily book venues online. We offer options for short term offices customized around your needs. From daily to weekly arrangements, our team helps you find your perfect work space for your team size and your budget.

短短租是一个短期商业和娱乐空间在线租赁平台。 我们将专业人士和企业与优质空间联系起来。 我们解决了办公和会议空间市场缺乏透明度和可访问性的问题,允许任何人在网上快速轻松地预订场地。 我们根据您的需求提供定制的短期办公室选项。从每天到每周的安排,我们的团队都能帮助您找到适合您的团队规模和预算的完美工作空间。


Fintegrity takes CFO as the core and helps clients optimize their financial and operating conditions by providing SMEs with integrated accounting, CFO financial management, financing and taxation services and advisory. Fintegrity was found to address the lack of financial management of SMEs, as well as the high financial and tax costs and development risks caused by uneven accounting quality in the nowadays market. Fintegrity team has top professional capabilities and rich experience in their respective service areas, and will strive to defend the customer's corporate mission and value, and is committed to providing customers with high cost-effective and flexible supporting professional services, and achieving financial sustainable development.



Holding dozens of patents, we offer customers superior solutions for food safety, sterilization and public health prevention and control, etc. The company is located in Zero Bay Incubator Park of Shanghai Jiaotong University and was elected as “Shanghai High-Tech Enterprise” in 2019. The hypochlorous acid series killing products are quoted from Japan's advanced production technology, and the main component is slightly hypochlorous acid electrolytic water.Slightly acidic hypochlorous acid electrolytic water disinfectant has the characteristics of non-flammability, low concentration, no residue, and high safety. The PH value is 5-6.5, which is close to human skin.

研维科技有限公司,坐落于上海交通大学创业园区-零号湾创业园区,公司专注于“电解水技术”相关产品的研发及应用,为客户提供优质的食材安全、杀菌消毒,以及公共卫生管控等方面的解决方案。公司拥有3项发明专利和10多项实用新型专利,拥有自主品牌“漫度”,并于2019年获得“上海市高新技术企业”称号。 “漫度”系列产品引用的是日本先进生产工艺,主要成分为微酸性次氯酸电解水。微酸性次氯酸电解水消毒液具有不易燃、低浓度、无残留、安全性高等特点,PH值为5-6.5, 接近人体皮肤,可用在手、皮肤、黏膜等安全等级要求较高的消毒对象上。因此相比于目前市场常见消毒液的主要优势是:安全、便携、高效、和环保。 “漫度”产品已取得REACH报告、CE自我符合性声明、FDA证书、MSDS、货物运输条件鉴定以及重金属含量检测、微生物杀灭报告等资质。“漫度”产品不是危化品,可以空运,其杀菌效果高于酒精类消毒液


Shanghai SAGE Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. was founded at November 2017. The company is committed to the R & D, integration and application of intelligent mobile robot technology and products. The core team members are graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Europe and USA. They have rich R & D and management experience of world top 500 enterprises. The company has obtained Shanghai high-tech enterprise and more than 50 intellectual property rights, including 5 CE, 16 soft works and 11 patents. SAGE Intelligent has developed four kinds of product series: 1. Medical service robot series; 2. Intelligent inventory and inspection robot series; 3. Slam AMR, intelligent composite and heavy-duty robot series; 4. An integrated automatic scheme.

上海飒智智能科技有限公司成立于2017年11月底,公司以机器人和人工智能相结合,致力于智能移动机器人技术及产品的研发、集成与应用,核心团队为毕业于上海交大、浙大和欧美等世界百强高校的博硕士,具有 FANUC、罗克韦尔等世界500强研发和管理经验。公司于2019年底取得上海市高新技术企业,2020年5月获得闵行区科技创新新锐企业资质。目前公司已经获得5项CE认证、符合性认证、16项软著和11 项专利等共计50余项知识产权。飒智智能目前根据医院、学校、机场、工厂等不同的场景,开发出四类产品系列,分别是: 1. 包括测温、消毒、送药等六款医用服务机器人系列;2. 智能盘点和巡检机器人系列; 3. SLAM AMR、智能复合机器人、重载机器人系列; 4.从流程规划、生产操作、仓储物流到局部操作机器人的一体化全自动方案。

Nexcelia Solutions

Transforming Digital Marketing One Brand At A Time We help create Bionic Companies through ROI- focused, AI–driven, full-service digital marketing solutions. Our Data infused Search, Social & Display Marketing strategies empower businesses to grow at the right pace and scale. • Proven low cost-high impact digital marketing strategies • Deep expertise and data-driven approach get more from client data • Personalized digital solutions geared to your pace and scale • AI Integration creating smarter marketing operational models We develop new operating models helping start-ups accelerate their development from 0-1 through low cost-high impact digital marketing strategies. Get the best ROI from your marketing budget, whatever the scale. Our services are geared to your pace and requirements.

数字营销助力品牌腾飞 我们提供全服务数字化市场营销解决方案,以AI驱动,关注投资收益,帮助创建仿生公司,技术赋能运营,适应时代发展。以数据为依托,我们的市场营销战略集合搜索、社交及展示等平台和媒介,助力商业成长。 • 历经考验的数字化市场营销战略,低成本撬动高影响力,成果显著,成效斐然。 • 专业视角、深入探寻、数据驱动,从客户身上挖掘更多数据 • 定制化的数字化解决方案,紧跟您的步伐和规模 • 融合AI,创造更智能的市场运营模式 我们开发新的运营模式,帮助创业公司以低成本的数字化市场营销战略获得影响力,加速从0走到1。 我们的服务基于您的要求,跟随您的步伐,无论规模,都能收获您的市场营销预算可期的最高的投资回报率。

Corporate Cluster

Merck Innovation Hub China

As an important part of Merck’s global innovation network, the China Innovation Hub scouts, incubates and invests in innovative opportunities in healthcare, life science, performance materials and related fields between and beyond the existing businesses. Embedded into China’s innovation ecosystem, Merck Innovation Hub China is committed to partnering with start-ups, academic institutions, industry players and local governments, combining unique technology and expertise from Merck Group and collaborators with the goal to develop novel technology and bring new solutions to the market for China and global. The China Innovation Hub also provides support of ideation, incubation and trainings to local talents, partners and Merck employees to build win-win collaboration.



Tophatter, an online platform that sells jewelry, electronics, fashion, beauty products, home goods and hobby supplies, is seeking to become a major part of that growth by linking the excitement of product discovery to its time-limited auctions.

The Tophatter platform has more than 30 million users, with the company selling more than 150,000 items per day — and 85% selling within 90 seconds. Most of the 90-second auctions start at $1 and are designed to generate immediate excitement and competition among shoppers.



Thousandcountry is a B2B2C model business & marketplace & Platforms web builder. anyone can build an e-commerce platform who allowing other sellers selling & listing on your Platform, So you can create your own Amazon. You make the rules, charge the commission. Multilingual, Cross border ready, supports most of the Payment gateway worldwide. A game-changing Platform.

千国是一个 B2B2C 入驻型商业模式电商平台搭建系统,任何人都可以快速创建一个类似于天猫 亚马逊都大型入驻式电商系统。你可以制定自己的规则,收取佣金。 支持多语言,支持跨境贸易,支持全球所有的主流支付手段,面向未来的全球电商企业。


OCEA's mission is to provide overseas business professionals and entrepreneurs with a resourceful platform for business partnership and cultural exchange. We strive to build an efficient platform focusing on Innovation Spaces, Incubation and Community. OCEA provide a suite of services that is designed to lead foreign investors through the market entry process. From assisting members understand the market and developing market strategy to establish operation and office admin support. OCEA also schedules regular leisure and professional events to strive for personal and career growth.


Community Alley


LivAway has the biggest business network in China to help foreigner startups connect to Chinese distributors and end users.


Le wagon

Le Wagon is a world leading coding bootcamp for creative people and entrepreneurs, now celebrating over 4,000+ alumni on 5 continents and 30+ cities, including Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Paris, London, Rio, Tokyo, Sydney ... Founded in Paris, France in 2013, Le Wagon has quickly become the No.1 rated coding bootcamp around the world. As a product- driven coding bootcamp, Le Wagon combines cutting-edge curriculums and world-class instructors to give students all the skills and tools needed to kick-start their tech career, land a job as software developers or product managers, or launch their own startup.

Le Wagon是一家全球领先的编程训练营,致⼒于为有创造力和创业想法的⼈提供全栈式编程技术培训。Le Wagon已在全球五大洲30多个城市开设分校,其中包括深圳、上海、成都、巴黎、伦敦、里约、东京、悉尼......,拥有超过4000多名校友。Le Wagon编程训练营于2013年创立于法国,迅速成⻓为全球首屈一指的编程训练营。作为一家产品驱动的编程训练营, Le Wagon开发前沿的课程和配备世界一流的导师,并为学员进入科技行业提供其所需的技能和工具,学员有机会成为软件开发人员、产品经理等,将产品从概念变成现实,或从0到1开始创业。 与此同时,通过一个给⼒和给予充分支持的强⼤社区,Le Wagon向学员灌输每个人都有无限可能的信念-没有什么可以阻挡他们的创造,也没有什么可以阻⽌他们成为⾃己想要成为的人。

Startup Grind Shanghai

Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community actively educating, inspiring and connecting more than 1.5m entrepreneurs in 500+ chapters. We nurture startup ecosystems in 125 countries through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Startups. The cornerstone of our global community are monthly events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Founded in Silicon Valley, Startup Grind has helped millions of entrepreneurs build their businesses, connect with strategic partners, and secure funding.

Startup Grind是全球最大的独立创业社区,在365多个城市中积极地启蒙、激励和连接着约100万名创业者。自2013年以来,我们一直努力在上海为创业者建立起一个社区。


Slush, originated from Helsinki in 2008, is now the largest European Startup and Technology event. The very core of Slush is to facilitate founder and investor meetings and to build a world-wide startup community. Slush entered China in 2015 with its debut event in Beijing. In 2016, Slush China team brought this world-class event to Shanghai and it has been in Shanghai since. Slush Shanghai 2018 welcomed 12,000 tech heads from all across the world. In 2019, apart from its main Shanghai event, Slush will be growing to more cities with smaller, specialized events in Nanjing, and potentially more cities.


She Loves Tech

She Loves Tech is the world's largest startup competition for women & technology. As a global platform, we are committed to building an ecosystem for technology, entrepreneurship and innovation that creates opportunities for women. Our mission is to create and scale the best women-led and women-impact tech startups



Chinaccelerator, the first startup accelerator to launch in China, is a mentorship-driven program helping internet startups from around the world cross borders - from the world into China and from China to the world. It is operated by the venture fund SOSV with $525M AUM operating six global accelerators. Chinaccelerator offers three months of rigorous guidance, training and resources from mentors, partners and investors. The robust and supportive alumni network continues beyond the Chinaccelerator program.


Startup Leadership Program

Startup Leadership Program is a skill and leadership training program tailored for people in their career transition phase from being a professional to being an entrepreneur and running one’s own company. It is a global program running in 25 cities globally each year. SLP Shanghai has to date 150+ fellow students who graduated from the program. SLP Shanghai has many partners, including VCs like Chinaccelerator who invests in some of the SLP fellow companies after they finish the program.

SLP创业领导力培训是专门为刚开始创业的职场人士定制的一门培训课程。它是一门跨全球的培训课程,每年在25个城市同时举行。 SLP上海至今已有超过150名学员企业毕业。有不少学员企业在结束课程后获得了来自我们的合作伙伴(比如中国加速)的投资。


We believe that in China today, successful innovation is a direct result of agility, speed and collaboration. Through continuous iteration, lean methodologies and by truly opening up – innovation can be brought to the market much quicker. We empower innovators by building connections between startups, government, corporates and academia. Startups are always looking for ways to scale through corporate assets, customers, channels and their brand. Corporates, on the other hand, are eager to innovate quicker with more impact. XNode exists to bridge this gap. Bringing together the best of both worlds. Empowering innovators to create new innovations at lightning speed.



Coderbunker is an open, international community for independent freelancers to work in engineering teams to further develop their software development abilities. We create opportunities for collaboration with our clients and optimize clients’ projects resources allocation from our pool of freelancers. We also welcome passionate software developers to discuss, meet and hold workshops to raise the bar for software engineering excellence worldwide. We are open to any freelancers who share the same vision as ours. Come join us, let’s share the passion and build an healthy community!


Ladies Who Tech

Ladies Who Tech was started by women who are in the STEM industries and believe in challenging the status quo by encouraging more women to assist and discover their potential in STEM. We want to raise awareness of the lack of women in the STEM industries and help companies to have more diversity

Ladies Who Tech 由从事STEM的女性发起并创立。通过挑战现状并帮助和鼓励更多的女性来发现自己在STEM领域的潜力并参与进 来。我们希望提高社会对科技产业女性从业人员缺乏的认识,并帮助公司招聘更多的女性从事STEM行业进而提高公司的多元化。


nihub Innovation Center (Hangzhou NiChuang Network Technology Co., Ltd.) is an entrepreneurial service provider specializing in introducing high-tech startups and technology into the Chinese market. By building a bridge between Western innovation and Chinese capital, startups and entrepreneurs from the West can better develop their businesses in the Chinese market, while nihub devotes the time and energy required to establish an open, efficient, and dynamic international innovation ecosystem.
