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Paula Mueller (Founder of EQME)

Paula Mueller

Founder of EQME

I have started my career over a decade ago with Thierry GmbH, a world leading German organization dedicated to providing quality assurance to the global automotive industry. Within seven years I was promoted from a part time student to project coordinator and later to general manager of the branch in Shanghai, where I moved after attending a two-year training at the company’s US headquarters.

After leaving Thierry, a six months sabbatical in Central America and a failed startup, I accepted a position at the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. Here I led the membership department and was responsible for the communication with the C-Suite of world renowned multinationals for almost three years. As a driven entrepreneur and world idealist, I decided to quit my job and return to the startup scene by founding EQME at the end of 2018. My objective at EQME is to develop innovative tools that challenge young individuals in China to excel in a global competitive environment by strengthening their Emotional Quotient.

My love for the Chinese culture is what drove me to enroll in an ivy university in Germany and major in East Asian Studies, a program that allowed me to study side by side with some of China’s most fierce students at Peking University.

In my spare time I serve in the board of directors at IPWS (International Professional Women Society), an organization that focuses on empowering female professionals to shape the future of leadership worldwide.

I am fluent in five languages including Chinese, I’ve travelled to over 50 countries and I won’t stop until I reach number 200.

Serafino Bartolozzi (Director and Manager of Asia Pacific MAHLE)

Serafino Bartolozzi

Director and Manager of Asia Pacific MAHLE

Serafino Bartolozzi is an Italian national with an international background, multi-cultural experience and widely diversified professional career. Over two-thirds of his career has been in Asia.
Born in Madrid from Spanish and Italian parents, he was raised in a bi-lingual family. During his studies he acquired fluency in English and French.
Graduated with a master in electrical engineering has worked for 33 years in the automotive industry, starting with Fiat in production for 10 years. During this period Serafino had the chance to stay for two years in Japan and acquire a deep knowledge of the Toyota Manufacturing System (TPM, Kaizen, JIT).
In 1996 he started his experience in the Aftersales, as project leader for the creation of global technical help desk. In 1999 he was assigned as director of the Aftersales department in the Japanese affiliation of Fiat for 8 years.
Since 2008, Serafino is in charge of Asia-Pacific for the Aftermarket business unit of Mahle. With a particular focus in China, together with his team is developing the business at impressing speed and highly sustained profitability. This position also offers exposure to main markets in Asia, such as India, Japan and the ASEAN countries.
Serafino has led his team in the development of an innovative and comprehensive strategy approach which includes the statements of vision and mission and includes targets based on common values shared with his team members.
In 2014 he started contributing to the activities of the European Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) and since 2015 he is Chairman of the Auto Components Working Group (ACWG).
Serafino has been very active in the EUCCC lobbying activities in China for the reform of the Independent Aftermarket, promoting the ACWG activities in the industry.
He participates in the activities of:
- CLEPA (the Association of the European Auto Components Suppliers) - AASA (the Aftermarket Association of US Auto Components Suppliers) - VDA (the Association of German Automotive Industry)
- EBCJ (European Business Council in Japan)
Serafino is a permanent member of the EUCCC delegation in its missions to the European Commission in Brussels reporting on the business environment in China.
In March 2016 he has been elected as board member of the EUCCC Chapter in Shanghai.

Jeff Tan (Founder of REVinspire)

Jeff Tan

Founder of REVinspire

Your speaker is Jeff Tan, founder of three companies in China, and a coach, author, and content creator.

Jeff spent the first 26 years of his working life as a Singapore Air Force helicopter pilot, and discovered that all the highly successful military officers had a strong and consistent personal brand. It was their secret weapon to influence others!

This led him to an intense study on this fascinating subject, and he’s now spent his entire life sharing the ways successful people discover and use their personal brand to influence others.

In 2006, Jeff left Singapore to start a thrilling new life in Shanghai and has worked with leaders of all levels, from the very top running large MNCs, all the way to young future leaders. What did he learn from all of them? Personal branding is a vital and must have influence tool regardless of what you do in life, and to get ahead, personal branding is a MUST!