Welcome and Introduction – Jie han, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) 欢迎词以及KIT介绍 Jie Han KIT中国战略合作伙伴项目主管
Welcome speech – Weiming Jiang Executive Chairman Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District (SEID) Administration Committee 欢迎词蒋卫明苏州独墅湖科教创新区管委会主任
Presentation – Dr. Rainer Koerber Innovation Manager at KIT Topic: Innovation and Technology Transfer at KIT 报告 Rainer Koerber博士 KIT创新与业务拓展部经理 报告主题:KIT的创新以及技术转移
Presentation – Prof. Dr. Franziska Mathis-Ullrich Assistant Professor for Medical Robotics at KIT Topic: Robots for Medical Applications 报告 Franziska Mathis-Ullrich教授 KIT医用机器人领域助理教授 报告主题:医用机器人
Presentation – Dr. Sebastian StuekerGroup Leader of Group: RG 3-01 ‘Multilingual Speech Recognition’ at KIT Topic: Simultaneous Speech Translation – The KIT Lecture Translator 报告 Sebastian Stueker博士 KIT RG3-01多语言语音识别研究组领头人 报告主题:同步语音翻译-KIT课堂语音翻译系统
Presentation – Scott Thiebes Research associate at Critical Information Infrastructures Topic: Best of Both Worlds –The Convergence of Blockchain Technology and Artificial Intelligence 报告 Scott Thiebes KIT重要信息基础架构研究小组研究员 报告主题:两全其美:区块链技术和人工智能的融合
Presentation Dr.-Ing. Tobias Arndt General Manager of GAMI Global Advanced Manufacturing Institute Topic: Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing – Potentials, Challenges and Solutions 报告安陶然博士 GAMI全球先进制造研究所总经理 报告主题:制造业中的人工智能- 潜能,挑战以及解决方案
Lunch & Visit at Artificial Intelligence Innovation Factory (AIIF) of KIT China Branch (Optional) 午餐及参观GAMI智能创新工场(可选)
Presentation – Prof. Dr. Lining Sun School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Soochow University Topic: Innovation and development of medical robot 报告孙立宁教授苏州大学机电工程学院 报告主题:医用机器人的创新与发展
Presentation – Hosam Alagi Research Assistant of group Intelligent Industry Robot (IIROB) at KIT Topic: Multi-Modal Sensors for Interactive Robots 报告 Hosam Alagi KIT智能工业机器人研究组助理研究员 报告主题:交互式机器人的多模态传感器
Presentation – Dr. Rainer Körber (presents Dr. Ilshat Mamaev) Research Assistant of group Intelligent Industry Robot (IIROB) at KIT Topic: Human-Robot Collaboration 报告 Ilshat Mamaev 博士 (由Rainer Koerber博士代讲) KIT智能工业机器人研究组助理研究员 报告主题:人机协作