澳門創見加速器目前由多名擁有豐富投資和創業經驗及產業資源的團隊組建,采用 “深度孵化” + “天使投資” + “產業扶持” 的模式,挖掘和孵化優質初創企業,並提供天使投資和全方位投後管理服務。創見體系下設孵化與基金兩個 板塊,聚焦移動互聯、消費升級、醫療健康、VR/AR 等行業領域,采取高度聚焦的狙擊手式投資策略,精選擁有核心技術優勢、具有龐大市場潛力的優質初創企業,提供戰略定位梳理、市場營銷咨詢、團隊激勵機制設計、融資策略規劃等深度孵化服務,同時為企業對接豐富的產業資源,在幫助企業快速發展的同時,大幅降低投資風險,提高投資成功率與收益率。
Aims to strengthen and globalized Macao startup ecosystem Woman Development Association of Macao unites women of any ages and different fields in Macau. We encourage women to discover their own values and accept new things. We also call on women to break through the inner and traditional restraints and be proactive, so as to develop self-talent, and balance family with career.
We actively promote women’s development both psychologically and physically by organizing activities in culture and art. We encourage women to express themselves freely and pursuit their personal definitions of success and happiness through sharing and education.
WHub unites startups and talent.
WHub allows startups to showcase who they are and what they do via a profile-driven platform and attract talent.
Taipa Village Destination Limited is a destination development and marketing company which introduced the brand new concept of “Taipa Village – Authentic Macau” established in 2015, with the goal of promoting Taipa Village as Macau’s premier lifestyle district, boosting heritage attractions, innovative dining, niche retail offerings and a diverse arts and entertainment scene. By working closely with the Macau government, numerous public events are constantly held to cement Taipa Village as a distinctive leisure destination, as well as positioning it as an exciting and culturally rich non-gaming destination by offering a perfect alternative to the city’s casino resorts.
In 2018, Taipa Village Destination Limited is also appointed as the Official Cultural Partner of the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants, which is a global gastronomy award event to celebrate the excellence of renowned chefs and restauranteurs in the Asia’s culinary industry.
JK FITBOX積極健身希望在澳門發起一場健身革命。在這裡,我們擁有最專業的教練團隊,簡單如減脂、增肌,難至提升運動競賽表現、矯正不良體態,不論男女,呢度都有適合你嘅變身方法! Business is a monthly magazine. Launched in May 2004 by “De Ficção – Projectos Multimedia” it was the first English-language magazine focusing on business and the economy of Macau and the surrounding regions. Over 13 years running, ”Macau Business”, has established itself in the English-language community.
Every month Macau Business presents a range of in depth stories with sections dedicated to Gaming and property.
Headquartered in Macau SAR, Macau Business has expanded to be sold overseas by New York based magazine online store Magzter.
A growing readership that attracts subscribers from as far a field as Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada and the USA makes the publication the most internationally recognized.
Macau News Agency (MNA) is the first independent English-language news agency in the Macau SAR focusing on local content published daily online, seven days per week, and accessible around the clock at oldest English newsletter in Macau, with more than 4,000 subscribers that receive daily the most updated, exclusive and breaking news everyday.