The German Mechanical Engineering Association (VDMA – Verband Deutscher Maschinen und Anlagenbau) is Germany's and Europe's largest industry association for the capital goods sector. There are over 3200 corporate members within the association. The association is structured into 37 sub-associations. In China, the VDMA is active since 2004. There is one location in Beijing and one in Shanghai.
Every year VDMA China is hosting the Mechanical Engineering Summit which is the yearly gathering for the members. The organizer is German Mechanical Engineering Commercial Services Co., Ltd. Beijing Shanghai branch office (GMECS SH). The VDMA Mechanical Engineering Summit is the main annual platform for VDMA members to gather around and network with each other. Every year the top executives from VDMA members get the opportunity to listen to speakers addressing important topics related to the Chinese economy and how it affects their businesses. Furthermore different subjects regarding the German mechanical engineering industry in China are discussed and multiple speeches from renowned companies are held. This year’s lead topic is “Green Growth in China – Challenge or Opportunity for Mechanical Engineering?”
VDMA China welcomes you to the Summit! It's going to be a great networking event for mechanical engineering professionals.