Asia Briefing provides business and investment research, advisory and opinion about foreign investment into the entire Asian region.
Founded in 1999, Asia Briefing includes investment news about China, Hong Kong, India, the ASEAN nations of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, as well as Central and Western Asia, including Asian Russia. We provide tax and free trade updates, legal and regulatory and operational articles and examine how the Asian region is becoming integrated through structures such as the Eurasian Economic Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, and many others.
Our editorial includes in-house researchers and analysts, and as a subsidiary of Asia's largest independent foreign direct investment practice, Dezan Shira & Associates, we feature regular updates and commentary by leading specialist lawyers, tax advisors and business advisors located on-the-ground throughout Asia
Voss was born in Norway in 1998. Its two founders, Sandberg and Harlem, set out to "create the most desired bottled water in
the world". After a rigorous selection process, they found this rare water in the Scandinavian town of Iveland. The deep artesian
spring water here is covered with ice and rocks all year round, and is directly filled without contact with the air. The taste is soft
and crisp, and each mouthful can taste the purity from northern Europe.
With its unmatched water quality and unique bottle design, Voss quickly gained popularity in Hollywood and became a classic
brand representing a high quality lifestyle. Every drop of Voss water comes from the desire for life. The brand of Voss
advocates the attitude of "not living up to every bit of life", which is true, pure, full of passion and continues to surpass ourselves.
1998 年 VOSS 品牌诞生于挪威,两位创始人 Sandberg 和 Harlem 以“创造世人最渴望的瓶装水”为使命,历经严格筛选,在斯堪
的纳维亚半岛的 Iveland 小镇寻觅到这一珍稀水源。这里的深层自流泉水常年被冰层和岩石覆盖,未与空气接触被直接灌装,口
凭借无与伦比的水质和独树一帜的瓶身设计,VOSS 一经发布便迅速风靡好莱坞,进而成为代表高品质生活方式的经典品牌。每
一滴 VOSS 水都源自对生活的渴求,VOSS 品牌倡导“不负生命点滴”的生活态度,真实纯粹,充满热情,持续超越自我。
安永会计师事务所(英语:Ernst & Young)一家总部位于英国伦敦的跨国性专业服务公司,为国际四大会计师事务所之一。 安永的前身是1903年成立于美国克利夫兰的Ernst & Ernst(1979年后合并为Ernst & Whinney)会计公司和1894年成立于美国纽约的Arthur Young会计公司。1989年,原八大会计事务所之中的Arthur Young及Ernst & Whinney之间的兼并造就了Ernst & Young。融文成立于2001年,是全球知名的媒体与商情情报公司。融文在全球27个国家与地区设有超过60个办公室,拥有2000多名员工,在各行业与领域服务超过30000家客户,在国际各大主要市场成功运作。
Meltwater was founded in 2001 as the world’s first online media monitoring company. Today, we are a publicly traded, global leader in media intelligence and social analytics. We help our customers better understand, influence and engage with their stakeholders, and we are fortunate enough to work with over 30,000 corporate customers in more than 120 countries around the world. Meltwater is headquartered in San Francisco with 2000+ employees around the world in 60 offices across six continents. Our people, values and culture are central to everything we do. We’ve built a world-class team on a fundamental belief in people and the potential that they possess.
Tencent Enterprise Point, based on instant messaging, audio and video, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud call center and other technologies, combined with wechat and QQ social channels, provides enterprise-level SaaS services in the whole scene from marketing incubation, sales transformation, transaction coordination to customer service, to improve the efficiency of enterprise customer acquisition, hospitality and retention, and realize the comprehensive upgrade of enterprise digital intelligent management.
阿里云创立于2009年,是全球领先的云计算及人工智能科技公司,致力于以在线公共服务的方式,提供安全、可靠的计算和数据处理能力,让计算和人工智能成为普惠科技。阿里云服务着制造、金融、政务、交通、医疗、电信、能源等众多领域的领军企业,包括中国联通、12306、中石化、中石油、飞利浦、华大基因等大型企业客户,以及微博、知乎、锤子科技等明星互联网公司。在天猫双11全球狂欢节、12306春运购票等极富挑战的应用场景中,阿里云保持着良好的运行纪录 。
2014年,阿里云曾帮助用户抵御全球互联网史上最大的DDoS攻击,峰值流量达到每秒453.8Gb 。在Sort Benchmark 2016 排序竞赛 CloudSort项目中,阿里云以1.44$/TB的排序花费打破了AWS保持的4.51$/TB纪录 。在Sort Benchmark 2015,阿里云利用自研的分布式计算平台ODPS,377秒完成100TB数据排序,刷新了Apache Spark 1406秒的世界纪录 。