刘鹏 (西瓜创客 联合创始人)



2008年创办彩程数字科技有限公司,2010年公司更名为彩程软件设计有限公司http://mycolorway.com/ 转而担任设计总监,公司因其在线协作类项目管理软件 Tower https://tower.im/ 而获得红杉A轮投资;2015年担任上市公司三泰电子旗下核心业务智能快件箱“速递易”技术总监;2016年移居澳洲阿德莱德;2017年6月加入西瓜创客https://www.xiguacity.cn/。

Richard Beach (Designer, Kura Architecture and Design Consultancy)

Richard Beach

Designer, Kura Architecture and Design Consultancy

Environmental Designer, Architect, Graphic Designer and Funder of Kura Architecture and Design Consultancy. Richard has travelled and lived extensively throughout Asia and is passionate about community, environmental and business sustainability. Working in a multidiscipline architectural office, Richard works on all stages of architecture and design projects as well as formulating and devising business and marketing strategies. Unifying different disciplines and elements through this multifaceted approach to design creates a more holistic architecture that ultimately benefits people, profit and the planet. As founder of Chengdu based Kura Architecture and Design Consultancy Richard has overseen numerous projects over the last 3 years, from interior to masterplanning projects, furniture design to skyscrapers.

Rosie Chawla (Global Project Adviser)

Rosie Chawla

Global Project Adviser

Rosie Chawla has a master degree in Conflict Resolution & Negotiations from Columbia University, a business post graduate certification from Wharton Business School and bachelor degree in Finance from Temple University. She has worked in the business field for 16 years and has varied global experiences . She traveled to Greece in 2016 with a scholarship from Columbia University to research the lives of Syrian Refugees. In 2016, she also worked for the UN in Myanmar for 6 months as a conflict researcher . In 2017, she was awarded a fellowship from UN consultative agency to go to Palestine and meet twenty NGO's working on the conflict between Palestine & Israel. In 2017, she was selected attended the prestigious OECD Forum in Paris, and in 2018 she was selected as one of the top 10% delegates for Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations. In 2018, with the Rotary Club of Chengdu she supported a ngo that stops child marriages. Currently, her role in China is of a Global Projects Advisor in which she develops educational projects on global issues for educators, youth and community. She has studied Human Trafficking, Gender , Human Rights , Conflict resolution intensively and hope to share her knowledge with participants.

刘宗奇 (绿色能储环保科技 创始人)





Cindy Feng (Chengdu Director, Ladies Who Tech)

Cindy Feng

Chengdu Director, Ladies Who Tech

锦月拥有在跨国企业和创业公司十余年工作经验,行业集中在汽车、能源、数字健康和创新孵化,曾服务于美国福特、美国雪佛龙、德国梅赛德斯-奔驰和英国科创加速器Startupbootcamp,从事的职位包括工程设计知识和信息管理、客户满意度发展、区域渠道管理、合作伙伴开发和管理、公司首席运营官。现任Ladies Who Tech科技女性成都总监,成都科技创业导师。在创新驱动发展的生态圈里,致力于通过链接技术、人才、资本和政策,为大企业和创业公司创造并管理开放式创新的商业合作。

Cindy Feng has more than 10 years of working experience in Fortune 500 multi-national enterprises and start-up company. Her industry experience varies from automobile, energy, digital health and innovation incubation. She previously worked with Ford and Mercedes-Benz, focusing on regional channel management, partner and customer development, and business strategy consulting, etc. With her rich experience in business development, Cindy joined the world's leading startup accelerator, Startupbootcamp(SBC), as the Chief Operation Officer for China market. In the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, Cindy is dedicated to create cooperation among big enterprises, start-ups, public sectors via various formats by connecting technologies, talents, capital and policies.

Sophie Yao (China Regional General Manger, Fenox VC China)

Sophie Yao

China Regional General Manger, Fenox VC China

Sophie Yao serves as the General Manager of Fenox China, responsible for leading deal sourcing, investment activities, business development as well as accelerator management. Sophie has 8+ years experienced in management, startup business and deal sourcing. Before Fenox she worked at Fortune 500 high-tech companies, such as Microsoft and Intel, as senior manager role. During her presence in Fenox, she has invested in many cases such as Vicarious, Deepgram, Ossia and etc. She got her master degree of Material Science and Engineering in University of Queensland.

Fenox is a Silicon Valley based Venture Capital with total management size of 1.6 billion USD globally. Fenox have 22 funds, 14 branches opened in 18 areas and countries. Till now Fenox has invested in more than 140 high-tech portfolios worldwide.

Leon Liao (西研院智慧产业研创中心 主任)

Leon Liao


四川省东西方文化交流促进会 副会长
Sichuan east-west cultural exchange promotion association Vice president


Leon is foodie and loved life, workds in a variety of feilds.He is a researcher who actively explores the health of sustainability programs, and also a practitioner of constant innovation.He has lives and worked in china and abroad experience,therefor,he have formed his own unique understanding and cognition of eastern and western cultures.In the context of the current new era,Great changes are taking place in the global village,Mankind is facing many common challenges,the healthy development and innovation of projects in the field of sustainability are particularly important and imperative.

秦硕 (北京渥谱传媒科技有限公司 创始人兼CEO)




Allen Sanchez (Founder and partner, Le Wagon Chengdu)

Allen Sanchez

Founder and partner, Le Wagon Chengdu

教育、 亚洲、技术、 中国、 微信、创业。

我相信,中国科技生态系统与世界其他地区的融合将成为未来十年最激动人心的挑战和机遇之一。 我想让人们为这场革命做出贡献并成为其中的一部分,这就是我成立Le Wagon成都的原因 - 这是一个专注于中国科技生态系统的以产品为中心的编码训练营。 我们教授来自世界各地的非技术人员如何进行编码,以便他们成为开发人员,构建产品,为创业公司工作,并成为席卷中国的数字革命的一部分。

王亭 (君投天地 商业拓展总监)


