项海燕 (北京京师(成都)律师事务所 创始合伙人)




周旖 (金数据 Growth & Customer Success 负责人)


金数据Growth & Customer Success 负责人

周旖 ,金数据 Growth & Customer Success 负责人,喜思考的非典型INTJ,喜业务数据分析。经历Marketing、移动端产品经理等角色,目前负责金数据 Growth & Customer Success (客户成功),在为数不多的工作生涯中,希望解决复杂业务问题,并致力于寻找Saas增长方式。曾供职于ThoughtWorks、咕咚网。曾受邀参加互联网产品增长大会 (GrowthCon2016),并在此会上发表精彩言论。

姚晓菲 (Fenox VC 中国区 总经理)


Fenox VC 中国区总经理





Alice Zhou (IBM 大中华区设施采购)

Alice Zhou


Alice Zhou正在IBM工作,担任大中华区设施采购。在她个人时间,她也是元创中国的创始人(元创中国是元创全球在中国的分支,这个平台鼓励青少年关注科创和国际交流)。同时,她还担任Technovation中国地区大使,这是一个鼓励青少年女孩从事技术创新的全球平台

Jimmy Keesee (Tech Consultant, Independent)

Jimmy Keesee

Tech Consultant, Independent

IT Management professional with extensive knowledge of software development best practices, application architecture and program management spanning industries as diverse as e-commerce, entertainment, education, retail, and public services.

• 15+ years experience in managing complex IT engineering projects.
• 10+ years experience managing culturally diverse and geographically distributed teams in US, South America, EU and China
• Thrive in fast-paced environments where continuous innovation is desired
• Exceptional problem-solving and critical thinking skills, with the ability to ramp up quickly across diverse businesses and service offerings
• Extensive experience in both advertising services and consulting environments
• Ability to effectively manage client relationships & ongoing sales conversations at the C Level
• Confident, articulate, and professional demeanor; a team player that makes a positive impact immediately
• Native Fluency in English and Spanish with a limited working proficiency in Chinese

Additionally, I've won numerous awards including LinuxWorld Open Source Project of the Year (2006) and my projects been featured in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Wired, and Smithsonian Magazine.

Dieter Vanonckelen (Founder, Chengdu-Expat)

Dieter Vanonckelen

Founder, Chengdu-Expat

Dieter Vanonckelen is a Belgian fascinated by other cultures and civilisations from childhood on. After living a year in South-America, he obtained his Master in Sinology at Leuven University and has lived 10 years in China. He can now speak, read and write Chinese fairly fluently and I have learned a lot about Chinese society.

► Through the implementation of a wide variety of projects (www.Chengdu-Expat.com, The Beer Nest, MORE Magazine, Munchwich, Startup Weekend, etc) and active involvement in the city’s vibrant community, he considered Chengdu's No. 1 foreign KOL.

► Through the implementation of this wide variety of projects, he has developed and continuously maintains a broad network in both the expatriate and local spheres: media, Forbes 500, multinationals, startups, chambers of commerce, real estate, etc. He uses his cross-cultural understanding and linguistic background to take part in successful operations in this unique, demanding & opportune environment.