Impact Hub is one of the world’s largest networks focused on building entrepreneurial communities for impact at scale — home to the innovators, the dreamers and the entrepreneurs who are creating tangible solutions to the world’s most pressing issues.绿色倡议是一个非盈利性的公益组织,旨在唤醒环保意识。绿色倡议积极开展环保行动,落实环保项目,以创造可持续且环保的发展模式和消费模式。 mission is to make this lifestyle simple and concrete, by putting people in touch through the community and pass on the feeling of personal empowerment when it comes to our lives and the impact we want to have on both a personal level, as a community level. consulting is the leading Change Management consultancy with German-origin and branch offices in Beijing, Hong Kong and Istanbul. Founded in 1993, CPC is consulting international corporations and medium-sized companies in realizing sustainable change following a holistic, customer-oriented approach built around three core competencies: Personal Development, Organizational Development and Project Management. We are very proud of being awarded as the Hidden Champion for Change Management and Implementation in 2018 by the biggest German financial magazine. This shows great trust and recognition from the industry.
In an environment, as fast moving as the Chinese market, managing change becomes crucial for success. Our edge? - We combine German effectiveness with Chinese agility into innovative concepts. Furthermore, CPC works for, but most importantly with the client.
UR Bridge (Urban-Rural Bridge) bridges the urban-rural gap by cultivating a joyful life and economy. Jerry is on a mission to develop cocktail and spirits culture in China. At it's core Ask Jerry is WeChat official account, sharing stories of cocktail culture and answering your drinks related questions through chatbot technology.
This is complemented by an ecosystem of services: Drink! one-hour alcohol delivery service, Host! cocktail catering and education, Cheers! cocktail community creating better consumer drinking experiences, and Shake! a bartender community and knowledge hub.