PCC, ICF; Associate Coach, IECL
Giada Ferrari is an Executive Coach and Leadership Trainer, who has more than 15 years of job experience as HR Leader for the global chemical company BASF in different functions and different countries.
She has led up to 15 professionals working for different legal entities and having completely different tasks. She developed and implemented for the IT and Supply Chain Division a global concept on how to identify and develop candidates from their first leadership role up to senior executive responsibilities.
Working from the beginning of her career in a very diverse environment with global responsibilities and her intercultural background add inclusion to her areas of expertise.
Faculty Member, ISLC
Tilman is a multilingual workshop facilitator with both German and USnationality. Tilman is a HR expert with 15+ years in the automotive industry.His is deeply committed to cross-cultural communication. He has worked across both US and EU markets before relocating to Shanghai in 2014.
As former HR Director of Sales and Marketing, he led teams across the Eurozone driving major restructurings and change initiatives while working closely together with unions on both local and European levels.
As a Senior Consultant and Executive Coach, Tilman works with executives across different business fields to strengthen awareness, leadership and communication skills. His broad intercultural competence combined with his mediation skills help to enable his clients to solve and prevent conflicts as well as drive change