
If you're trying to nail your dream job, having the perfect CV is vital. A good CV allows you to show all your relevant skills, experience and education, which helps you catch hiring manager's attention.

You need to stand out from the crowd on a piece of paper/PDF, and that is as difficult as it sounds. Have you ever sat in front of your computer, and kept scratching your head for building a shiny CV? We want to make it less painful and more efficient, thus we are honored to be joined by Anna, who will share her insights as to how to craft a CV given her extensive working experience in HR and HR consulting. Join us next Thursday evening!



Key takeaways:

• How to write a CV that fits to you and the job/company you apply for?

• Learn what recruiters and hiring managers like to see and what you should avoid

• Hands on advice based on examples

• CV templates and resources to use


- 如何撰写适合您和您所申请工作/公司的简历?

- 了解招聘人员和招聘经理希望看到的内容以及应避免的内容

- 根据示例简历提供建议

- 值得使用的简历模板和资源


Anna Miller

Senior HR Consultant, Coach, Automotive Industry
