Mr. Kamran Rasool is the Connected Car Test Center Manager at Volkswagen Group China. He previously held management positions at MCON, Alibaba and Hewlett-Packard. He is currently focused on test in production, automation, mobility and connectivity topics in the automotive industry.
Rhea女士是“她爱科技”的创始人兼首席运营官。“她爱科技”是一个鼓励女性在科技、创业创新领域发展的生态圈,该组织每年都会举办全球最大的女性科技创业比赛。Rhea曾在非盈利组织Parinama文化发展基金会担任负责人,现在依然为该基金会的品牌、项目发展与媒体做咨询指导。她与Lean In中国、雅诗兰黛、爱德曼等公司有公关与市场合作。
Sven has more than 10 years of professional experience on OEM and agency side with an extensive knowledge of digitization within automotive industry. Before joining Volkswagen Group China in 2015, he established the digital business unit at Hyundai Motor Europe, and lead digital innovation teams on agency side on accounts of Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Opel/Vauxhall. In 2018 he co-founded SKODA’s New Digital Business & Mobility Services Department as Head of Digital Transformation.
Bill Ni ,IBM 数字化平台和开发者生态 总监 , 目前负责IBM 大中华区 数字化商业平台(Markplace),以及 开发者,数字化生态业务。Call for code (代码行动)大中华区 chief advocate ,致力于该活动在大中华区的推广以及其合作伙伴发展。