@companyEventBank捷会易创立于2013年,全球领先的企业(社群)营销自动化及数据管理一体化SaaS公司,如今已经拥有遍及20个国家和地区的企业和社群客户,包括Orange,Nature,Deloitte等。其云端系列产品的创新性及在国际市场的热烈反响,在国内外拿下多个创新奖项:2016年荣获 Asia Pacific MICE 2016 授予的“Engagement Management Cloud Solution of the Year”国际大奖;2017年荣获“2017 华盛顿科技创新奖(2017 Greater Washington Innovation Awards)”荣誉提名,荣获 阿里“云创新势力-Top20创业榜之最具投资潜力奖”;2018年荣获FinancesOnline 颁发的 2018 Great User Experience(2018最佳用户体验)及 2018 RisingStar(2018明日之星)奖项。
www.eventbank.com/@companyShe Loves Tech is a global initiative showcasing the convergence of the latest trends in technology, entrepreneurship, innovation, and the opportunities it creates for women. Our goal is to provide a platform for international and Chinese tech companies, investors, entrepreneurs, startups, and consumers together, to promote technology for women and women in technology.
She Loves Tech consists of an annual global startup competition, which is the world’s largest focused on women and technology. We bring innovators and change-makers from all over the world to Beijing, China, one of the leading global hotspots for tech innovation for an opportunity
to compete, innovate, and network on a global scale.
Startup finalists from each local competition have the chance to participate in a week-long boot camp in China, which includes visits to leading technology companies and incubators, networking with investors, and cultural visits.
In addition, the She Loves Tech annual international conference mainly consists of keynotes from leading executives, entrepreneurs and investors in the technology space, panels discussing key industry trends, curated breakout sessions and the finals of the She Loves Tech Global Startup Competition.