Base Fit 是北京首家关注整体健康的健身中心。 通过创新的运动方案、一流的运动设 施和热情、经验丰富的教练团队,Base Fit 旨在为每一位客户提供追求整体健康 ,打造 最好自我的平台。 B Fit 是 Base Fit 研发的创新训练体系。科学地结合了体能训练、健美、自重训练、跑步、 自行车骑行、拳击、搏击和瑜伽等运动项目的精华元素,确保全年龄段及健身水平的 参与者达到最佳运动效果,这正是 B Fit 每个运动计划的宗旨。 Base Fit 拥有不同于中国任何其它健身房的训练方案 我们保证您会体验到我们的独到之处。 遇见完美的自己 不只是一家健身馆 is a leading cloud-based engagement management technology company that provides event organizers, agencies, marketers, businesses, chambers of commerce, associations, and NGOs with solutions designed to streamline operations, modernize processes, and eliminate engagement challenges. EventBank’s innovative products combine the best event management, membership management, email marketing, CRM, and mobile apps into an all-in-one cloud SaaS platform. EventBank is currently present in 20+ countries around the world. The organizations using EventBank range from multinational enterprises like Deloitte and Facebook, Chambers of Commerce and Associations such as AmCham Shanghai, through to community organizations like FitFam.