Taipa Village Destination Limited is a destination development and marketing company which introduced the brand new concept of “Taipa Village – Authentic Macau” established in 2015, with the goal of promoting Taipa Village as Macau’s premier lifestyle district, boosting heritage attractions, innovative dining, niche retail offerings and a diverse arts and entertainment scene. By working closely with the Macau government, numerous public events are constantly held to cement Taipa Village as a distinctive leisure destination, as well as positioning it as an exciting and culturally rich non-gaming destination by offering a perfect alternative to the city’s casino resorts.
In 2018, Taipa Village Destination Limited is also appointed as the Official Cultural Partner of the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants, which is a global gastronomy award event to celebrate the excellence of renowned chefs and restauranteurs in the Asia’s culinary industry.
氹仔城區有限公司為一間城區發展及推廣公司,於 2015 年推出「氹仔舊城區 – 地道澳門」 的全新品牌概念,致力把城區塑造成澳門獨特的優越生活文化旅遊區 ,提供各式各樣文物景點、創新的餐飲場所、獨特的購物體驗及多元化的藝術和娛樂設施 ,為本地居民和旅客帶來地道且嶄新的休閒體驗。我們緊密配合澳門特區政府的方針,以推動澳門的非博彩旅遊業,透過舉辦各類型藝術及文化活動,把氹仔舊城區打造成為一個多采多姿且文化氣息濃厚的非博彩旅遊目的地,為旅客提供娛樂場所以外的好去處。
於2018 年,氹仔城區有限公司更成為「亞洲 50最佳餐廳」的官方文化夥伴, 以表揚全球大廚及餐廳業界人士的卓越成就及貢獻,進一步奠定澳門成為創意城市美食之都之榮譽。