.Eva Leung(嘉宾) (Co-founder, Terra Cura Inc)

.Eva Leung(嘉宾)

Co-founder, Terra Cura Inc

Eva's passion lies in building awareness-based human potential, creating partnerships between place and people that regenerates ecosystem health and spirit.

Graduated from National University of Singapore with a B.A. Architecture (Honors) in 2005 and Masters in Architecture from Harvard Graduate School of Design in 2012, Eva was raised in Hong Kong and Singapore, with 10 years of practice in the field of Architecture, Permaculture, Community Engagement, Organization Development and Sustainability Education in USA. She consults for non-profits, businesses, municipalities on land-based projects, sustainability program and initiatives. With a unique blend of culture and skills, Eva facilitates a design process that integrates top-down planning with bottom-up grassroots resources. The outcome: bridging partnerships between non- profit and the for-profit world at a holistic, local level to effect systemic, global change. Since founding Terra Cura Inc. in 2014, Eva continues to expand her design knowledge by completing a Vastu Architecture course through Maharishi University, as well as the Soil FoodWeb course under the tutelage of Elaine Ingham, an internationally renowned leader in soil microbiology. She is a member of the 2017 Urban Agriculture Ambassador Program for the City of Somerville in Massachusetts. To maintain a balanced inner ecosystem, Eva practices Vipassana meditation and Muay Thai kick boxing.

"Nature does not decrease impact; Nature creates impact as a nested, dynamic, co-evolving system. How do we increase human impacts, but in ways that are conscious, mutually beneficial? What capabilities are required in how we develop and inhabit our places?"

.刘隽宇(嘉宾) (丁乙服饰 创始人)



上海丁乙服饰设计有限公司 JUANYU LIU品牌设计师,创始人
旧金山高级女装设计工作室Gr.dano设计师 立体裁剪版师


.马皛源(嘉宾) (中国科学院上海高等研究院 低功耗无线通信网络工程师)





.邱玉梅(嘉宾) (睿问 创始人兼CEO)



美国南加州大学马歇尔商学院EMBA。2011年在一家英国人力资源公司工作仅5个月后,创立Talent Lead,顾问平均单产是行业平均水平的3倍。2015年年底二次创业,创立睿问,目前是中国最大的职业女性成长与传播平台,并在此基础上,创立“SPO全球她领袖联盟”,首批400位成员来自全球各地,累计管理约300亿美元年收入的业务。

.张媛媛 (主持人) (泛科技女性社区 创始人)

.张媛媛 (主持人)



TechX Queen是上海首个泛科技跨行业的女性公益社区。她聚集了设计、工程、科学等背景的职业女性和创业者;她连接了关注女性个人发展和事业成长的公益团体、职业培训、创业孵化器及产业园.