曾任华侨城集团党委常委,华侨城公司董事长,同时兼任中国旅游协会副会长、中国旅游景区协会会长、中国上市公司协会副会长、深圳上市公司协会副会长、暨南大学深圳旅游学院院长、暨南大学兼职教授、北京第二外国语学院兼职教授、湘潭大学兼职教授、中南财经政法大学客座教授[2] 、全国旅游标准化技术委员会委员[3] 、全国旅游职业教育教学指导委员会委员等。
Chris is building the youth community around social entrepreneurship with Hult Prize, starting from Hong Kong his hometown. He is also Business Strategy Manager at Redspots Creative, focusing on development and fundraising for augmented reality (AR) in entertainment and marketing. Previously he helped domestic large clients grow their digital business performance at Google Hong Kong.
Passionate in youth development, Chris led the Harvard HPAIR 2016 Asia Conference as Executive Director. He obtained a Master of International Business from the University of South Carolina, and a Bachelor of Business Administration (IBCE Program) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.