Ladies Who Tech (LWT) was started by women who are in the STEM industries and believe in challenging the status quo by encouraging more women to assist and discover their potential in STEM. We want to raise awareness of the lack of women in the STEM industries and help companies to have more diversity.联合创业办公社(People Squared,简称P2)聚集了国内最优秀的创业项目和最有想法的创业团队。P2的空间为创业团队提供灵活专业的办公环境,让再小的初创团队也能享受到堪比Google办公室的创业氛围。在这里,你可以随时跟国内最有才华的创业者交流经验,分享资源。 innovation lab. A business Incubator. A social enterprise community center. Impact Hub offers you a unique ecosystem of resources, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities to grow the positive impact of your work.中国加速是中国规模最大的创业加速器之一。其母基金SOSV的资产管理规模达3亿美元,并在全球设立了八家加速器。中国加速每年经营两届加速项目,帮助来自全球的创业公司进入中国市场,也帮助中国公司走向世界。中国加速主要关注电子商务、金融科技、数据营销以及教育等生活类创业项目。它集合了来自全球的顶级导师、合作伙伴和投资人,为创业者提供更广泛的视角和更丰富的资源。我们以促进世界各国青少年更多参与到科技创新与交流为目标;致力于把硅谷创新精神传播到世界 各地并将世界多元文化带入硅谷。“元创全球TeenTechSF Global”在世界很多国家和城市迅速发展壮大 ,我们坚信多元激发创新! “元创中国TeenTechChina”是“元创全球TeenTechSF Global”的重要分支。通过元创中国的活动,我们希 望中国青少年能在科技创新、国际合作与交流、英文演讲和领导力方面得到极大的受益和提高。 Wagon是一家为创业公司、有创意的人们和企业家们开设的编程学校。我们有超过1600名擅长网页产品开发的校友活跃在全球20个城市,包括上海、成都、巴黎、布鲁塞尔、贝鲁特、圣保罗和伦敦等等。我们的任务是将科技技术带给有创意、有想法的人们。我们希望能使编程更加容易理解,让更多的人参与其中,打造出有趣而又激动人心的编程产品! Techstars Startup Digest, we work with the best local curators to bring you the most relevant content from the world of startups.
From AI to Leadership & Resiliency, and FinTech to 3D Printing, we're working with people in the know to bring you the best information on topics and industries you care about. Techstars Startup Digest curators are relentless in their pursuit to find and share the best events in your area. Every week, they collect these events and send them to you via a simple email.
We are a platform for tech innovation in Shanghai. We consider ourselves to be a tech startup that owns and uses physical space (our hardware) to develop an ecosystem in which startups can undergo accelerated growth with access to the resources and assets they need (our software).
We are at the crossroads of institutions, corporations, startups, and tech lovers—building bridges between these various communities to foster innovation and synergy.