签到注册+晚餐社交 Check in + Dinner, social networking
活动开幕+破冰游戏 Opening + Ice breaking game
半熟的想法 A half-baked idea
一分钟点子推销 One Minute Idea Sales
点子市场+投票表决 Ideagoras+Vote by ballot
组建团队+开始分工 League building team
场地关闭 Site closure
早餐 Breakfast
开场+嘉宾演讲+工作坊 Start+Guest speech+Workshop
头脑风暴 +市场调研 Brainstorming + Market Research
午餐 Lunch
继续市场调查+导师辅导 Continue Market Research
导师分享+商业模式画布和产品原型设计 Panel Discussion + Complete business model canvas+Product prototype design
场地关闭 Site closure
早餐 Breakfast
开场+路演工作坊 Warming up +Pitching Workshop
完成路演PPT+DEMO原型 Complete the road show ppt+Demo prototype
午餐 Lunch
导师辅导 +项目路演预演 Mentoring + Final Pitching per-presentation
上交最终PPT+技术检查+ 路演旁观嘉宾签到 Submit final ppt+Technical inspection
评委介绍 + 嘉宾分享 Introduction of judges + Judges speak
项目路演+评选颁奖 Project Roadshow+Award Presentation
闭幕+宣布获胜者 Close+Declare the winner
晚餐+派对 Dinner+Party
打扫卫生 + 场地关闭 Cleaning + Site closure