
Formed in 1980, IFMA is the recognized authority on facility management. IFMA is the world's largest and most widely recognized international association for facility management professionals, supporting 24,000 members in 104 countries. This diverse membership participates in focused component groups equipped to address their unique situations by region (133 chapters), industry (15 councils) and areas of interest (six
communities). Together they manage more than 78 billion square feet of property and annually purchase more than US $526 billion in products and services. IFMA ‘s educational and networking events are backed by 38 years of knowledge and experience, as well as a commitment to quality and advancement of the FM profession.
国际设施管理协会于1980年成立,被认为是设施管理方面的权威。国际设施管理协会(IFMA)是全世界最大、最被广泛承认的设施管理行业协会,支持遍布于全球 104个国家的 24000 多名会员。会员遍布各地区(133个分会)、各行业(15个专委会)及相关领域(6个新兴实践社区) 的专业小组,共同管理着超过780亿平方英尺的不动产,每年经手的设施管理产品和服务交易超过 5260 亿美元。如今,IFMA的教育和交流活动积累了38年的知识和经验以及对质量的承诺和设施管理专业的提升。

Facility management is a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality of the built environment by integrating people, place, process and technology. Its 11 core competency areas are: Communications; Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity; Finance; Human Factors; Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability; Leadership and Strategy; Operations and Maintenance; Planning and Project Management; Quality Assessment and Innovation; Real Estate; and Technology.

国际设施管理协会中国(IFMA China)是 IFMA 在全球的第一个直属分部。IFMA China 通过职业认证考试(FMP、SFP 以及CFP)与培训、行业活动、知识分享、资源整合等推进设施管理行业和从业者的进步与卓越。初期的会员覆盖五大行及全球大部分的500强跨国企业、独资以及合资公司。目前越来越多的中资机构,民营企业也持续地加入进来。