Dear Sir or Madam,
GAMI officially represents Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and serves as TRENT project office in China. In this series, we share latest insights and solutions in the field of sustainability and environmental technology. The first event of the series will be held online on Monday, November 21, 2022, 16:00-17:00 (CST) / 9:00-10:00 (CEST) on the topic of remanufacturing. Two experts from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) will give presentations on Agile production systems to deal with uncertain product specifications in remanufacturing and Sustainable production enabled by remanufacturing – Quality assurance of products with uncertain product specifications. The TRENT team cordially invites you to attend this event, please see the event registration page for details.
GAMI作为碳达项目中国办公室,正式代表卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT)组织碳达对话系列活动。在这个系列活动中,我们将分享环境技术和研究以及可持续发展领域的最新见解和解决方案。该系列首场活动将于2022年11月21日星期一16:00-17:00 (中国时间)/ 9:00-10:00 (德国时间)在线上举办,主题为再制造。来自卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT)的两位专家将发表演讲,演讲主题分别为处理再制造中不确定产品规格的敏捷生产系统以及通过再制造实现可持续生产 - 不确定产品规格的产品质量保证。碳达团队诚挚地邀请您参加本场活动,具体安排请参见活动注册页面。
In addition to this event, there will be TRENT TALKs on different topics each month, including Air Pollution Control (December), Plastic Recycling (January) and Water Treatment Technology (February), and the topics for the following months will be updated continuously. Follow the KIT China Branch on WeChat for the latest event information.
Language: English-Chinese , Participation is free of charge and registration is required
语言:中英双语, 参加会议免费,需要报名。
We are looking forward to your participation!
Yours sincerely,
The TRENT-Team
Background information about TRENT:
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) together with Umwelttechnik BW, the State Agency for Environmental Technology and Resource Efficiency Baden-Württemberg (UTBW), have established the "Transnational Competence Center for Environmental Technology and Research Jiangsu Baden-Württemberg" (TRENT). This project is funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and Energy Sector of Baden-Württemberg. In addition, the office of Baden-Württemberg International in Nanjing (BW_i Nanjing) and KIT China Branch in Suzhou will contribute to the competence center with its network in Jiangsu.
TRENT aims to permanently, systematically and structurally bundle existing competences and technologies in environmental sciences from Jiangsu and Baden-Württemberg and provide a platform for exchange and communication between universities and research institutions, public authorities and private enterprises in these two regions. Therefore, TRENT will hold a series of events to promote exchanges and collaboration of mutual interest.