This Wednesday at 8:30am EST/8:30pm Beijing time, CCG will host a webinar centered on the role of US-China technology in the COVID-19 crisis.
This program brings together a group of top tech policy scholars and experts from China and the US to discuss issues concerning the development of digital applications during the crisis, governments' push to invest in digital infrastructure, and the future of innovation.
As lockdowns, "shelter-in-place" mandates, and social distancing are widely employed around the world to combat the spread of COVID-19, technology has a tremendous role to play in this unprecedented global crisis. Tech companies, however, are simultaneously being hit hard by the fallout of coronavirus and poised to spur innovation and growth. China, the first country experienced the coronavirus outbreak saw its technology sector step up efforts to keep citizens engaged with commerce and epidemic control during self-isolation. The impact of COVID-19 for US tech industry is currently being assessed while the Trump administration gearing up to fend off the economy and public health. This virtual conference presents a rare occasion where a group of technology policy experts and senior tech executives from China and around the world come together to discuss the experiences of tech community in the two countries during the crisis and issues concerning the future of innovation after the pandemic.
Professor and Founding Director of the Technology and Management Center for Development, University of Oxford
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Senior Associate with the Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics, CSIS; Senior Director, McLarty Associates
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Professor and Director of the Center for American Studies;Dean, Institute of International Studies, Fudan University
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