This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Startup Weekend China events.

Arrive at the venue and get checked in

Dinner & Networking

Eat food, share ideas, practice pitches, get to know fellow participants

Welcome & Speakers

Review agenda for the weekend and introduce speakers, coaches, and community leaders

Idea Baked + 1min Pitches Start

Optionally line up to give your pitch

Voting & Form Teams

Attendees vote for the top pitches. Teams start forming and discussing ideas

Finish Up!

Time to head home and get some rest, Saturday is going to be a busy day.

Doors Open + Breakfast

Arrive, breakfast served from 9am

Begin Work + Workshops

Teams formed and setting up workspace for the weekend

Lunch + Networking

Lunch with teammate from other teams and mentors

导师会议 Mentors Meetings
Mentoring sections

Coaches help the teams one-by-one. They're here to help amd network.

Dinner + Refine Reviews

After hours of mentoring, your team are hungry enough to have dinner together. The most important thing is to refine the best suggestion to your idea now.

模拟路演+工作坊 Mock Pitch + Workshop

Learn & practise your pitch for the final presentations on Sunday!

总结一下,准备回家 Wrap-Up

完成了一天的工作任务。 您可以在场地允许的情况下继续留下工作。或者,与队友一起边工作边娱乐!
Finished for the day. You may stay and work as late as the venue will allow. Or, have some fun while working with your team!

早餐 Breakfast

早餐和咖啡 Arrive for breakfast & coffee

导师到达Mentors Arrive

Final opportunity to ask questions and work on your pitch

预演和技术检查Presentation Prep & Tech Check
午餐 Lunch
路演终稿 / 演示检查 Pitching preparation

Final hours of worktime should be focused on perfecting your presentation, tech-check for final presentations also takes place

最终路演 Final Presentations
晚餐+派对 Dinner + Party
评审及奖项Judging & Awards
总结和回家!Wrap-up & Go Home!