Virtual reality came to marketer’s attention in early 2015, matched by early curiosity as to its capabilities. Since, it has transformed the way audiences digest information, consume products and engage with brands.
Some years ago, a select few pioneer brands opted to engage with VR as a new medium. TopShop’s "Catwalk Experience" was the first of its kind - an immersive livestream shows specialised for retail. Followed by outdoor brand Merrell’s premier of their first ever commercial-in-motion virtual reality experience, Volvo also launched it’s own vehicle manufacture app, named "Volvo Reality". Ever since, with the development of technology and expansion of headset adaption, new trends and opportunities present themselves. How do VR apps market their products to select target audiences? How is this integrated into any brand’s day to day digital communications?
几年前,一些先锋品牌选择了这种新媒体,例如,TopShop推出了“The Catwalk Experience” - 一个身临其境的直播节目,户外品牌Merrell首次推出了商业动态虚拟现实体验,车辆制造沃尔沃推出了它 自己的VR应用程序“沃尔沃现实”。几年后,随着技术的发展和越来越多的VR耳机的采用,新的趋势和机遇是什么? 在这个阶段,VR Apps如何向目标受众推销他们的产品? 如何将其融入您的日常品牌传播中?
Digital transformation of companies is all encompassing, including marketing. As standard image, video and text promotion methods gradually lose their previous appeal, a new medium of marketing is gradually taking over. VR marketing belongs anywhere and everywhere - from universities, tourism, hospitality, factories, industrial parks to a company’s exhibition hall, it can be used to promote anything, anywhere. As it’s immersive user experience attracts more and more customers, it poses some questions; how can more innovative digital marketing materials respond to VR? How can ROI be evaluated in this new digital context?