As co-founder of Business Ecology magazine, Sun Haiyan launched China’s first magazine which focuses on sustainability and green business in 2011. She has nearly 20 years of working experiences in China’s business media, such as Asian Business Leaders and 21st Century Business Review. She focuses mainly on the area of innovation, sustainability, and regional report.
In 2010, she published the book of The Age of Green Gold, together with co-author, Sun Yang. In 2016, she was invited by the French Foreign Ministry as a guest speaker to attend the COP21 UN Climate Change Conference Sino-French Sustainable Cities Forum.
As a senior facilitator, she contributed a lot in many sustainable-business-related workshops in recent years and worked with well-known brands and organizations. In addition, she initiated Business Ecology’s workshop brand “S+ Workshop” to empower different stakeholders related to the topics like inclusiveness, social innovation, circular economy, Eco-fashion, etc. And she is also dedicated to a peers-advisory-group of Female &Freedom during her non-work time.
孙海燕, 商业生态工作室 联合创始人/主编
商业生态工作室主要创始人孙海燕在中国商业媒体圈中有近20 年的从业经验,创办了中国第一份关注绿色经济、可持续创新与文化的独立财经杂志,并且策展了40 多场关于可持续商业与创新的原创公共展览。
2010 年,她和孙杨所合著撰写的《绿金时代》一书,获得了中国国家图书馆“文津奖”推荐奖。2013年合撰《种树,改变了谁?》一书。2016 年,作为演讲嘉宾受邀出席COP21 联合国气候变化大会法国外交部中法可持续城市研讨会发表演讲。
作为可持续商业工作坊的设计者和协作者,她曾引导众多知名跨国机构的工作坊,并发起商业工作室“S+ 学习坊”—— 包含“包容、赋能与社会创新、垃圾分类与循环经济、生态时尚”等主题。同时,长期发起“女性与自由”系列私董会。
In 2012, Hao Liqiong co-founded the IFINE environmental protection technology and consulting service center, making IFINE one of the first organizations to implement community waste sorting in China. IFINE covers more than 200 communities in Shanghai. Now, she is a “waste sorting” consultant for the Shanghai Municipal Government and other environmental protection NGOs.
郝利琼, 社区- 垃圾分类专业顾问
复旦大学毕业,长期关注环保和教育领域,是中国最早的环保组织“自然之友”的会员,有十几年的环保NGO 从业经验。2012 年与伙伴创立“爱芬环保科技咨询服务中心”,是国内较早致力于在社区开展垃圾分类的组织,如今已在上海200 多个小区成功实现了垃圾分类,其垃圾分类的模式已被全国十多家城市的组织在运用。作为上海市政府以及其他环保NGO 的“垃圾分类”的顾问,郝利琼始终致力于推动整个行业的发展。