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Tuesday, November 14, 2023 (4:00 PM - 5:30 PM) GMT+8

4:00 PM

Welcome by Claudia Barkowsky
Claudia Barkowsky, Chief Representative, VDMA China Beijing Representative Office

4:05 PM

China's Economy Year-end 2023: Vulnerable or Resilient
Corinne Abele, Representative, German Trade & Invest (GTAI)

4:20 PM

A snapshot of the latest quarterly report on machinery and equipment in China
Benedict Jeske, Economist, VDMA e.V.

4:40 PM

Presentation of the VDMA China Business Climate Survey - Autumn Results
Claudia Barkowsky, Chief Representative, VDMA China Beijing Representative Office

5:00 PM

5:30 PM
