Toby is a content producer and marketer with over 8 years experience in the local market. With experience working for both digital and print media platforms in the city of Hangzhou, he has recently founded WeCare to help companies strengthen their WeChat presence and create interesting and engaging content.
I am an entrepreneur, investor, expert in the field of EdTech, investment, and finance, the creator and CEO of the international information-analytical platform with an innovative approach to marketing research – TeachMeCash.
Noteworthy, this is not an innovation, it is already a full-fledged working model that we use, constantly conducting continuous research activities for our partners. We are now working only in EdTech, still, we have already received inquiries from other industries - Fintech, Medtech, Game. I believe that my experience in marketing will change the world of brands' products in hi-tech industries. The main goal of my project is the development and popularization of the niches we work in, and the key task is to make the market even stronger.
Effie Hong现负责易现先进科技(原网易AR)市场工作。 探索人工智能技术在商业场景中的应用,主导增强现实AR技术在数字营销/新零售/商区文旅/游戏娱乐等行业的知识普及和商业合作。
Effie Hong毕业于欧洲名校ESADE商学院。在加入AI/AR行业之前,她曾先后在咨询公司任市场创新分析师,在互联网APP和商业地产集团负责市场和用户运营工作;在以数据分析驱动的2C及2B Marketing拥有经验。
Effie is responsible for Marketing affairs of NetEase AR, including exploring the commercial application of AI/AR technologies, contributing in marketing education and business collaborations of AR + Industries such as digital marketing/new retail/commercial area/tourism/entertainment.
Effie Hong graduated from the prestigious European school – ESADE Business School. Before joining AI/ AR, she has experience in Innovation Consulting, Marketing & CRM Operation for Internet App and commercial real estate, and has an insight in data-driven 2C&2B Marketing.
倪慧 Tracy Ni,数字营销操盘手,80 后创业人,Numerique 智关信息创始人及首席执行官。
Startup Weekend 创业周末特聘教练。世界青年女性领袖奖学金获得者。
Tracy 执法学学士和艺术学硕士学位,曾就职于世界第一咨询公司麦肯锡,国际 4A 睿狮广告,渣打银行电子银行部。在此期间,Tracy 积累了丰富的 360 传播、CRM、移动互联网传播实战经验。 行业人脉资源丰富,具有极强的整合行销能力。有很强的项目掌控能力和领袖魅力。
2013 年,Tracy 创立 Numerique 智关信息科技有限公司,为证大集团、万科、弘基、复星、中信、龙湖、远景能源、香港纽顿集团、ELLE集团、友邦保险等众多一线客户提供从策略创意到执行一站式的数字营销服务。
2015 年,Tracy 带领团队独创 Persona 大数据营销自动化体系,提出“数据驱动营销”理念, 研发了 Persona 用户价值管理系统,并和 IBM 中国区合作营销自动化及 CRM 运营业务。同时,Tracy 又创办“创享会”O2O 沙龙,整合大数据及数字营销各领域专家学者,用严密的逻辑体系和直观的实战经验分享,帮助推动“数据驱动营销”理念深入各行各业,进一步完善大数据营销的模型结构。2016 年-2017 年间,Tracy 分别在平安金服、同程旅游、梅赛德斯奔驰等各大公司分享数据化系列课程,获得一致好评。
2015 年,Tracy 带领团队独创 Persona 大数据营销自动化体系,提出“数据驱动营销”理念, 研发了 Persona 用户价值管理系统,并和 IBM 中国区合作营销自动化及 CRM 运营业务。同时,Tracy 又创办“创享会”O2O 沙龙,整合大数据及数字营销各领域专家学者,用严密的逻辑体系和直观的实战经验分享,帮助推动“数据驱动营销”理念深入各行各业,进一步完善大数据营销的模型结构。2016 年-2017 年间,Tracy 分别在平安金服、同程旅游、梅赛德斯奔驰等各大公司分享数据化系列课程,获得一致好评。
2016 年 8 月,Persona 大数据营销获得全球顶级美元基金 Plug and play 第一轮投资。2017
年,赢得钛媒体主办的中国好 SaaS 北京赛区前五,更获得最具投资价值的 SaaS 项目殊荣;
2017 年 9 月,再次获得上海创青春创业项目最佳优胜奖,同年获得上海创新创业基金立项支持。
Tracy 本人也荣获上海市黄浦区十大创业女性称号。
Thuraya has a Masters Degree in Marketing along with over 14 years work experience in various marketing related fields such as advertising, events & exhibitions, & F&B Marketing management. Today, Thuraya is Founder & CEO of Lionne Inc., a Food & Beverage Consulting company based in Hangzhou.