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Wednesday, April 29, 2020 (3:00 PM - 4:20 PM) GMT+8

3:00 PM

4:20 PM

CEO Dialogue about the Impact of Covid19 to the Mechanical Engineering Industry

15:00—15:10 Welcoming by Mr. Daniel Yoo (the Chief representative of VDMA SH) and group introduction

15:10—15:20 Keynote experience sharing by Mr. Kai-Askan Bünte, Managing Director of GERB (Qingdao) -How GERB (Qingdao) has experienced the COVID19 Outbreak in China

15:20—15:40 Interactive discussion with all CEOs

15:40—16:20 Practical suggestions and Q&A from legal perspective by Dr. Guang Li (Salary Partner at Taylor Wessing Munich) regarding legal impacts of COVID-19 on business operations