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Everyone is welcome at our hackathons - join as a coder, designer, or entrepreneur. As individual or with a team, our mentors and us will do our best to support you make sure you have an unforgettable experience and learn lots no matter your skill level!
Individual Ticket (Sold Out) AngelHack Beijing Hackathon 2019 - all inclusive
Standard Price Price: RMB 80 Buy Ticket Group (3) Ticket (Sold Out) Get two friends or classmates and hack together!
Standard Price Price: RMB 150 Buy Ticket Group (5) Ticket (Sold Out) Got your team already? 5 coders, designers & entrepreneurs - awesome, grab your team a group ticket
Standard Price Price: RMB 250 Buy Ticket Spectator Ticket (only for Sunday) Are you curious how a hackathon works or just want to watch the pitches? Join us on Sunday with this ticket!
Standard Price Price: RMB 30 Buy Ticket
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