Le Royal Meridien | 世茂皇家艾美酒店
9楼,尼斯厅,上海市黄浦区南京东路789号 | Nice, 9F, Le Royal Meridien Hotel, 789 Nanjing Road East
Shanghai, China
Associate partner at WTS China
Maggie has 13 years practical experience in China tax and customs advisory services to multinational customers. As a tax advisor, she has advised clients from a wide range of industries in all China tax areas, specializing in advising on corporate income tax, transfer pricing, Merger & Acquisition, supply chain, customs, and foreign exchange issues. Maggie is in charge of transfer pricing service line and M&A service line of WTS China, and responsible for relevant technology development and publication. She has extensive experience in defending clients’ position in tax audit and tax appeal, and is also involved in a series of customs audit projects.
Partner at Rödl & Partner China