Promotion & Pitch by German Company Representatives
Promotion by Chinese Company Representatives
Coffee Break
Networking & Buffet Dinner
Matchmaking Session • Advanced Manufacturing
Total matchmaking sessions: 25
Networking & Buffet Lunch
Promotion & Pitch by German Company Representatives
Promotion by Chinese Company Representatives
Coffee Break
Networking & Buffet Dinner
Matchmaking Session • Environmental Technology
Total matchmaking sessions: 25
Networking & Buffet Lunch
Promotion & Pitch by German Company Representatives
Promotion by Chinese Company Representatives
Coffee Break
Networking & Buffet Dinner
Matchmaking Session • Advanced Materials for Automotive Interiors
Total matchmaking sessions: 40
Networking & Buffet Lunch
Promotion & Pitch by Italian Company Representatives
Promotion by Chinese Company Representatives
Coffee Break
Networking & Buffet Dinner
Matchmaking Session • Aerospace
Total matchmaking sessions: 40
Networking & Buffet Lunch
Networking & Coffee Break
Shanghai Business Expedition for Overseas Companies
Opening Remarks: Shanghai Government Representative Opening Remarks: EUCCC Representative Opening Remarks: State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany Representative Opening Remarks: Investment and Business Environment Introduction
Group Photo
Overseas Company Matchmaking Session
Germany Advanced Manufacturing Germany Environmental Technology Germany Advanced Materials for Automotive Interiors Italy Aerospace Israel Digital Health
Networking & Buffet Lunch
This is a past event
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