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Selena Chu (Vice President, Dow Greater China at Dow Chemical (China) Investment Company Limited)

Selena Chu

Vice President, Dow Greater China at Dow Chemical (China) Investment Company Limited

Selena Chu is currently the Vice President for Greater China. She provides leadership and general management of Dow Greater China - oversight of country strategy, site management, and people & culture development. She also serves as Asia Pacific CIO for Dow to drive digital solution development and implementation, covering areas of Digital Acceleration, Enterprise Service, and Information Security. Partners with businesses and functions to enable regional business strategies.

Selena Chu has over 20 years of consulting and industry experience covering various leadership roles, including R&D Operation, Business/Innovation Strategy, Technical Information Service, and Digitization. She worked for GE (General Electric) and KPMG Consulting Co, with work assignments in the US, before joining Dow in 2008. She was listed as “Top 50 Women in Tech 2021” by Forbes China and “Top 50 Future MPW 2021” by Fortune China.

Selena Chu现担任陶氏化学公司大中华区副总裁,负责陶氏化学最大的国际业务市场—--大中华地区,包括该地区的宏观发展战略及日常管理运营,推动企业文化及人才发展计划。她还同时兼任陶氏亚太区首席信息官,负责推动数字解决方案的开发和实施,涉及数字化加速、企业级信息服务和数字安全等领域. 她致力于推进跨业务和职能部门间的合作,以更好地实现陶氏在本地的业务战略目标。


Selena最近被《福布斯》中国评选为 “2021科技女性50强” ,并被《财富》中国评选为“2021未来MPW女性50强”。

Janice Chua (Vice President at Imagine International)

Janice Chua

Vice President at Imagine International

Janice Chua is Vice President of Imagine International. She manages the development and production of local language content in Asia. Prior to that, she was Vice President of Development and Production Asia at Ivanhoe Pictures, where she developed and packaged Chinese-language projects for China and also served as one of the producers of Crazy Rich Asians. Born and raised in Singapore, Janice started her career in China as an international film sales manager. She then became Director of International at Beijing Galloping Horse, where she oversaw international business and co-productions such as John Woo’s The Crossing. She is currently an executive producer on Imagine's first chines language series, Taiwan Crime Stories, which premieres on Disney + later in 2022.

Janice Chua是Imagine International副总裁,主要负责亚洲市场本地语言内容的开发和制作,在加入Imagine International之前,她曾担任Ivanhoe Pictures亚洲开发和制作副总裁,主要负责开发和包装一些针对中国市场的中文项目,并担任《疯狂亚洲富豪》制片人之一。Janice在新加坡出生成长,她最早开始她的职业生涯是在中国做为一家国际电影公司的销售经理,后来成为北京小马奔腾影视文化发展有限公司的国际总监,负责国际业务和联合制作的项目,例如:吴宇森执导的《太平轮》。目前Janice是Imagine International第一部中文系列片,台湾犯罪故事的执行制片人,该系列将会在2022年底在迪士尼首映。

Jacob Cooke (Co-founder & CEO of WPIC Marketing + Technologies)

Jacob Cooke

Co-founder & CEO of WPIC Marketing + Technologies

Jacob Cooke is the Co-Founder and CEO of WPIC Marketing + Technologies, leading e-commerce, and technology consultancy that drives growth for global brands in China, Japan, and Southeast Asia.

As CEO, Jacob is the driving force behind WPIC’s world-class data tools, e-commerce services, and artificial intelligence technology. Under his leadership, the firm has built out an expansive solution set covering data analytics, e-commerce activations, store management, brand strategy, creative campaigns, merchandising, warehousing, 3PL integrations, and more.

Jacob has lived in Beijing since 2003 and is a regular contributor to international media on e-commerce, retail, and technology trends in China. He is a member of the MIT Sloan School of Management and holds an Advanced Certificate in Engineering from MIT’s Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

He speaks Mandarin and Japanese.

Jacob Cooke是WPIC Marketing + Technologies的联合创始人兼首席执行官。作为一家领先的电子商务和技术咨询公司,WPIC助力国际品牌在中国、日本和东南亚的市场挖掘和增长。




Su Cheng Harris-Simpson (Founder & President of Women Empowerment Council)

Su Cheng Harris-Simpson

Founder & President of Women Empowerment Council

Su Cheng has a BA in International Business from the University of Washington, and an MBA from Seattle Pacific University. Since moving to China in 1997, Su Cheng has been actively involved in the Beijing business community, currently serving on the Board of AmCham-China and is the Founding Co-Chair of the AmCham-China Women’s Professional Committee. Before becoming an entrepreneur, she was engaged in the corporate arena and held management positions at The Boeing Company, United Technologies Corporation, and The Capital Club in Beijing.

Su Cheng has become a sought out thought leader on the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion in business. She has been invited to speak at various women's leadership workshops, multinational corporate events, and international conferences. Through sharing her professional journey, Su Cheng hopes to motivate a healthy pipeline of competent and confident women professionals and provide them access to professional development and networking opportunities.

吴素珍是睿美创议文化发展有限公司的创始人及首席执行官,睿美创议是追求社会影响力的咨询公司,提供咨询、培训和项目服务,主要倡导女性赋权。吴素珍发挥其卓越的客户关系和项目管理能力,以及在中国20多年的经验,致力推动企业的两性平权。睿美创议从事独立咨询项目和妇女发展咨询委员会的工作, 促进两性平权。妇女发展咨询委员会是积极参与且深具影响力的企业网络,由企业领导人和政策制定者组成,其成员致力于分享、学习及参与委员会推广的工作。

女性赋权委员会由数家跨国组织所组成,这些成员了解性别平等、可持续发展和企业的成功密不可分。委员会成员有机会提出和试验创新的女性赋权倡议,并且将其培育及发展成具影响力、可持续的项目,在委员会的支持下,由睿美创议团队执行。这些工作包括中国妇女赋权奖、性别薪酬项目,以及数理女孩 (Girls in STEMM) 等项目。


Diane Ho (Partner at WEC)

Diane Ho

Partner at WEC

After 30+ years in the corporate world, Diane Ho is a certified coach, investing her knowledge and experience in coaching executives as well as advancing gender equity as a partner of the Women Empowerment Council.  

Her advocacy of women started in her 20’s when she led the Los Angeles Chapter of the Organization of Chinese American Women, a national non-profit organization in the USA.  Born in Hong Kong, she immigrated to the US when she was four years old, and returned to Hong Kong in 1992.  She has lived in China since 1998 and is keen to work and support China as it makes a greater impact on the global stage. 

Prior to coaching, she spent 11.5 years in marketing leadership roles at JLL, a leading real estate services company.  She worked with business partners in the Asia Pacific and Greater China and was part of the global marketing team.   Prior to JLL, she led teams and created innovative programs for Fortune 500 clients as the Managing Director for H&K Strategies in China, and General Manager for Edelman in Shanghai, both leading international PR agencies. 

在企业界工作了 30 多年后,DianeHo 成为了一名认证教练,她将自己的知识和经验投入到培训高管,并作为WE女性发展协会的合伙人推进性别平等。

她在 20 多岁时开始倡导女性权益,当时她领导了美国全国性非营利组织--美国华裔妇女组织洛杉矶分会。何女士生于香港,4岁移居美国,1992年回港。她自1998年以来一直生活在中国 ,并热衷于为中国在全球舞台上产生更大的影响而努力。 

在担任教练之前,她在全球领先的房地产服务公司--仲量联行担任了 十一余年的营销领导职务。她与亚太地区和大中华区的商业伙伴们合作,是全球营销团队的一员。在加入仲量联行之前,她曾担任 H&K Strategies 在中国的董事总经理和爱德曼上海总经理,这两家都是领先的国际公关公司,她领导团队并为财富 500 强客户创造了诸多创新型项目。

Mu Hong (Director-General, Liaison Department of All-China Women’s Federation.)

Mu Hong

Director-General, Liaison Department of All-China Women’s Federation.

MU Hong Director-General, Liaison Department of the All-China Women’s Federation

MU Hong, a Female, graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of Wuhan University in 1984. She completed a Master of Law from the Renmin University of China in 1998. From July 1984 to November 2001, she worked with the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and has been Deputy Division Director and Division Director, Deputy Director of the International Liaison Department of the All-China Youth League. From November 2001 to the present, she has been working with the Liaison Department of the All-China Women’s Federation as Division Director of the Publicity Division, the General Office, Deputy Director-General, and Director-General since July 2012. She has been a member of the 11th and 12th Standing Committees of the All-China Women’s Federation.

牟虹 中华全国妇女联合会联络部部长



1984年7月至2000年11月,在共青团中央国际联络部工作, 历任副处长、处长,全国青联国际部副部长。2000年11月起,在中华全国妇女联合会联络部工作,历任宣传处处长、办公室主任、副部长,2012年7月起任部长。历任全国妇联第十一届、十二届常务委员。

Helen Hu (Deputy CEO & Vice President of Legal APAC at Volvo Cars)

Helen Hu

Deputy CEO & Vice President of Legal APAC at Volvo Cars

Education: Juris Doctor, University of Minnesota Law School LLB, East China University of Political Science and LawProfessional

2021 -PresentDeputy CEO, Volvo Car Asia Pacific
2016 -Present Head of Legal, Volvo Car Asia Pacific
2013 -2016 General Counsel, Asia, Luxottica Group
2011-2013 Counsel, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
2006-2011 Associate, Norton Rose Fulbright
2005 -2006 Associate, Kane Russell Coleman & Logan
1997 -2001 Associate, Duan & Duan Law Firm

Biography: Helen Hu is a lawyer qualified in China and the United States. Before she moved to the corporate world, Helen had practiced law in China, Texas, and Minnesota with major Chinese and international law firms. Helen joined Volvo Car in 2016 to head the legal department in Volvo Car Asia Pacific and has been supervising all legal matters across the region, and in 2019, took ownership of the Regional Functions Performance Center in Volvo Car Asia Pacific. From June 2021, Helen was appointed Deputy CEO, of Volvo Car Asia Pacific.



2006-2011Norton Rose Fulbright,律师
2005-2006Kane Russell Coleman & Logan,律师


Cindy Jensen ((Panel Moderator) Founder of INPOWER ONE)

Cindy Jensen

(Panel Moderator) Founder of INPOWER ONE

Cindy Jensen is an Executive Coach and Founder of INPOWER ONE, a consulting firm with a focus on building organizational Leadership. She is also the co-founder of JT Coaching Certification, a company that offers ICF-accredited coaching certification programs. 

Cindy spent her corporate years working with PepsiCo Foods as part of the Senior Leadership Team working over a span of ten years in multiple functions. She later joined TELUS Mobility as National Account Manager overseeing the company’s two largest retail corporate accounts. 

Cindy is a very active member of the community, she is a former Board Director for Educating Girls of Rural China (EGRC), a charity dedicated to helping young women from rural areas of Western China obtain an education. 

She is currently a Corporate Strategy Advisor for Business for a Better Society. 

She is on the executive as an advisor of VIVA a professional women’s networking organization.  

She has her BComm from Dalhousie University, Canada, and an international EMBA from Rutgers University, USA. 

Cindy has been an advocate for the development of women her entire career and started a corporate mentorship program for women when she was 30 years old in her first senior leadership role. She believes that women supporting women creates an amazing ripple effect for personal growth and career advancement.  

Cindy Jensen女士是INPOWER ONE公司创始人及高管教练。该公司是一家专注于组织领导力建设的咨询公司。Jensen女士同时也是JT教练认证公司的联合创始人,该公司提供国际教练联合会认证的教练认证课程。 

Cindy曾在百事食品公司高管团队工作十余年,其职责涉及多个职能部门。之后,Cindy加入加拿大TELUS Mobility公司,担任全国客户经理,负责监管公司与两个最大的零售企业客户的客户关系。 


Cindy现任商议社会(Business for a Better Society)企业战略咨询顾问,同时也是职业女性社交组织VIVA的高级顾问。Cindy本科毕业于加拿大达尔豪斯大学,并取得了商科学士学位,硕士毕业于美国罗格斯大学, 获得了EMBA学位。 


Poh-Yian KOH (Vice President /Operations at FedEx Express)

Poh-Yian KOH

Vice President /Operations at FedEx Express

Koh Poh-Yian is the Vice President of China Operations at FedEx Express. As the head of FedEx China Operations, Ms. Koh is responsible for the strategic and tactical Ground and Gateway Operations and various initiatives in China.

Ms. Koh started her career with FedEx in Singapore. In 1994, she moved to China and led the company’s efforts to open the market, shape customs procedures, and support many of the FedEx strategic projects (i.e. Pudong and Guangzhou Hub), network, and service expansion in the country. During her 30 years with FedEx, she developed an impressive breadth of experience from her directorship roles in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing. Her contributions to laying the groundwork for FedEx’s continuous growth in China and the Asia Pacific have been recognized with several awards, among them FedEx’s most prestigious 5-star Award, of which she is an eight-time recipient.

She also holds an Executive MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, in conjunction with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.






Roberta Lipson (Founder and CEO of United Family Healthcare/New Frontier Health)

Roberta Lipson

Founder and CEO of United Family Healthcare/New Frontier Health

Roberta Lipson is the founder of United Family Healthcare (UFH), and is now the V. Chair of its parent company, New Frontier Health. She has over 40 years of experience as a pioneer in the healthcare industry in China. She originally co-founded United Family Healthcare’s predecessor company Chindex in 1981, expanding the business from China’s top medical equipment distribution company into China’s first and largest foreign-invested healthcare system. After almost two decades, UFH has established itself with 11 hospitals and 16 clinics in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao, and Shenzhen, as the provider of choice for those seeking premium, personalized healthcare. United Family Healthcare was rated in 2016 as “The Most Trusted Healthcare Brand of China” by the Chinese Business Journal.

Ms. Lipson is an active leader in the business community in Beijing, having served as a director of the U.S. China Business Council, as well as many terms on the Board of Governors of the American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham), and as Co-Chair of the AmCham Healthcare Forum. She also chairs the Board of the United Foundation for China’s Health (UFCH), and is a co-founder of Beijing’s Jewish Community - Kehillat Beijing. Because of her outstanding contribution in China, Roberta Lipson received “The Great Wall Friendship Reward” in 2009, the highest honor that Beijing government gives to foreign experts in Beijing. In 2014 Roberta was honored by AmCham as the inaugural recipient of the China Pioneer Award. She was named a “Top 10 Business Leader of China” by in 2015, and earlier she led the company to win the U.S. State Department ACE Award for Corporate Excellence. With 40 years of living and working in Beijing, in 2017 Ms. Lipson received Foreign Permanent Resident Card. Ms. Lipson holds a BA from Brandeis University and an MBA from Columbia University.

李碧菁女士是和睦家医疗创始人、 新风医疗副董事长。李女士作为行业先锋,已经深耕中国医疗健康领域超过40年。李碧菁女士1981年与人合作创立和睦家医疗前身——美中互利公司,并将主营业务从中国一流的大型医疗设备分销公司扩展为中国第一家并且是最大的外资医疗集团。经过25年的发展,和睦家医疗在北京、上海、广州、天津、青岛、杭州、深圳、博鳌等地建立了医院和诊所,成为寻求优质、个性化医疗服务的人们的首选。

李碧菁女士也是北京商界的积极领导者,目前担任美中贸易委员会(U.S.China business Council)第七届董事,中国美国商会(AmCham)第五届董事会成员,并担任美国商会医疗卫生论坛联席主席和美中医疗卫生合作项目(HCP)创始主席。同时李碧菁女士还担任着和睦家中国医疗基金会主席,并联合创立了北京赐乐业-犹太人社团。由于她的突出贡献,2009年李碧菁女士获得“长城友谊奖”,该奖项是北京市政府授予在北京工作的外国专家的最高荣誉。2014年李碧菁女士成为中国美国商会首位“中国先锋奖”的获得者。2015年李碧菁女士获选新浪“十大经济人物”。在中国工作生活了近40年后,李碧菁女士于2017年获得中国外国人永久居留身份证。此外,李碧菁还带领企业获得了美国国务院颁发的优秀企业奖。李碧菁女士拥有美国哥伦比亚大学工商管理硕士学位和BRANDEIS大学历史学学士学位。

Yali Liu (Executive Vice President at Chayora)

Yali Liu

Executive Vice President at Chayora

Yali is Executive Vice President of Chayora, responsible for Network and Strategy, supporting delivery of large scalable, high-performance data center campuses in China. Before joining Chayora, she was Vice President of China Cache, where she was instrumental in driving a carrier-neutral data center and building the first internet exchange (CHN-IX) in mainland China. Yali is a seasoned executive in the global telecommunications industry - she was Executive Director at Verizon (US), responsible for global network planning, engineering, and network product development. Currently, she is vice chair of the advisory board of the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC).

Yali has a B.S. degree in Mathematics from Peking University, an MBA from the University of Dallas, and an M.S. in Computer Sciences from the University of Texas in Dallas.

刘张亚莉女士现任朝亚执行副总裁,负责网络和战略,开发建设超大型数据中心/云基地。亚莉曾任ChinaCache副总裁,推动建成国内首家互联网交换中心CHN-IX。亚莉长期从事国际通信与互联网业务,曾在美国MCI、Verizon 担任全球执行总监,负责全球网络规划、建设、产品开发。 亚莉现任太平洋通信协会(Pacific Telecommunications Council)顾问委员会副主席。


Grace Bin Pei ((Panel Moderator) Chairwoman of the Board of Directors at Capacity Building and Assessment Center (CBAC))

Grace Bin Pei

(Panel Moderator) Chairwoman of the Board of Directors at Capacity Building and Assessment Center (CBAC)

Grace Bin Pei is currently serving as the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of CBAC. She has worked at various international organizations and multinational companies for more than 20 years, including SGS China, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Columbia Global Centres | Beijing, Business for Social Responsibility, and the Asia Foundation, focusing on government relations and policy advocacy, Women Empowerment, NGO capacity building and assessment, and cross-sector collaboration to promote sustainable development. Before joining the private sector, Ms. Pei worked in multiple departments at the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs for 12 years. She founded the foreign language training center for the Ministry of Civil Affairs as the founding director. She is entrepreneurial and eager for innovation and social change.

As a Chevening scholar, she sees education as critical to women's empowerment and development. “It is education that gave me the tools and opened my views of the world to become who I am today”, says Grace.

Ms. Pei holds an MBA (Lancaster University 1998-1999) and a Master of Education (Beijing Normal University 1986-1989). She was a Chevening scholar (1998-1999). In 2010, she was named an Aspen Institute Ideas Festival Fellow.



Andy H. Truong (Head at Canadian International School of Beijing)

Andy H. Truong

Head at Canadian International School of Beijing

AKD International Inc, China, Executive Director
Canadian Alumni Network, Co-founder
CCSC Schools, China, Executive Director
Canadian International School of Beijing, Board Director
Huron University, Canada, Board of Governor

Andy H. Truong, a Canadian citizen, and active international educator and community leader. Andy is a graduate of York University Schulich School of Business and 2nd degree at Ryerson University in Canada. In 2008, he went on to finish his EMBA at Tsinghua University in China. He is the executive director with AKD International Inc, a leading Canadian education company based in Toronto with 20 schools operating in China under the brand Concord College of Sino-Canada and Canadian International School. He is also Co-founder of the Canadian Alumni Network (CAN), and past Vice-chair of the CCBC Beijing Chapter. Andy spent his childhood in Winnipeg and was raised in Toronto. He currently lives with his wife Vivian and their 2 children, Bowen and Chloe in Beijing. When you look at Andy's career in education, and his ongoing commitment to both Canada and China, you can see why he continues to build connections and relationships with educators for the younger generation to have a global education. He believes strongly in global education and 21st Century skills.


Andy H. Truong 是在加拿大安大略省多伦多市长大的加籍华人。他在加拿大约克大学舒立克商学院获得了工商管理学位,而后又在加拿大瑞尔森大学获得了酒店管理专业的第二学位.







Fernando Vallina (Chairman at ExxonMobil (China) Investment Co., Ltd)

Fernando Vallina

Chairman at ExxonMobil (China) Investment Co., Ltd

Born in Spain, Fernando Vallina is a graduate of the Autonomous University of Madrid, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry. He also holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Instituto de Empresa (IE), Spain. Mr. Vallina joined ExxonMobil Chemical in 1987. He has held a wide range of management positions in sales, marketing, technology, planning, and supply chain and lived in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Mr. Vallina was Asia Pacific sales and marketing manager at ExxonMobil Chemical Company, based in Hong Kong, from 1997 to 2001. He was global logistics and distribution manager, ExxonMobil Chemical Company, before assuming the position of Chairman, ExxonMobil (China) Investment Co., Ltd. on March 1, 2017. Mr. Vallina is currently a member of the Board of the Association of International Chemical Manufacturers (AICM), the Executive Board of the Multinational Companies’ Committee of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF), and the Board of Governors of the American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China).



万立帆先生目前是国际化学品制造商协会(AICM)理事会成员、中国石油 和化学工业联合会外资委员会执委会成员、中国美国商会董事会成员、以及广东全球招商顾问。他还担任中国美国商会女性专业委员会联席主席,致力于推动性别平等和多样性。

MARCUS J. WILLIAMS (Director, Customer Support & New Programs of Boeing Tianjin Composites Co., Ltd)


Director, Customer Support & New Programs of Boeing Tianjin Composites Co., Ltd

Marcus has over 35 years of Supplier Management, Program Planning, and Control (PP&C), and Financial Management experience with The Boeing Company.
Marcus joined Boeing Tianjin Composites (BTC) Company in July 2016. He is currently the Director of Customer Support and New Programs.
Before joining BTC, Marcus was Senior Manager, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Supplier Management, responsible for Supply Chain Architecture and Integration on the 777X Program and prior to that on the KC-46 Tanker Program.
Before joining the KC-46 Tanker Program, Marcus spent six years on the 787 Program as the Senior Manager responsible for the implementation of Program Planning, Integrated Scheduling, Earned Value Management, and Baseline Management.

Marcus holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Aviation Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida, and an MBA Degree from the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis, MO.
He was certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP) as issued by the Project Management Institute. From 2000 to 2012, he was an Adjunct Professor at Keller Graduate School of Management, teaching classes in Project Management, Risk and Quality Management, Contracts, and Earned Value Management.

马库斯在波音公司拥有超过 35 年的供应商管理、项目计划与控制 (PP&C) 和财务管理经验。
马库斯于2016年7月加入天津波音复合材料有限责任公司(BTC)。 他目前是客户支持与新项目部门总监。
马库斯拥有佛罗里达州代托纳比奇安柏瑞德航空大学的航空管理学士学位和密苏里州圣路易斯华盛顿大学奥林商学院的 MBA 学位。

Jane Wong Pinter (Head of HR, Henkel Greater China at Henkel China Investment Shanghai)

Jane Wong Pinter

Head of HR, Henkel Greater China at Henkel China Investment Shanghai

Jane Wong Pinter is currently the Head of HR for the Greater China Region for Henkel. Jane is passionate about advancing topics related to organizational & talent development and creating an equitable platform & environment for people to succeed. In Henkel, Jane has continuously put the Diversity Equity & Inclusion topic on the table and made the topic salient and visible for all. Henkel China recognizes the importance of female representation & voices and formed the 1st Henkel China Employee Resource Group (ERG) called Women Inclusion Network with a bottoms-up approach.

Jane Wong Pinter目前是汉高大中华区人力资源主管。Jane热衷于推进与组织和人才发展相关的话题,并致力于为员工在成功的道路上,创造公平的平台和工作环境。在汉高,在汉高,Jane一直为多样性、公平和包容的主题公开发声,并使所有人都来关注到这个话题。汉高中国坚持认为女性代表和声音对公司非常重要,员工还自发成立了第一个汉高中国员工资源小组(ERG)并命名为“女性包容网络”。

Shirley Wu (Senior Vice President, Greater China Market at Dell)

Shirley Wu

Senior Vice President, Greater China Market at Dell

Ms. Shirley Wu is the Senior Vice President of Dell Technologies. She is responsible for operating the organization’s Commercial Business in the Greater China Market. She leads the teams that service Dell Technologies’ Enterprise and Corporate clients, as well as customers in Hong Kong and Taiwan, driving Dell’s expansion and business growth in the region.

Shirley joined Dell Technologies in 2015, leading the Greater China team to deliver complete IT infrastructure and commercial client products, solutions, and services to enterprise and global account customers, across such diverse sectors as internet, cloud computing, finance, telecom, energy, healthcare, and education. Her efforts helped drive the rapid growth of Dell’s business in the market by empowering customers in their digital transformation.

As a veteran of over 20 years of experience in the high-tech sector, Shirley has an outstanding industry insight and business management track record. Before joining Dell Technologies in 2015, she served at Schneider Electric in China as Vice President of Sales and General Manager for Small and Medium Data Center (SMDC) Solutions, responsible for the company's data center business. Earlier in her career, she held other leadership positions, including sales head, general manager, director of sales, and business development manager at Tellabs, Nortel, UTStarcom, and China Telecom.

Shirley holds an M.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from the Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada, and a B.S. degree in Computer Communication Electronics Engineering from Beijing University of Post & Telecommunications.



吴冬梅女士在信息技术行业拥有超过20年的深邃行业洞察与销售管理经验。在加入戴尔科技集团之前,她曾服务于施耐德电气信息技术(中国)有限公司,担任销售副总裁以及中小型数据中心解决方案部门总经理等职务,负责施耐德数据中心业务。此前,她还曾在泰乐(Tellabs)、北电网络(Nortel), UT斯达康以及中国电信等国际知名公司担任过多个不同的关键管理岗位,包括销售部门领导、总经理、销售总监、业务拓展经理以及软件工程师等。


Vivian Zhang (General Manager at Merck Healthcare China)

Vivian Zhang

General Manager at Merck Healthcare China

Vivian Zhang joined Merck on July 1, 2022, as the General Manager of Merck China Healthcare. Based in Beijing, Vivian leads Merck’s healthcare business in China and serves as a member of the Merck China Country Council.

Vivian has over 20 years of experience working in pharmaceutical and device companies: both in and outside of China. She has increasing responsibilities spanning from sales & marketing to general management. She is a savvy leader in strategic planning, driving growth and business integration. Before joining Merck, Vivian worked for Xian Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd., where she held the role of Government Affairs & Market Access VP. Previously, she led five business units as VP, Core Product Division: Psychiatry, Neurology, Derma & Allergy, Primary Care, and Retail.

Before joining Xian Janssen, Vivian worked for 16 years at Novartis, holding marketing and sales roles within multiple therapeutical areas, including Neuroscience' rare diseases, oncology, and ophthalmology at the local and global level. In 2010, she was rotated to Novartis Switzerland headquarters as global marketing lead for ophthalmology and later returned to China as Head of Rare Emerging Disease Franchise for Novartis Oncology in China. In 2015, she was appointed as General Manager of Hong Kong and Macau at Alcon, where she was responsible for the business operations and team management in the region and led the integration of Novartis and Alcon. Before joining Novartis, she worked for BD and Pfizer in the companies’ sales departments.

Vivian began her career as a physician, practicing medicine for three years. In her spare time, she enjoys sports and traveling.

Vivian graduated from the Medical College of Qingdao University with a bachelor's degree in clinical medicine. She received her MBA degree from Dalian Technology University and International Business School at Peking University.


张巍在不同国家和地区的制药和医疗器械行业拥有超过20 年的经验,曾负责从销售、市场、商业运营到综合管理等多项工作,职责范围不断扩大,并在制定战略、驱动增长、业务整合方面积累了非常丰富的经验。加入默克之前,她在西安杨森制药有限公司担任政府事务和市场准入部门的副总裁。服务杨森期间,还曾任职核心产品事业部负责人,领导过精神疾病、神经疾病、皮肤与过敏、普药、以及零售业务等部门。




Lui Tuck Yew (Singapore’s Ambassador at to the People’s Republic of China)

Lui Tuck Yew

Singapore’s Ambassador at to the People’s Republic of China

Mr. Lui Tuck Yew (吕德耀) has been Singapore’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China since 18 November 2019. Born in 1961, Mr. Lui graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Cambridge, Trinity College United Kingdom in 1983. He subsequently obtained a Master of Arts Degree in International Relations from Tufts University, the USA in 1994. Mr. Lui was Singapore's Ambassador to Japan from17 June 2017 to 25 October 2019. Mr. Lui was the Minister for Transport from 2011 to 2015 and concurrently Second Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2011 to 2012 and Second Minister for Defence in 2015. Mr. Lui was Minister for Information, Communications, and the Arts from 2009 to 2011. He was first elected as a Member of Parliament in 2006 and served as a Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts until 2009. Mr. Lui was a Singapore Armed Forces (Overseas) scholar and served in the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), rising to the position of Chief of Navy in 1999. Mr. Lui was appointed Chief Executive of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore in 2003 and concurrently Deputy Secretary (Land), Ministry of Transport. He joined the Housing and Development Board (HDB) as Chief Executive Officer in 2005. Mr. Lui was born on 16 August 1961. He is married to Madam Teng Soo Fen and has two children. He enjoys traveling, reading, cricket, baseball, and American football.
