Taipa Village Destination Limited is a marketing company which introduced the brand new concept of “Taipa Village – Authentic Macau” established in 2015, with the goal of promoting Taipa Village as Macau’s premier lifestyle district, boosting heritage attractions, innovative dining, niche retail offerings and a diverse arts and entertainment scene. Our primary goal is to foster “sustainable heritage” in Taipa Village - the blending of architecturally beautiful local shop houses with vibrant retail and food and beverage concepts, which benefit the wider Macau community and become a new tourist attraction in their own right. We aim to promote Taipa Village as an exciting and culturally rich non-gaming destination by offering a perfect alternative to the city’s casino resorts.
O-Moon 有著月圓的意思,溫暖的月亮裏暗藏有最能代表澳門的「大三巴牌坊」剪影。這獨特的O-MOON 彷佛就像在漆黑中照耀著澳門的明月。
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TOM N TOMS COFFEE 憑著「分享」的精神,透過店舖設計、產品、服務及場推廣的創新求變,與顧客分享每次相聚的美好時刻。
在這裏,秉承創辦人金先生的理念 -「最能打動顧客的是品質」,我們堅持製作出優質飲品及食品,並透過營造輕鬆暢談的氣氛,拉近人
與人之間的距離,讓TOM N TOMS COFFEE成為年輕人聚會的地方。
TOM N TOMS COFFEE是韓國擁有超高人氣的連鎖咖啡店品牌之一,全球共有超過500間分店,咖啡豆均來自韓國自家工場,並以獨特技術烘焙,致力為每位顧客提供多款口感豐富的優質咖啡。