14 service providers will be available for Q&A during this time. Come along anytime between 10:00 and 16:00 to get answers to all your questions you have regarding starting a business in China. List of companies you will find under the Service Providers section.
General Guideline for Doing Business In China Catherine Wong
Catherine Wong
Co-founder of Elite Stage Platform
Workshop by Shanghai Free Trade Zones United Development
Lunch Break
WFOE set up and Maintenance Yolanda He
Yolanda He
Founder of CBA Consulting
Make It or Break It • The Importance of Legal Representation in China Teo Doremus
Teo Doremus
Foreign Legal Consultant at IPO Pang
WFOE or JV Arnodo Neto
Arnodo Neto
Regional Manager at the Shanghai Headquarters at Corporation China
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