
2023年06月30日(09:00 - 17:30) GMT+8




中国广东省深圳市深南大道 6035号

Giada Ferrari (PCC, ICF; Associate Coach, ISLC)

Giada Ferrari

PCC, ICF; Associate Coach, ISLC

Giada Ferrari is an Executive Coach and Leadership Trainer since 4 years. In this time she has supported MCCs in delivering Level 1, 2 and 3 Coaching Trainings, she has held her own workshops with clients coming from different industries, has coached successfully MDs, leaders and teams and even developed an own concept of training. Giada has more than 15 years of job experience as HR Leader for the global chemical company BASF in different functions and countries. She grew up in Genoa, Italy and has lived since then in Germany, China (including Hong Kong) and the US. She started her career in business taking over different roles in marketing, sales and controlling. She moved then to HR, where she first took responsibility of a role in Management Recruiting developing afterwards to more generalist roles within HR Business Partnering but always keeping the focus on talent management and leadership development. Giada has led up to 15 professionals working for different legal entities and having completely different tasks. She developed and implemented for the IT and Supply Chain Division a global concept on how to identify and develop candidates from their first leadership role up to senior executive responsibilities.

Giada moved with her family to Shanghai in April 2019. She started her coaching training with IECL in November 2019. She has though used her coaching skills already during her HR experience, while working with senior executives of BASF. And since November 2019 no chance has been missed to coach leaders, entrepreneurs, teams and employees of very different companies, roles and cultural backgrounds. Working from the beginning of her career in a very diverse environment with global responsibilities and her inter-cultural background add inclusion to her areas of expertise.
