中国管理层会议: 机床工业行业 动力传动行业 流体动力行业 电气自动化行业
Machine Tools, Power Transmission Engineering, Fluid Power, Electrical Automation
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 (10:25 AM - 11:45 AM) GMT+8
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“当前德国机床企业在华总体情况和中国市场判断” “Current performance of the German Machine Tool Industry in China and the Chinese Market”
孙艾弘 先生, 德国机床工业协会中国办公室首席代表
Mr. Shane Sun, Chief Representative, VDW China
西门子助力机床行业加“数”发展 Siemens supports the digital development of the machine tool industry
段龙 先生, 西门子机床数字控制方案总经理
Mr. Long Duan, General Manager, Machine Tool Digital Control Solution, Siemens China
圆桌会议讨论 / Round Table Discussion