A graduate from the Institute for Tourism Studies, Pamela is currently the Head of Marketing at Taipa Village Destination Limited, and Director at Taipa Village Cultural Association, specializing in destination marketing, art and cultural programs development and merchant networks. Over the past 10 years, she has been in service for a number of integrated hotel resorts, excelling in marketing and communications, public relations, event production and management. She is currently an active participant in Macau art scene in terms of exhibition curation, production and judge panel.
Graduated in law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau and a Master of Laws Degree Candidate at the University of Macau. She is licensed to practice law in Macau and a senior partner of Cheang, Chao, Sou & Leong Lawyer Firm. She is a legal counsel of several private institutions and ZhongShan Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese.
Qualified as a mediator of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Arbitration and Mediation Alliance, The Hong Kong Mediation Alliance and also as an assistant instructor (mediation area) of the WTC Macau Arbitration Center. She is as well active in social affairs. She is the member of the administrative body of the Macau Youth Legal Science Association and other non-legal association.
擁有超過十年網站及手機應用程式設計與開發之經驗,曾獲多項本地相關範疇比賽之獎項。藍紫 Blupurple 的共同創辦人,提供專業的一站式互聯網解決方案,客戶包括政府部門、酒店、中小企業及初創企業。澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心特約講師,教授網頁技術及手機應用程式開發。
於2005年入職經濟局,曾負責對外經貿關係的工作,並多次參與世界貿易組織 (WTO)、亞洲太平洋經濟合作組織(APEC)等國際組織的會議和交流活動,累積了豐富的國際事務知識和經驗。於2018年4月被委任為經濟局工商業支援處處長,主要負責執行各項中小企業的支援措施,助力本地中小企業及青創企業發展成長。
畢業於香港大學,持有醫學工程學士學位。 加入First Code Academy 團隊2年時間, 全力負責推廣澳門的編程教育。在本澳有豐富的編程教學經驗,曾到嘉諾撒聖心英文中學(小學部)、粵華中學、聖若瑟教區中學第五校(英文部)及聖公會中學提供編程工作坊。
Prof. Jenny Oliveros Lao Phillips is the Dean of the School of Business and Law at the University of Saint Joseph (USJ). She holds a PhD in Business Administration awarded with the highest honor of summa cum laude. And is now a Post-Doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Human Science at the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP Lisbon). She has over 16 years experience in the tertiary education industry.
Prof. Phillips has taught a wide range of courses including: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Global Strategy, Service Operations, Financing New Ventures, Creative Writing, and Literature. Her research interests include family business management, social entrepreneurship, organizational behavior and innovation, empathy and catharsis in tragedy and the modern theatre.
吳以航是一位對科技抱有熱誠的澳門人,為了令更多人能接觸到科技,創辦了澳門首間專業科普教育機構“藍點科普教育Fulcrum Science Education”,以“啟發未來科學家”為願景,透過創新科普教育模式激發學生的求知欲,提高創意思維及邏輯解難能力,推動本澳科學發展。