Natural Friendly is a natural, eco-friendly and plastic free platform in Macau. We have collected different environmental friendly information, we combine and create plastic free map, we sell eco-friendly products, we provide environmental education and promotion to the company and we collect and recycle the materials to let everyone of you can have zero waste lifestyle. Solutions, a Hong Kong-based startup founded in 2017, is gaining traction as it offers electric vehicle (EV) chargers along with a mobile application (app), allowing its customers to access the real-time charger status., a Silicon Valley-Based company, is devoted to the optimization of User Experience. UXTesting ( aims to offer developers a mobile testing tool and user behavior analysis that help drill user insights for better user experience. is a Co-working office in MACAU,in here, everyone can enjoy their own time in a comfortable place. Focus on your own BUSINESS, leave the others to HUB Business is a monthly magazine. Launched in May 2004 by “De Ficção – Projectos Multimedia” it was the first English-language magazine focusing on business and the economy of Macau and the surrounding regions. Over 13 years running, ”Macau Business”, has established itself in the English-language community.
Every month Macau Business presents a range of in depth stories with sections dedicated to Gaming and property.
Headquartered in Macau SAR, Macau Business has expanded to be sold overseas by New York based magazine online store Magzter.
A growing readership that attracts subscribers from as far a field as Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada and the USA makes the publication the most internationally recognized.
Macau News Agency (MNA) is the first independent English-language news agency in the Macau SAR focusing on local content published daily online, seven days per week, and accessible around the clock at a sister publication of Macau Business, Business Intelligence in Chinese is run and published by De Fição Multimedia Projects in Macau. It was launched in September 2005 and is released in the beginning of every month. With its own editiorial department and full policy autonomy, Business Intelligence aims to be the definitive source of business information with the in depth analysis through the effort of local reporters and correspondents in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shanghai. The editorial focus falls on the pillar industries of Macau including gaming, tourism, MICE, retail and property sectors, with an attentive eye on the developments of the pan Pearl River Delta region, and economic climate in the Greater China. culture is an integrated innovation, creating value, connection and opportunity to talent and company. Macau is a weekly bilingual newspaper, published in Portuguese and Chinese, and based in Macau. It covers economic and cultural exchanges between Mainland China, Macau and Portuguese-speaking countries. brings you the latest news and trends about tech in China. Keep up to date on what's happening with China tech and startup news. (, Hong Kong’s biggest startup community and power connector, is a platform showcasing startups to accelerate their business through meaningful connections to the resources they need to grow.澳門文創綜合服務中心致力打造全方位的創業服務及創新投資生態系統,包括創業空間、商務服務平台、創業教育、創業社群、創業孵化、資源整合、投融資等一站式綜合商務服務,推動本地企業立足澳門,走向國際。澳門青年創業孵化中心(下稱「創孵中心」)於2017年10月18日正式交由澳中致遠投資發展有限公司營運,以全天候運作的模式,為創新創業的澳門人或願意為澳門作出貢獻者,提供多元化、與時並進的配套設施及專業支援服務。澳門我是演講家協會由一班演講愛好者共同成立,肩負起推動演講文化的使命,令更多人透過演講提升自我,展現自信及個人魅力。
「澳門青年峰會」一直致力為海外及本地的青年建立討論時事的平台。秉承一貫的理念,凝聚世界各地的澳門留學生和本地青年,就著澳門時政經和民生專題,同在一個多元角度的平台上進行交流。「澳門青年峰會」於 2016 年成立為合法的澳門社團,而「澳門青年峰會 – 座談會」則自2014 年起於每年度舉行。發展自今,「澳門青年峰會」的合協辦方已曾包括三十多個世界各地海內外的澳門青年社團,分別來自中國內地各個城市,包括:北京、天津、上海、江蘇、浙江、福建、湖北及廣東,還有香港、澳門、台灣地區、英國、葡萄牙、澳洲等,活動均獲得社會各界的知名人士支持及肯定。澳門智慧城市聯盟協會(以下簡稱「本會」)由會長譚繼祖先生於 2017 年 4 月 14 日創立。
本會宗旨為“以澳門專業界別人士為核心,組織本澳不同行業的業界代表,協助社會對智慧城市的建設提供意見及進行交流;與鄰近及不同地區的智慧城市組織進行交流及舉辦相關活動。” 本會成立目的是藉收集聯盟成員及業界的意見,更好地向社會及政府提供澳門智慧城市發展的意見,協會成員多來自粵港澳合作促進會信息科技專業委員會委員。
The University of Saint Joseph is a Catholic university, rooted in a long tradition of intercultural exchange that has been the hallmark of Catholic higher education in Macao since the College of Saint Paul (1594).
The project of Jesuit fathers Valignano, Rugieri and Ricci inspires our view of higher education with a universal character capable of promoting dialogue between the cultural, scientific, ethical and philosophical traditions of China and Europe.
The combined local and Portuguese roots of the University make it particularly suited to embody Macao’s strategic objective to act as a platform for China and Portuguese-speaking countries.
Faculty of Business is the most historical faculty at City University of Macau. Our Faculty aims at nurturing versatile managerial and economic talents in business, political and other circles. With the mature market economy and disciplined public management in the cultural blending Macau, Faculty of Business devotes to provide a more effective managerial mode and method for the fields of management and public service in the Greater China Region in today’s environment. We focus on developing students’ knowledge and understanding of business and management, as well as their ability to transform theory into practice. Faculty of Business offers a range of programmes, namely Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), etc.澳門STEM教育協會為非牟利社團,宗旨是致力於在本澳推動STEM教育。
MightyGreens is more than a Green production house- MightyGreens is the result of a lot of love for nature, a sustainable lifestyle, respect to the only temple we possess and persistence in a busy city! Vida encourages a healthier lifestyle, a tangible sense of contribution, belonging and awareness of what people surrounding us need engage, educate, and empower females of all ages in achieving their personal and professional development goals through mentorship.澳門活動自推出至今不斷為大家送上澳門的精彩節目。至今已上載超過七千個活動盛事,感謝各界慷慨把精彩的活動分享給我們的用戶!當然少不了我們的活動怪獸,把歡樂和熱鬧帶給大家!share the joy ! 請把MOcalendar.澳門活動分享給您們的朋友!一起參梭小城,參與盛事! - Inclusion Support assistance services to build multilingual connections to provide a quality inclusive environment for children with additional learning needs. We are a network of families, educators, and supporters in education in Macau, promoting all education.手作坊主要做的是魚腥草皂,左手香皂,金盞花皂,艾草皂和紫草皂等對濕疹,痘痘皮膚有抗菌和消炎作用的手工皂,長期使用可改善問題皮膚。 Startup Club is a non-profit organization founded and operated by young startup founders and professionals. Our mission is to build up Macao's Startup community, strengthen and globalize Macao's Startup ecosystem.