Pedro Cortés has been a lawyer at Rato, Ling, Lei & Cortés since 2003 and a partner since 2006, having extensive experience in gaming, corporate, finance and IP law.
Pedro has professional membership in the Macau Lawyers Association, the Portuguese Bar Association, the Brazilian Bar Association, the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, the International Association of Gaming Advisors (IAGA), the International Bar Association (IBA), the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), and the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (HKIA). He is also qualified to work as a lawyer in East Timor and recognised as a cross-border Macau lawyer by the Justice Department of Guangdong. He was lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and is currently lecturer of the Portuguese Catholic University – Lisbon School.
Pedro has been a contributor to several legal and non-legal publications, including China Outbound Investments, International Financial Law Review and International Law Office. He is also a regular speaker at legal conferences.
Calvin graduated in law from the Lisbon School of the Catholic University of Portugal and obtained a Master of Laws degree at University of Chicago. He has been licensed to practice law in New York State and admitted to the Macau Lawyers Association as a trainee lawyer. Recently, he has been qualified as a mediator of the WTC Macau Arbitration Center. Calvin is as well active in public affairs. He is the Founder and President of the Macau Youth Summit, the Vice-President of the Macao Basic Law Youth Ambassador Promotion Association, the Convener of the Technology & Innovation Concern Group of the União “Mil Talentos”, and the Founder of the Luso-Macanese Students Association. He is a newly nominated member of the Youth Council, a consultative body of the Macau Special Administrative Region chaired by the Secretary for the Social Affairs and Culture.
Dr. WONG Seng Fat, Alfred is Assistant Professor of Electromechanical Engineering of University of Macau, Fellow of Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC), and Chartered Fellow of Charted Association of Building Engineers (CABE). He also helped to organize the first Macau Adolescents Smart City Design Competition. He led students to join different national and international design competitions and got different awards that including smart transportation and traveling. His research interests are included Human Factors Engineering, Smart City, Applied RFID Technology in Industrial Solutions, Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Innovative Product Design, and Knowledge Engineering Management. He is enthusiastic in society works. Therefore, he is the president in different societies or engineering associations such as Executive Director of Smart City Alliance Association of Macau (SCAAM).
北京大學城市管理專業學士、清華大學工商管理碩士,創立全澳門首間智能櫃平臺企業, 公司曾獲2017澳門商務大獎創新金獎, 2017澳門青年智慧城市設計大賽商業獎。
2016年01月, 速寶科技有限公司正式注冊,致力推動城市的智慧物流發展。項目成為阿里巴巴菜鳥物流的澳門區指定合作自提點, 已在全澳佈署近30個點位,覆蓋人群近10萬。此外,更與國內第一智能快遞櫃公司「中郵速遞易」進行技術合作,曾參加全澳最大型的MIF國際展覽, 並多次獲本地媒體報導。
未來, 速寶智能櫃將大大優化城市物流節點的佈局,利用現有的通訊技術實時調度同城貨運,成為智慧城市的物聯網基礎, 聯通線上線下的交付,助力本地互聯網+行業的發展。
Samantha has been working with Macau Economic Bureau since 2003 and has more than 15-year experiences in regional and international trade and economic cooperation. She had engaged in the negotiation and analysis of CEPA formulated between the Central Government of PRC and Macau RAEM until 2010. She also had ample experiences in international cooperation under the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and World Trade Organized (WTO) and stationed temporarily in the Macau Trade and Economic Office at Geneva, Switzerland as trade representative of Macau, China in WTO.
Lately, she has been with the Business Promotion Division of Macau Economic Bureau, responsible mainly for entrepreneurship and startups development among China, Macau and Portuguese Speaking Countries.
連續創業家,2015及2018年青年企業家大奬得獎人,早年於澳門創業,其後主攻歐洲及東南亞等海外市場。主營高新科技、時尚文化、新媒體等不同產業。近年成功引入國內知名網上直播平台至港澳市場,發展至今已成為業內最具規模的企業之一。旗下企業同時獲得「美國雜誌CIO Outlook亞太區25強科技類大奬」、「香港最有價值品牌大奬」及「澳門商務大奬—創新大獎」等重要行業認可。
Antonio has over 15 years in the IT industry ranging from media, financial institution and hopspitality area. He has been with Alibaba Macau for over a year and been spending time bringing Alibaba Cloud technologies to local SME and enterprise clients.
A graduate from the Institute for Tourism Studies, Pamela is currently the Head of Marketing at Taipa Village Destination Limited, and Director at Taipa Village Cultural Association, specializing in destination marketing, art and cultural programs development and merchant networks. Over the past 10 years, she has been in service for a number of integrated hotel resorts, excelling in marketing and communications, public relations, event production and management. She is currently an active participant in Macau art scene in terms of exhibition curation, production and judge panel.
楊碩明,英文名 Ming Ieong,2005 年於澳門大學畢業,主修 “經濟及國際金融” 。 畢業後於澳門某發鈔銀行工作,2013 年 5 月離職,最後之職位為信用卡中心的商戶服 務部經理,主要負責商戶的線上及線下收單業務。2013 年 8 月成立創明有限公,業務類型是軟件開發,主要為澳門中小企設計及開發網上商店,提供購物車和訂單系統, 並包括網店與支付系統及物流系統的連接工程。客戶涵蓋零售業、服務業、教育、會 展,銀行及澳門政府等。近月最新之合作項目是開發及營運一個線上綜合保險選購平台。
2015 年 9 月成立麥哲倫投資發展有限公司,以特許經營方式引進香港著名兒童教育品 牌 Monkey Tree English Learning Center,成功成為該品牌的澳門區獨家代理商,現 於筷子基、超級花城及海上居設立分校,每月學生人數超過700 人。2017 年 4 月成立鼎豐餐飲管理有限公司,引進新加坡著名歷史品牌 “亞坤”,讓澳門 人可以品嚐新加坡地道的拉茶、咖椰多等,現於新馬路附近有一家分店及高士德有一 定外賣店。
Lucas Kuan is a full-stack developer passionate in crafting interesting applications to solve daily problems.
When he saw how electrical vehicle could contribute to our environment and become the future transportation, he cofounded oneCHARGE electric vehicle charging solution, recently got invested by Lotte Group and successfully landed in Hong Kong and Korea.
oneCHARGE is here to accelerate the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure with AI enabled charging device that could effectively drive customer from car park to shopping mall, increase property value and be prepared for the future.
●2005年, 畢業於武漢大學計算機科學與技術學院學士學位
Interested in Creative Computing, Smart City and IoT. We aims to
promote the development of smart tourism with innovative solution integrating software, electronic,electrical & mechanical technologies.Especially in the aspect of wayfinding, we cooperate with a research team in the local University to study and develop a new kind of smart wayfinding terminal and system.
We pursued to put the products on the market with applying the
research outcomes.