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Thursday, June 20, 2024 (4:00 PM - 5:30 PM) GMT+8

4:00 PM

5:30 PM

Compliance Update
• The recent amendments to the Criminal Law mark a significant milestone in the fight against corruption. These updates introduce stricter penalties for bribery, providing practical insights into strengthening internal controls and compliance programs to prevent corrupt practices.

Business Ethics:
• The Supreme People's Court's new interpretations on unfair competition and trade secrets protection emphasize a strong stance against unethical business practices. These interpretations clarify the legal framework for prosecuting unfair competition, offering guidance on maintaining the confidentiality of trade secrets.

Conflicts of Interest:
• Updates to the Company Law and Criminal Law reflect a nuanced understanding of conflicts of interest in today's business environment. The new Company Law specifies that directors, supervisors, and senior management must avoid personal and company conflicts of interest, not exploit their positions for personal gain, and report potential conflicts related to contracts or transactions involving themselves or related parties.