This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other British Chamber of Commerce Southwest China events.

Join us at the BritCham SW Summer Drinks on 1st July 2020! Meet and socialise with the newly elected Chamber Executive Committee as well as other BritCham members and friends. We look forward to seeing you all on this summer's evening in the Jing Bar at The Temple House.

Tickets includes two drinks. Strictly limited to 50 tickets, so R.S.V.P as soon as possible.

加入英商会七月一日的夏季酒会, 来迎接今年商会最新选举的董事委员会成员,同时和商会各会员以及新老朋友畅谈。我们期待在本次社交活动上与您相聚! 门票包含两杯酒水,票量有限,报名从速哟!

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