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  • 1:30 PM


    2:00 PM


    2:15 PM

    Keynote on โ€œThe New China and the Role of Professional Associationsโ€

    How will the transition from governmental associations to market-oriented associations affect the way that organizations are run, how associations engage with their membership, and how associations utilize technology? This presentation will discuss this transformation and how Chinese professional associate ions can help develop and support the growth and development of their members.

    2:45 PM

    Panel: The Modernization of Chinaโ€™s Associations

    The way people work and the structure of associations are fundamentally changing in the modern age. This panel discussion led by industry experts will discuss how the Chinese associations can become more market-driven and the best management practices to modernize.

    3:45 PM

    Presentation: Technologyโ€™s Impact on Building Member Communities

    What role is technology playing in the way you are engaging and building your membership? This presentation discusses the cutting edge ways you can take advantage of modern technology to stay connected and engaged with a member base. The speaker will cite different case studies where technology helped build and grow associations’ membership.

    4:15 PM

    Coffee Break

    4:30 PM

    Presentation: Branding Tips for your Association

    It is important that professional associations establish credibility and increase their influence in order to serve the needs of their membership. This presentation will show how associations can strengthen their influence, offer additional benefits to their membership, and lobby for new rules and regulations.

    5:00 PM

    Panel 2: Best Practices of Membership Engagement

    This panel discussion led by industry experts will show you how to stay relevant in the lives of your members. Speakers will discuss the cutting edge ways of staying connected and engaged with a member base including but not limited to utilizing social media platforms and hosting events.

    6:00 PM

    7:00 PM

    Cocktail Reception
