This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other German Chamber of Commerce in China - Shanghai events.
  • 1:30 PM

    Registration, Coffee/Cakes and Networking at Hotel Sheraton

    Powerlong B, 4th Floor of Taicang Four Points Hotel | No. 288, Shanghai East Rd. Taicang, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

    If you need to check in at Four Points on March 20th
    after the salon, you could enjoy the cooperative price between TRT and Four Points.

    2:00 PM

    Welcome remark provided by Mr. Alexander Tobert, CFO at Kern Liebers & Deputy Leader of ICV Work Group East China

    2:10 PM

    ICV in East China: A short introduction into ICV and ICV China + Announcement of the โ€œIssue Workshopโ€- initiatives for SinoGerman Controlling Community (presentation by ICV member)

    2:40 PM

    KL Presentation 1: Lean Manufacturing at Kern Liebers - Current Practice and Future Outlook

    3:25 PM

    Coffee Break

    3:40 PM

    KL Presentation 2: How to plan, implement and control lean manufacturing projects successfully โ€“ Experience and Lessons learnt at Kern Liebers for both Controllers and Non-Controllers

    4:20 PM

    Discussion among all speakers and participants, moderated by the Facilitator/Moderator

    5:00 PM

    Transfer from Hotel to the plant of KL China

    If you'd like to attend the factory tour, please inform us in advance.

    5:30 PM

    6:30 PM

    โ€œLean Manufacturing Liveโ€: Guided Tour and Q&A session in the plant of KL
