Professor José Alves, Dean of the Faculty of Business at the City University of Macau, holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His major research interests include leadership and strategic management in China. His current research focuses on the dynamics of business ecosystems, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area of China. He has published and presented in international journal and conferences. He provides training to executives in China and advises companies on diversifying business and reducing distances between China and Portuguese speaking markets.
2015年畢業於澳門理工學院平面及廣告設計,專注研究視覺圖像及Web UI、UX Design。於2015年開始擔任澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心的特約導師,曾擔任海報設計、Adobe軟件培訓班的導師。曾獲Adobe多媒體設計軟件技能全球大賽冠軍,亦獲澳門特別行政區授勳─功績獎狀,曾入選由澳門基金會設立的“澳門優秀人才獎勵計劃”獲獎。作品曾入選APD亞太設計年鑒,同時擁有ACA Visual Design Specialist的國際認證。
Keith Cheung is the founder and CEO of SignHUB, an event registration solution provider powered by A.I. chatbot.
Keith’s vision is to build and implement the best solutions, at affordable prices, to benefit SMEs and inspire them to succeed.
Before establishing SignHUB, Keith has been in a number of senior and managerial positions both in the recruitment and hospitality industries. His most recent undertaking was the Director of Talent Acquisition for the Sheraton Grand Macao and The St. Regis Macao Hotel.
Meet Culture設計總監及共同創辦人; 過往曾參與不同地區的設計展覽及項目交流活動,於2015年入選台灣國際Young Guns展暨華人新銳設計獎,作品獲多個本地及國際設計獎項:如意大利海報年展,日本東京字體指導協會,GDC平面設計在中國,臺北設計獎等。
Meet Culture 商務總監及共同創辦人;於台灣實踐大學主修時裝設計系、對時尚創意充滿熱情;後赴澳洲留學深造,畢業後前往美國紐約Jason Wu Studio工作實習。回澳後致力時尚界工作,曾為多個高端時裝品牌擔任時裝買手及品牌營運管理,擁有敏銳時尚觸角和豐富零售管理經驗。2016年與何潤發共同創立Meet Culture,目標以創意傳承澳門文化及將本地設計帶到海外。
Founder and managing director of AJIAJ, Jennifer specializes on business strategies across business development, operation, product curation, and marketing. Her passion evolves around validating business ideas and assisting businesses grow in a sustainable and scalable manner.
As founder of a multi-brand retailer, she is a specialist in sourcing and curating a highly edited selection of niche international products from innovators and specialists of the field. Throughout the past five years, she has been involved in business negotiations with numerous international brands and developed with brand owners, customized retail strategies and innovative marketing initiatives. Her philosophy in retail is to challenge and redefine the concept of modern living. She subjects her business practices to constant evolution and development, ceaselessly seeking to be at the cutting edge of beauty and lifestyle.
For the past 10 years, Alex has specialized in pre- and post-openings of 5-star, luxury and flagship hotels in the Greater China region. Holding key operational leadership roles for Starwood Hotels & Resorts, as well as Marriott International, his philosophy has been to establish each hotel as the premier provider and facilitator of leisure and vacation experiences in the market/region. Key hotel awards include Hotel of the Year 214 and Hotel Opening of the Year 2017. Alex holds a Diploma/Master’s Degree in Hospitality Management from Germany as well as a Bachelor in Hotel & Restaurant Management from Northern Arizona University, United States.