药明康德集团 董事长
Dr. Ge Li is one of the most influential leaders in the global biopharma R&D industry. He pioneered an integrated R&D service model and the open-acces...
阅读更多 中国医药创新促进会 执行会长
阅读更多 英国生物工业协会(BIA) 首席执行官
Since his appointment as Chief Executive of the BioIndustry Association in 2012, Steve sought to make the UK life science ecosystem the third global c...
阅读更多 阿斯利康 全球执行副总裁、国际业务及中国总裁
阅读更多 药明康德 联席首席执行官
阅读更多 英国驻华大使馆 中国区公使衔参赞
阅读更多 恒瑞医药 全球研发负责人
阅读更多 通和毓承 创始合伙人兼首席执行官
阅读更多 阿斯利康 全球肿瘤研发高级副总裁、中国新药研发总裁
阅读更多 新加坡科技研究局, Experimental Drug Development Centre 首席执行官
Most recently Damian was Senior Vice President, Drug Discovery – Global Head of Clinical Sciences, Bayer Pharma AG, Berlin – Germany. Clinical Science...
阅读更多 药明康德 首席商务官
Dr. Steve Yang is Executive Vice President and Chief Business Officer of WuXi AppTec. He is also WuXi’s Head of Research Service Division. His respons...
阅读更多 Aaron Diamond 艾滋病研究中心 科学主任兼首席执行官
David D. Ho is the founding Scientific Director of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center and the Irene Diamond Professor at The Rockefeller Universit...
阅读更多 德克萨斯大学西南医学中心 主任
Zhijian ‘James’ Chen is an Investigator of Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology at the University of ...
阅读更多 MedImmune研发副总裁, 英国工业协会主席
Jane joined MedImmune, formerly Cambridge Antibody Technology (CAT), now the global biologics research and development arm of AstraZeneca, in 1993. An...
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阅读更多 启明创投 主管合伙人
阅读更多 Arsenal Bio 联合创始人及首席执行官
Ken is the CEO and co-founder of Arsenal Bio, a startup focused on synthetic control of the immune system which is based in San Francisco and Los Ange...
阅读更多 国投创新 医疗健康首席科学家
何如意博士在美国FDA具有17年临床审评审批经验, 主管消化系统胃肠道类药物及罕见病药物的临床审评审批工作,曾是美国FDA新药审批办公室消化系统及罕见...
阅读更多 百济神州 创始人、董事长兼首席执行官
John V. Oyler is the Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of BeiGene (NASDAQ: BGNE; HKEX: 06160), a global, comm...
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阅读更多 中国乔治全球健康研究所所长, 新南威尔士大学教授
Dr. Anderson is Executive Director of The George Institute for Global Health in China, Senior Principal Research Fellow of the National Health and Med...
阅读更多 默沙东 全球副总裁、中国研发总经理
阅读更多 英国国家健康研究所 业务发展主管
The National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network is the research delivery arm of the NHS. It invests some £300m each year into an...
阅读更多 亚狮康 首席执行官
Dr. Carl Firth is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of ASLAN Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Firth founded ASLAN in 2010 after a career in global pharmaceutica...
阅读更多 歌礼制药 创始人、董事会主席兼首席执行官
阅读更多 北海康成 董事长兼首席执行官
Dr. James Xue has spent 20+ years in pharmaceutical industry and is the founder, chairman & CEO of CANbridge Pharmaceuticals Inc., a bio-tech company ...
阅读更多 Insilico Medicine 创始人及首席执行官
Dr. Zhavoronkov is the CEO of Insilico Medicine, a leader in the next-generation artificial intelligence technologies for drug discovery, biomarker de...
阅读更多 BIOAGE 首席运营官、首席医学官
Eric leads BIOAGE’s human cohort partnerships and computational efforts to discover and prioritize drug targets for human aging. Eric was previously a...
阅读更多 ABL Bio 首席执行官
Sang Hoon Lee is the founder and CEO of ABL Bio. Prior to creating ABL Bio, Sang Hoon Lee served as the head of the Bio Division at Hanwha Chemical fr...
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阅读更多 aMoon Fund 副总裁
Guy Spigelman is VP of Portfolio Success at aMoon, a Global HealthTech and LifeSciences VC based in Israel with over $800M under management. Previousl...
阅读更多 Carrick Therapeutics 首席科学官及研发负责人
Dr. Bahl has 25 years of international Pharmaceutical experience working to deliver innovation via drug development projects in the US, Japan, and Eur...
阅读更多 中国国家药物(抗肿瘤药)临床研究中心 主任
阅读更多 AZTherapies 总裁兼首席医学官
Karen Reeves, MD is President and Chief Medical Officer at AZTherapies, a start-up company using a multi-action approach to treat Alzheimer’s Disease ...
阅读更多 北京大学深圳研究生院化学生物学与生物技术学院 特聘研究员
1994年毕业于北京大学化学系,1999年获得美国哥伦比亚大学博士学位(导师:Clark Still教授),2002年在斯坦福大学完成博士后研究(导师...
阅读更多 Metabomed 首席执行官
Dr. Botti has been Metabomed's CEO since July 2016. Simone co-founded Metabomed while he was Head of the Israel Bioincubator Fund at Merck Ventures, w...
阅读更多 Vivace Therapeutics 总裁兼首席执行官
Dr. Sofie Qiao is the founding president and CEO of Vivace Therapeutics. Prior to co-founding Vivace, she served as managing director of WuXi ventures...
阅读更多 科望医药 首席执行官
纪晓辉博士为科望医药的联合创始人和CEO。科望医药主要聚焦于开发新一代肿瘤免疫治疗。纪晓辉博士也是礼来亚洲基金的风险合伙人。 在加入礼来亚洲基金前,纪...
阅读更多 克睿基因 首席技术官
林彦妮博士是苏州克睿基因的首席技术官及联合创始人。她致力于应用基因工程学方法, 在新型医药和诊断领域中创造临床和生产流程的解决方案。她有9年以上在哺乳...
阅读更多 Schrödinger 常务董事
Dr. Weiser joined Schrödinger in 2002. He received his doctorate in Organic Chemistry from the Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany in 1996. ...
阅读更多 TARA Biosystems 首席执行官
Misti Ushio is the CEO of TARA Biosystems.TARA Biosystems develops physiologically relevant 3D tissue models for drug discovery and development applic...
阅读更多 同济大学生物信息系 教授
刘琦, 同济大学生物信息系教授,博士生导师。IEEE会员,ACM会员,中国计算机协会CCF高级会员(生物信息学专业组委员),中国人工智能学会会员 (生...
阅读更多 Cyclica 总裁兼首席执行官
Naheed Kurji is the President and CEO of Cyclica, a Toronto-based, venture-backed biotechnology company that has recently been named by Deep Knowledge...
阅读更多 Coland Pharmaceuticals 董事长
Willliam Robert Keller joined Roche in Basel 1972 and served from 1974 to 2003 in several marketing and General Manager positions at Roche Group in So...
阅读更多 华领医药 首席执行官
阅读更多 药明生物 首席执行官
阅读更多 Twist Bioscience 高级副总裁
Ray is a seasoned executive, bringing his unique perspective as a clinician-scientist leading and growing start-up companies. He joins Twist Bioscienc...
阅读更多 强生亚太创新中心 负责人
Dan Wang, MD, is the Head of Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Asia Pacific. In this role, she is responsible for managing a portfolio of co-investments s...
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Dr. Curtis Keith has served as Chief Scientific Officer of Harvard University’s Blavatnik Biomedical Accelerator (previously, Harvard Biomedical Accel...
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Robert S. Sullivan joined the Rady School of Management at UC San Diego as its founding dean in January 2003. Dr. Sullivan is an expert on entrepreneu...
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阅读更多 武田药品工业株式会社,武田湘南健康创新园区 总经理
Toshio Fujimoto, MD, MBA, is the General Manager of Shonan Health Innovation Park (iPark), a science park launched by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Lt...
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贺启新先生是高盛集团亚太区(除日本外)董事长兼行政总裁,同时担任高盛集团管理委员会委员。他亦兼任公司亚太区管理委员会的联席主席。贺启新最初在1991 ...
阅读更多 淡马锡 全球企业发展联席总裁,中国区总裁
阅读更多 正心谷创新资本 合伙人
阅读更多 ChinaBio 创始人及首席执行官
Greg founded ChinaBio® Group in 2007 to help life science companies and investors achieve success in China. ChinaBio® works with US, European and APAC...
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阅读更多 北京协和医院 副院长
心血管内科 主任医师 教授 博士生导师北京协和医院副院长中国医学科学院北京协和医学院副院校长国务院政府特殊津贴专家国家卫生计生突出贡献中青年专...
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阅读更多 北极光创投 创始人、董事总经理
阅读更多 美年大健康 董事长
1971 年出生,毕业于上海交通大学电子工程系,上海财经大学金融学硕士,中国中医科学院博士,中欧国际工商管理学院EMBA。美年健康(SZ 002044...
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阅读更多 药明康德 高级副总裁、首席战略官
阅读更多 复旦大学附属儿科医院 副院长
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阅读更多 至本医疗科技 创始人、首席执行官
王凯博士是 Origimed 的创始人和首席执行官,致力于为癌症患者提供全面的分子诊断信息,为合作伙伴提供分子病理学和基因组学服务。王凯博士在生物信息...
阅读更多 上海瑞金医院 副院长
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Chair, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic Rochester. President, Mayo Clinic Laboratories.Research interests: Lymphoprolifer...
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阅读更多 Forbion 管理合伙人
Martien is a Managing Partner at Forbion, a leading European venture capital firm that works closely with entrepreneurs to build life sciences compani...
阅读更多 中国医疗器械行业协会体外诊断分会 理事长
1991.02-1999.4美国库尔特公司 经理1999.07-2003.02上海复星医药(集团)股份有限公司 诊断部总经理2003.03-2016....
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Mr. Andy A. Liu is the CEO of CW Data Technologies. (中电药明数据科技)CW Data is a ...
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阅读更多 将门创投 CEO、创始合伙人
阅读更多 云鹊医疗科技 首席执行官
Fay XING is the CEO of Pica Health, a digital health company that was incubated at Wuxi Healthcare Ventures. Pica is committed to empower Chinese phys...
阅读更多 东软熙康健康科技有限公司 首席运营官
阅读更多 腾讯医疗健康 总经理
阅读更多 Dr. Ge Li is one of the most influential leaders in the global biopharma R&D industry. He pioneered an integrated R&D service model and the open-access R&D enabling platform model with the conviction that more efficient and cost-effective R&D should be at the core of better medicines for patients, and that “every drug can be made and every disease can be treated.” As the company’s Chairman, Dr. Li has led WuXi’s rapid growth from four employees and a single Chemistry lab of 7,000 square feet in December 2000 to a transformative global R&D powerhouse enabling over 3,000 collaborative partners worldwide. Dr. Li earned his Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Peking University and his doctoral degree in Organic Chemistry from Columbia University.
Steve Bates英国生物工业协会(BIA) 首席执行官 Since his appointment as Chief Executive of the BioIndustry Association in 2012, Steve sought to make the UK life science ecosystem the third global cluster. He led the major BIA campaign to improved access to finance for members through the refilling of the Biomedical Catalyst. He has been an influential figure on the sector’s approach to Brexit securing key industry asks in the UK government’s political declaration on its future relationship with the EU. Steve has championed the need for new anti-microbial resistance agents, the companies that develop them and for this to be on the global agenda. Steve advocates for the adaptive pathway approach to the licensing of new drugs, the need for Early Access and is particularly proud of the working relationship the BIA has established with the UK’s leading medical research charities. Steve worked to develop the UK’s Life Science Sector Deal as part of the UK Government’s Industrial Strategy. He has grown the reach and membership of the BIA to include the UK’s engineering biology, Genomics and AI and digital health communities whilst increasing the participation of global leading players in the Association.Steve attends the UK’s Life Science Council and sat on The Royal Society's Science, Industry and Translation Committee 2016-2018 and the Science Media Centre Advisory Board. Beyond the UK Steve is a member of EuropaBio’s Board and its National Association Council and is vice chair of the International Confederation of Biotech Associations. An expert and regular commentator on the sector in the media and at industry-leading conferences Steve has worked both in biotech (as Senior Director at Genzyme UK and Ireland) and at the highest levels of UK government (as Special Advisor to John Reid, MP, during his time in Tony Blair’s government) for over 15 years. Steve was awarded the OBE in January 2017.
陈之键阿斯利康 全球肿瘤研发高级副总裁、中国新药研发总裁 医学博士陈之键自2013年4月起加入阿斯利康中国,现担任全球肿瘤研发高级副总裁兼中国新药研发负责人。陈博士在药物研发领域有15年以上的管理经验,曾就职于临床研发、医学事务、战略策划和业务开发等各个部门。在加入阿斯利康前,陈之键先生曾在百济担任首席医学官,一家在中国致力于肿瘤药物研究和开发的生物科技药业公司。 陈博士开始加入医药行业先在美国礼来公司总部战略产品管理和业务开发部及全球肿瘤部担任高级顾问及高级医药研发顾问;随后他服务于葛兰素史克,担任GSK大中华区首席医学官,负责临床研发、医学事务和中国区产品线开发,之后在美国GSK全球肿瘤部任全球新药开发负责人;其后他加入强生公司担任亚洲地区新药物开发副总裁一职。陈博士在药物开发领域有非常丰富的经验并成功地组建及带领整个团队高效地获得新药IND和NDA审批。 在加入医药行业职业生涯前,陈之键博士曾在美国位于马里兰州国立卫生研究院(NIH),担任高级研究员,他在上海医科大学获得医学博士学位,并同时拥有美国宾西法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的MBA学位。毕业后曾就职于上海医科大学附属肿瘤医院及纽约医学院任住院医师和临床培训,专注于肿瘤和免疫临床研究。陈博士也在国际专注的肿瘤和免疫学研究刊物上发表过大量著名的肿瘤及免疫的学术论文。
Damian O’Connell新加坡科技研究局, Experimental Drug Development Centre 首席执行官 Most recently Damian was Senior Vice President, Drug Discovery – Global Head of Clinical Sciences, Bayer Pharma AG, Berlin – Germany. Clinical Sciences (CS) is a global organization (based Germany, US, Japan, China) with responsibility for the first use of drug products in humans up to Proof of Concept, as well as all clinical pharmacological components of NDAs. Damian previously has held senior positions within Pfizer Research & Development, Parke Davis, Elan Pharmaceuticals & Neurex. Damian, has both MD & PhD degrees from the National University of Ireland, has been a Medical Faculty member of The University of Virginia Health Sciences Center as well as being a member of the Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Department at University College Cork, Ireland where he was a Professor of Clinical Research. He started his career in the Industry in 1998. Damian is a member of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine; Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine; Fellow of The Royal Academy of Medicine (Ireland); Member of the British Pharmacological Society; Member of the Drug Safety Executive Council (DSEC); Member American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics; Member American College of Clinical Pharmacology; Member of American Society of Pharmacometrics; Member of the Irish Association of Pharmacologists; Member of the Irish Cardiac Society; Member of the British Hypertension Society.
Dr. Steve Yang is Executive Vice President and Chief Business Officer of WuXi AppTec. He is also WuXi’s Head of Research Service Division. His responsibilities include management of multiple business units and commercial operation. WuXi AppTec is a leading global pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, and medical device R&D capability and technology open access platform company with operations in China, US, and Europe. Dr. Yang is a pharmaceutical industry leader recognized for building R&D and service capabilities, delivering research and early development portfolios of drug candidates, and establishing R&D partnerships in US, Europe, China and other Asian and emerging markets. Before joining WuXi, Dr. Yang was Vice President and Head of Asia and Emerging Markets iMed at AstraZeneca, based in Shanghai. Previously, Dr. Yang served as Vice President and Head of Asia R&D at Pfizer based in Shanghai, and as Executive Director and head of Pfizer’s global R&D strategic management group based in the United States. Dr. Yang received his PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of California, San Francisco. He started his undergraduate study in Fudan University, China and completed his BS Summa Cum Laude from Michigan Technological University. He co-founded the BayHelix Group, a non-profit global professional organization of Chinese life science business leaders, and served as the chairman of the board for two terms.
何大一Aaron Diamond 艾滋病研究中心 科学主任兼首席执行官 David D. Ho is the founding Scientific Director of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center and the Irene Diamond Professor at The Rockefeller University. He received his degrees from California Institute of Technology (1974) and Harvard Medical School (1978). Dr. Ho has been at the forefront of AIDS research for 38 years, publishing over 400 papers. His elegant studies unveiled the dynamic nature of HIV replication in vivo and revolutionized our basic understanding of this horrific disease. This knowledge led him to champion combination antiretroviral therapy that resulted in unprecedented control of HIV in patients. An automatic death sentence has been transformed into a manageable disease, and over 20 million worldwide are currently on such therapy. Dr. Ho’s research team is now devoting considerable efforts on vaccine and antibody research in order to halt or slow the spread of the AIDS epidemic. Dr. Ho has received numerous honors and awards, including fourteen honorary doctorates. He was named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year in 1996 and the recipient of a Presidential Medal from Bill Clinton in 2001. He was also inducted into the California Hall of Fame. Dr. Ho was also recognized by the Kingdom of Thailand with the Prince Mahidol Award in Medicine, and recently given the Distinguished Alumni Award by Caltech. He is a member of the US National Academy of Medicine as well as the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Dr. Ho is also a founder of several successful biotechnology companies.
Zhijian ‘James’ Chen is an Investigator of Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. He is also Director of Inflammation Research Center and George L. MacGregor Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Science at UT Southwestern. Prior to moving to Dallas, Chen was a senior scientist at ProScript Inc. where he helped discover the proteasome inhibitor VELCADE, a medicine used for the treatment of multiple myeloma. After joining UT Southwestern in 1997, Chen discovered the regulatory role of ubiquitination in protein kinase activation in the NF-B and MAP kinase pathways. In addition, he discovered the Mitochondrial Antiviral Signaling (MAVS) protein that reveals a new role of mitochondria in immunity. More recently, Chen discovered cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) as a cytosolic DNA sensor and a new cyclic di-nucleotide signaling pathway that mediate innate immune responses in animal cells. For his work, Chen has received numerous honors including the National Academy of Science Award in Molecular Biology (2012), the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Merck Award (2015), the Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences from the Foundation of NIH (2018) and the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences (2019). Chen is a member of the National Academy of Sciences.
Jane OsbournMedImmune研发副总裁, 英国工业协会主席 Jane joined MedImmune, formerly Cambridge Antibody Technology (CAT), now the global biologics research and development arm of AstraZeneca, in 1993. An expert in antibody engineering, she has authored many key publications and patents, and made a significant contribution to the discovery and development of a number of marketed drugs and more than 40 clinical candidates. She has worked across many therapy areas and currently leads a global team, based in Gaithersburg US, focused on the development of biosuperior antibody therapies. Jane is also Site Leader for MedImmune’s facility in Cambridge UK, which is home to over 550 MedImmune employees, and chairs the cross-campus leadership team for AstraZeneca in Cambridge. Jane obtained a First Class degree in Biochemistry from the University of Cambridge and completed a PhD at the John Innes Centre for Plant Science Research in Norwich. This was followed by a Post-Doctoral position at Rutgers University, New Jersey before moving into medical research through a British Heart Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Department of Medicine at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge. Jane is passionate about the development of the UK biotechnology sector and was elected Chair of the Board of Directors of the BioIndustry Association in 2015. She is also a Director of Babraham Bioscience Technologies and a Director of Cambridge Enterprise. She has presented at a number of parliamentary Select Committees and has previously served as a Member of the UK Medical Research Council Industry Grant Award Assessment Panel. In 2016 she was recognised in the PharmaVoice 100, and also in Fierce Pharma’s “Fierce Women in Biopharma” – one of 15 women in the global industry noteworthy for their leadership, providing mentorship and helping increase opportunities for women in science.
梁颕宇女士是启明创投领导医疗健康行业投资的主管合伙人。启明目前旗下管理总基金规模超过43亿美元并投资了超过300家创新企业。 梁女士被福布斯中国评选为2018中国最佳女性创投人Top 3和Asian Venture Capital Journal评选为AVCJ 2017年度创业投资人士奖。她目前是甘李药业、再鼎医药(纳斯达克股票代码:ZLAB)、杭州诺尔康、杭州启明医疗、嘉和美康、締脉、康希诺生物技术、诺辉健康及和瑞基因的董事。梁女士的其他投资项目,包括:艾森生物、北京谊安医疗、贝瑞和康(深交所股票代码︰000710)、中信医药(被上海医药收购,港交所股票代码:02607)、中美冠科生物(櫃買指數:6554)、長和医疗、南通联亚、傲锐东源生物科技(被中源協和收购,上交所股票代碼:600645)、华亘安邦科技、无锡蕾明、千麦医疗、凯杰(苏州)转化医学、义翘神州科技、克睿基因生物科技、加科思等等。 梁女士于美国斯坦福大学商学院和美国康奈尔大学分别考获工商管理硕士学位及管理学学士学位。 目前,她是哈佛大学法律学院的客座讲师,中国医药创新促进会投资委员会副主席和创始成员,亦是创新、科技及再工业化委员会成员、团结香港基金顾问、香港创业投资者联盟召集人、香港科技大学商学院顾问委员会委员、美国霍奇基思学校的理事及香港故宫文化博物馆董事局成员。
Ken DrazanArsenal Bio 联合创始人及首席执行官 Ken is the CEO and co-founder of Arsenal Bio, a startup focused on synthetic control of the immune system which is based in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Prior to Arsenal, Ken was a founding executive and President at GRAIL, co-founded Verb Surgical (J&J - Google Joint Venture), Medibis (business intelligence software in outpatient care), Arginox (cardiovascular drug discovery), and PMG Group (healthcare revenue cycle management). Ken co-founded Bertram Capital Management which has $1.4B under management. Prior to his business career, Ken was on the academic faculty of Stanford and UCLA as an academic liver transplant surgeon, researcher, and educator.
何如意博士在美国FDA具有17年临床审评审批经验, 主管消化系统胃肠道类药物及罕见病药物的临床审评审批工作,曾是美国FDA新药审批办公室消化系统及罕见病药物审评部代理付主任。他主持起草多个FDA的工业指南,包括药物诱导肝损伤的临床评价指南和肠易激综合征产品的临床评价指南等等。主持过上千个药企和FDA的工作技术交流会,负责审批了许多新药试验申请和新药上市申请并获得诸多奖项。 何如意博士2016年7月加入原中国食品药品监督管理总局(cFDA)药品审评中心(CDE),作为中国cFDA首位从外海引入的高级人才,担任首席科学家。在中国CDE期间,何如意博士与总局和中心领导一同开展中国整体审评审批体系和制度改革,组织技术指南撰写,组织培训,建立与美国FDA审评部门及美国监管研究机构的长期合作。将美国FDA审评审批理念引入CDE;与国际审评标准接轨;提倡监管服务理念;提高审评审批速度与质量。 近期,何如意博士加入了国投创新担任医疗健康首席科学家。 何如意博士毕业于中国医科大学,并获得医学学士学位和内科血液学硕士学位。于1988年3月赴美,在美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)从事临床研究,并在美国Howard大学医学院完成内科住院医师工作,目前持有美国多个州的执业医师证书。
John Oyler百济神州 创始人、董事长兼首席执行官 John V. Oyler is the Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of BeiGene (NASDAQ: BGNE; HKEX: 06160), a global, commercial-stage, research-based biotechnology company. Prior to founding BeiGene, Mr. Oyler served as President and Chief Executive Officer of BioDuro, a drug discovery outsourcing company in Beijing, which was acquired by Pharmaceutical Product Development Inc. with attractive returns in 2010. Mr. Oyler served as Chief Executive Officer of Galenea Corp., a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery of novel therapies for central nervous system diseases, which initially were developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with funding from Otsuka. Mr. Oyler was previously Founder and the President of Telephia, Inc. which was sold to The Nielsen Company in 2007. He has also served as Co-Chief Executive Officer of Genta Incorporated (NASDAQ: GNTA), an oncology-focused biopharmaceutical company that grew to $1.7 billion in revenues. Mr. Oyler began his career as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company. He received his B.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an MBA from Stanford University.
Craig Anderson中国乔治全球健康研究所所长, 新南威尔士大学教授 Dr. Anderson is Executive Director of The George Institute for Global Health in China, Senior Principal Research Fellow of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia, and Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology at the University of New South Wales, in Sydney, Australia. He manages 50 staff in China and leads a global program of large-scale randomised clinical trials and population research with a goal of generating reliable evidence to inform health care providers and policy makers in their decisions regarding optimal strategies for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. His research links clinical medicine and public health, involves multidisciplinary teams in over 15 countries, and uses digital solutions for efficient data capture, analytics and disease management strategies. He has received several awards in recognition of his contribution to research with high health impact.
作为默沙东全球副总裁及默沙东中国研发总经理,李正卿博士负责北京研发中心的整体运营和战略方向的把控。李正卿博士带领的研发团队肩负着将创新药物和疫苗以最有效和快捷的方式满足中国病患需求和引领默克实验室在中国建立全球研发能力的使命。同时, 李正卿博士领导建立与外部科研机构,专业协会和行业伙伴的合作。在李正卿博士的带领下,在过去的七年里,中国研发中心实现飞速发展,目前有500余名科研人员,工作在临床研究,注册事务,临床试验运营,药物安全,项目管理,信息技术及科学, 生物统计,流行病学和数据管理等职能部门。 在加入默沙东之前,李正卿博士曾在施贵宝担任多个管理职位,包括中国临床研究副总裁,全球肿瘤及神经部门执行总监。在施贵宝任职之前,正卿曾在美国辉瑞和美国宝洁公司就职并积累了相当丰富的药物研发和管理经验。 李正卿发表过40余份科研和临床试验论文,他也在中国和美国为十余种药品的研发和审批做出卓越领导和贡献。
Matt Cooper英国国家健康研究所 业务发展主管 The National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network is the research delivery arm of the NHS. It invests some £300m each year into an infrastructure of clinical research professionals across England, to support rapid study set-up and patient recruitment into clinical research studies (academic and commercial). The Network has demonstrated year-on-year improvements in patient recruitment numbers and delivery times for commercial studies. In 2017/18 the NIHR CRN supported the recruitment of over 725,000 participants into clinical research studies, 50,112 of these were patients recruited into commercial contract clinical trials. As the Business Development & Marketing Director at the Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre since 2014 Matt brings a wealth of experience to the post, having been part of the Network structure for a decade. Matt an Executive Director of the National Coordinating Centre. In a previous roles he was a member of the leadership team of the National Cancer Research Network and before that worked in the Clinical Research Group of AstraZeneca UK for a number of years.
Dr. Carl Firth is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of ASLAN Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Firth founded ASLAN in 2010 after a career in global pharmaceutical firms and healthcare investment banking. ASLAN is the first Singaporean publicly listed biotech and is currently trading on NASDAQ and the Taipei Exchange. Previously, Carl was Head of Asia Healthcare at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, supporting public and private financing of healthcare companies across the region and advising on M&A transactions. Prior to joining the banking industry, Carl worked for AstraZeneca for 10 years in various commercial and R&D roles, including Regional Business Development Director, Asia Pacific, and Director of New Product Development, China. Carl was chosen as one of SCRIP’s top 10 pharmaceutical leaders alongside notable industry veterans such as Ken Frazier, CEO of Merck, and Andrew Witty, CEO of GlaxoSmithKline. Carl holds a PhD from Cambridge University in Molecular Biology (Trinity College), an Executive MBA from London Business School and a degree in Molecular Biology from Cambridge University. Carl is a member of Singapore’s Health and Biomedical Sciences International Advisory Council. Carl is also an Independent Director of Singapore’s Exploit Technologies and is an Adjunct Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School.
Dr. James Xue has spent 20+ years in pharmaceutical industry and is the founder, chairman & CEO of CANbridge Pharmaceuticals Inc., a bio-tech company focused on oncology and rare disease. He holds a B.S. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Peking University School of Pharmacy, a Ph.D. in Bioorganic Chemistry from Brown University and a M.B.A. from Darden School of Business, University of Virginia. He is deputy director general of China Alliance for Rare Disease (CARD), a R & D Committee Member of China Pharmaceutical Innovation and Research Development Association (PHIRDA), a member of the Advisory Committee of the Joint Institute of Peking University Health Science Center and University of Michigan Medical School. He is a member of BayHelix Group and founding member of BayHelix Boston Chapter.
Alex ZhavoronkovInsilico Medicine 创始人及首席执行官 Dr. Zhavoronkov is the CEO of Insilico Medicine, a leader in the next-generation artificial intelligence technologies for drug discovery, biomarker development, and aging research. At Insilico he pioneered the applications of generative adversarial networks and reinforcement learning techniques for generation of the novel molecular structures with the desired properties and set up R&D centers in the UK, Russia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Prior to founding Insilico Medicine, he worked in senior roles at ATI Technologies (acquired by AMD in 2006), NeuroG Neuroinformatics, the Biogerontology Research Foundation. Since 2012 he published over 120 peer-reviewed research papers and books including “The Ageless Generation: How Biomedical Advances Will Transform the Global Economy” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). Dr. Zhavoronkov holds two bachelor degrees from Queen’s University, a master’s in Biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University, and a PhD in Physics and Mathematics from Moscow State University. He is the adjunct professor of artificial intelligence at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging.
Eric MorgenBIOAGE 首席运营官、首席医学官 Eric leads BIOAGE’s human cohort partnerships and computational efforts to discover and prioritize drug targets for human aging. Eric was previously an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, where his research focused on biomarker discovery and characterization in high-dimensional datasets from human cohorts. Eric completed an HBSc in artificial intelligence, MD, clinical training in pathology, and a research fellowship in computational biology and molecular epidemiology at the University of Toronto, where he held a Canada Graduate Scholarship from the CIHR, and was subsequently a CIHR research fellow. He has published over 15 papers in the areas of molecular biomarker discovery, pharmacogenomics, aging, and diagnostic medicine. Eric is a licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada, a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, holds a specialty designation in pathology, and previously practiced medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.
Sang Hoon LeeABL Bio 首席执行官 Sang Hoon Lee is the founder and CEO of ABL Bio. Prior to creating ABL Bio, Sang Hoon Lee served as the head of the Bio Division at Hanwha Chemical from 2013 to 2016. He also was the co-founder and CSO of PharmAbcine from 2009 to 2013. Sang Hoon Lee has strong entrepreneur and industry experience. He directed drug discovery and development at Exelixis, Genentech, AstraZeneca, and Chiron (now known as Novartis). Sang Hoon Lee received his B.A. and M.S. from the Seoul National University, his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. He completed his postdoctoral fellow from Harvard Medical School and UCSF, and was a Scientist at Stanford Medical School.
Guy SpigelmanaMoon Fund 副总裁 Guy Spigelman is VP of Portfolio Success at aMoon, a Global HealthTech and LifeSciences VC based in Israel with over $800M under management. Previously, Guy served as CEO of PresenTense – a network of start-up accelerators that launches over 100 startups per years. In this role, Guy founded 7 new accelerator programs, including A3i – the first accelerator in the world focused on Assistive and Aging Technologies. Prior to PresenTense, Guy served as EVP of Business Development at AposTherapy, an aMoon portfolio company, where he was responsible for the establishment and management of subsidiaries in Europe and APAC. Before this role, Guy held various executive sales, marketing, busines development and product positions at Israeli software companies, including XMPie that was acquired by Xerox and the NASDAQ listed Radview. Guy serves as a Major (reserves) in the IDF Spokesperson Unit, and was the Chairperson of Merchavim – an NGO promoting shared society at over 500 schools and kindergartens across Israel. Guy lives in Tel Aviv with Naomi and their three daughters, Eden, Galia and Neta.
Ash BahlCarrick Therapeutics 首席科学官及研发负责人 Dr. Bahl has 25 years of international Pharmaceutical experience working to deliver innovation via drug development projects in the US, Japan, and Europe. His previous roles were with Eli Lilly (2011-2015 as Vice President of External Innovation and Venture partnering), AstraZeneca (1994-2011 Vice President Head of R&D New Opportunities) and Glaxo (1990-1994 Research Scientist). Dr. Bahl did his first degree in Pharmacy at Kings College London, trained as a pharmacist at John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford and then a PhD in Immunopharmacology at University College London (UCL). Dr. Bahl has delivered over 10 compounds into clinical development from his leadership of drug discovery projects. In his role as Vice President Head of R&D within New Opportunities at AstraZeneca (2007-2011) he ran and initiated R&D collaborations with Alcon in Ophthalmology, Galderma in dermatology and a pioneering collaboration with the Medical Research Council in drug repositioning. In his role within Eli Lilly he helped to pioneer the NIH/NCATs new therapeutic indications pilot and developed Lilly’s R&D input into venture funding. In collaboration with the Chorus Unit at Lilly and Lilly’s Venture funds in the UK, USA and Europe Dr. Bahl was instrumental in the creation of several new companies during his time at Lilly. Some of these companies pioneered new therapeutic areas for Eli Lilly e.g Hearing loss disorders and Immuno oncology.
Karen ReevesAZTherapies 总裁兼首席医学官 Karen Reeves, MD is President and Chief Medical Officer at AZTherapies, a start-up company using a multi-action approach to treat Alzheimer’s Disease and neuroinflammation with Harvard-based science. AZTherapies is currently conducting a global clinical trial in AD. Prior to joining AZTherapies in 2017, Dr. Reeves served at Pfizer under numerous leadership positions including VP Global Head of Clinical Submissions Quality and Innovation and VP Neuroscience Global Research and Development. Dr. Reeves also served as VP, Global Head of Medical Science at Astellas and represented Astellas in Brussels at EFPIA’s Scientific, Regulatory, and Manufacturing Committee. Dr. Reeves is a senior biopharmaceutical R&D executive with 25 years of scientific, clinical, operational, regulatory, and commercial experience and proven leadership in successful global drug development. She has led Phase 1 - 4 drug development, filed numerous NDAs, and held management positions in business development and strategic partnerships. Dr. Reeves has provided leadership across multiple therapeutic areas including neuroscience, oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, cardiovascular, and urology. Under her leadership, three Pfizer drugs in neuroscience were developed and approved including Geodon/Zeldox for schizophrenia, Geodon IM/Zeldox IM for agitation and Chantix/Champix for smoking cessation. She has a proven track record of innovation in drug development, filing drugs ahead of schedule, decreasing timelines and cost, and mentoring teams. Under her worldwide team leadership, Chantix was filed and approved a year ahead of schedule, was granted FDA Priority Review, gained reimbursement in major markets, and made $800 million in its first year due to this acceleration. Chantix won the Prix Galien Award in 2007 for Best Pharmaceutical, considered the Nobel Prize in industry, and has been prescribed more than 24 million times. Dr. Reeves earned her BA from Yale University and MD from University of Vermont Medical School.
潘峥婴北京大学深圳研究生院化学生物学与生物技术学院 特聘研究员 1994年毕业于北京大学化学系,1999年获得美国哥伦比亚大学博士学位(导师:Clark Still教授),2002年在斯坦福大学完成博士后研究(导师:Barry Trost教授)。随后在多个美国生物医药公司从事创新药物研发工作。2009年回国后,在北京大学深圳研究生院任课题组长,2013年获得药明康德生命化学研究奖学者奖。从事药物化学和化学生物学研究;致力于发展共价药物理论和技术体系,并运用于抗肿瘤和免疫功能调控的创新药物研究;化合物伊布替尼(商品名“亿珂”)的主要发明者之一。在J Med Chem、Angew Chieme、PNAS等国际学术刊物和著作中发表论文和章节二十余篇,获得美国、欧盟、中国等授权专利十余项。
Simone BottiMetabomed 首席执行官 Dr. Botti has been Metabomed's CEO since July 2016. Simone co-founded Metabomed while he was Head of the Israel Bioincubator Fund at Merck Ventures, which he joined in 2011. During his tenure at Merck Ventures, Dr. Botti set up the Israel Bioincubator Fund and established a number of early stage companies. Previously, he was Vice President, Business Development at RAD Biomed Accelerator, one of Israel's leading Life Science incubators. Prior to that, he was Senior Director of Business Development at Cogenics. He also served as a Board Member of IATI, the Israel Advanced Technology Industries association. Dr. Botti holds a PhD in Chemistry from the Weizmann Institute of Science where he received the "Dov Elad" prize in Structural Biology and was NIH_ADDP Fellow at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago.
乔爽Vivace Therapeutics 总裁兼首席执行官 Dr. Sofie Qiao is the founding president and CEO of Vivace Therapeutics. Prior to co-founding Vivace, she served as managing director of WuXi ventures, the corporate venture arm of WuXi AppTec. Dr. Qiao co-founded the chemistry-driven drug discovery company LEAD Therapeutics in 2006, assembled the management team and played a central role in raising $17 million in Series A financing. The company was acquired in 2010 by BioMarin for up to $97 million, primarily for its PARP inhibitor (Talazoparib), then in preclinical development, which has since been approved by the FDA. Dr. Qiao began her industry career at Genzyme as a medicinal chemist, and later moved into business roles with McKinsey & Company, Syrrx (now Takeda California) and Discovery Partners International (now Galapagos). She received her PhD in organic chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and A.B. in chemistry from Harvard University.
林彦妮博士是苏州克睿基因的首席技术官及联合创始人。她致力于应用基因工程学方法, 在新型医药和诊断领域中创造临床和生产流程的解决方案。她有9年以上在哺乳动物系统中使用 TALENs 和 CRISPR/Cas9工具进行基因改造并进行转化研发的经验。她现在领导多个转化研究和临床前项目,利用基因编辑工具为区域和全球未满足的医疗需求创造更好的细胞/基因治疗产品。 在共同创立克睿基因之前,林彦妮博士在Synthetic Genomics公司担任研发工作,改造猪的基因组使其用于异种器官移植。她在佐治亚理工学院和埃默里大学的生物医学工程联合培养项目中取得博士学位。她的博士研究重点包括基因编辑工具的优化、分析,及在镰刀贫血症、HIV和免疫治疗等方面的转化医学研究。
Jörg WeiserSchrödinger 常务董事 Dr. Weiser joined Schrödinger in 2002. He received his doctorate in Organic Chemistry from the Georg-August-University in Göttingen, Germany in 1996. He conducted post-doctoral research at Columbia University in New York from 1997 to 1999 and worked in the MacroModel team of Prof. Clark Still. He was co-founder and Managing Director of Anterio, a German consulting and research company established in 1999, prior to joining Schrödinger.
Misti UshioTARA Biosystems 首席执行官 Misti Ushio is the CEO of TARA Biosystems. TARA Biosystems develops physiologically relevant 3D tissue models for drug discovery and development applications. The company’s Biowire™ II platform enables generation of large amounts of human relevant data for predictive drug development. TARA accelerates discovery efforts for novel heart medicines via its disease modeling and phenotypic screening capabilities, and also evaluates early cardiac risk assessment of drug discovery candidates. Dr. Ushio has over 20 years of experience in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, and early stage life science company building. Dr. Ushio has served most recently as Chief Strategy Officer and Managing Director of Harris & Harris Group, where she advised and invested in life science companies to help them translate their transformational science into commercially successful companies. Earlier in her career, Dr. Ushio held management roles at Merck & Company, where she developed vaccines and biologics products, and Columbia University, where she managed the intellectual property of several scientific and engineering portfolios. She was graduated from Johns Hopkins University (B.S., Chemical Engineering), Lehigh University (M.S., Chemical Engineering) and University College London (Ph.D., Biochemical Engineering). She also serves as a Director on the Boards of private and public life science companies. In 2018, she was named to Fast Company’s Top 100 Most Creative people in Business.
刘琦, 同济大学生物信息系教授,博士生导师。IEEE会员,ACM会员,中国计算机协会CCF高级会员(生物信息学专业组委员),中国人工智能学会会员 (生物信息学与人工生命专委会委员),上海市启明星人才、浦江人才。获第七届吴文俊人工智能自然科学奖三等奖。获2018年药明康德生命化学奖。致力于计算机和生命科学的智能计算和机器学习的交叉研究, 目前基于人工智能和机器学习方法进行药物研发,肿瘤精准治疗以及基因编辑系统的优化设计等方向的研究和转化工作。在Genome Biology, Nature Communications, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Trends in Biotechnology, Trends in Pharmacological Science, WIREs Computational Molecular Science, Bioinformatics, Briefings in Bioinformatics等期刊发表系列论文70余篇。开发了相应的生物数据挖掘平台20余项,申请和获批相关专利和软件著作权多项。和产业界开展了广泛合作。
Naheed KurjiCyclica 总裁兼首席执行官 Naheed Kurji is the President and CEO of Cyclica, a Toronto-based, venture-backed biotechnology company that has recently been named by Deep Knowledge Analytics as one of the top 20 AI in Pharma companies globally. At Cyclica, Naheed and his team are reshaping drug discovery by offering the pharmaceutical industry an integrated computational biophysics and AI-augmented platform that enhances how scientists design the best drugs for patients, not just for a single protein. Naheed focuses on strategy and corporate development activities to affect change in the pharmaceutical industry with a vision of reducing drug discovery cycle times and risk with a holistic in silico polypharmacology and structural pharmacogenomics first strategy. In his role at Cyclica, Naheed is a co-founder of The Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AAIH), of which Naheed is 1 of 4 appointed Executive Officers. He is passionate about how people interact with technology to make more informed and faster decisions, and is dedicated to advance the responsible application of AI to healthcare problems. He is an experienced professional specialized in strategic planning, corporate finance and entrepreneurship, and has been featured in the Globe and Mail, CBC, Forbes, Vanity Fair, StartUp Health Magazine, WuXi Insider Perspective, and VentureBeat. Naheed is also a guest lecturer at various universities and is a graduate of the University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management where he obtained his MBA.
Willliam R. KellerColand Pharmaceuticals 董事长 Willliam Robert Keller joined Roche in Basel 1972 and served from 1974 to 2003 in several marketing and General Manager positions at Roche Group in South America and Asia. From 1994 to 2003 he oversaw and established Roche in China as General Manager of Roche China Ltd. and Shanghai Roche Pharmaceutical Ltd. In 2003, he founded Keller Pharma Consultancy, a pharmaceutical consulting firm focusing on market entry strategies for foreign biotech companies into the China market. He has been Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (SAEFI) and Deputy General Manager of Zhangjiang Biotech and Pharmaceutical Base Development Co. Ltd. He is currently Chairman of Coland Pharmaceuticals Ltd. a listed company on Taiwan Stock Exchange and holds directorship as independent director at Wuxi Biologics Ltd. and Hua Medicine, both listed at HK Stock Exchange and Cathay Industrial Biotech Ltd.. Previously, he served as an independent director at Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc, China Nuokang Bio Pharmaceutical Inc. and Fosun Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. He also was a supervisor and Board member of TaiGen Biotechnology Co. Ltd. and as Chairman of HBM Biomed China Partners. Mr. Keller is Honorary Citizen of Shanghai.
陈力博士,华领医药技术(上海)有限公司董事长、创始人、首席执行官、首席科学官。陈力博士曾任罗氏研发中国有限公司首席科学官,拥有20多年新药研发创新及管理经验。陈力博士于2011年成立华领医药,以“患者为先、创新为本、良药为民”为宗旨,运用“中西合璧、联合创新”的新药研发运营模式和“高标准、高质量、创造高价值”的经营理念,在5年内华领医药的糖尿病全球原创新药HMS5552成功取得中美临床试验批件、完成四个临床I期和临床II期POC试验,并在2017年全球率先启动同类产品III期临床试验和药品上市计划,实现全球首创、中国首发。在此期间,成功完成2亿美元融资和中国新药创新公司建设。 陈力博士1992年毕业于爱荷华州立大学,获博士学位,同年加入罗氏美国研发中心。在罗氏陈博士从一名药物化学资深研究员成长为高通量技术部主任,2004年回中国建立罗氏中国研发中心,任首席科学官和董事。陈力博士是35件授权专利发明人和17件专利申请发明人, 并发表60多篇科学论文。
Ray TabibiazarTwist Bioscience 高级副总裁 Ray is a seasoned executive, bringing his unique perspective as a clinician-scientist leading and growing start-up companies. He joins Twist Bioscience from Aravive Biologics (now Aravive, Inc.) where he was a Founder and the Executive Chairman of the Board. He remains a non-executive Director. Concurrently, he ran 526 Ventures, a strategic consulting company working with multiple public and private biopharmaceutical companies. Previously, he served as a venture partner at Bay City Capital LLC. Prior to his time at Bay City Capital, he held a number of executive positions in biotechnology companies including Chief Scientific Officer of Aviir and Vice President of Translational Research for VIA Pharmaceuticals. Before moving to industry, Ray was a practicing cardiologist and an Adjunct Clinical Instructor of Medicine at Stanford University. He received his MD from Harvard Medical School and trained as an internist and cardiologist at Stanford University, while also receiving finance education at Stanford Business School. He has received numerous honors and research awards, has authored several peer reviewed papers, and is an inventor on multiple patents.
Dan Wang, MD, is the Head of Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Asia Pacific. In this role, she is responsible for managing a portfolio of co-investments spanning across all three sectors of Johnson & Johnson and expanding the external networks within the innovation ecosystem. Dan has over 20 years of experience in the life sciences sector. Prior to joining Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Dan has worked with Becton Dickinson(BD), e-Capital Corporation, Express Scripts and Johnson & Johnson by leading the local and global Research & Development, Medical Affairs and clinical research teams. She also has strong track records in strategic innovation of identifying new product opportunities and external partnerships. Dan holds MD and MSc degrees from Peking University and she received her MBA from Goizueta Business School, and MPH from Rollins school of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta in the U.S.
Curtis Keith哈佛大学Blavatnik生物医学加速中心 首席科学官 Dr. Curtis Keith has served as Chief Scientific Officer of Harvard University’s Blavatnik Biomedical Accelerator (previously, Harvard Biomedical Accelerator Fund) since 2008. By providing financial and other support, the Accelerator helps bridge the gap between early-stage research emanating from Harvard labs and validated de-risked technologies that are ready for industry partnership. To date, the Accelerator has provided over $20 million in direct funding to 109 projects from across Harvard University. Nearly half of completed Accelerator projects have been partnered with industry – either through startup formation, or collaborations and licensing agreements with existing biotech and pharmaceutical companies. These partnerships have returned more than $60 million to Harvard and its researchers, and startups based on Accelerator technologies have succeeded in raising more than $500 million in equity financing. Prior to joining Harvard University, Dr. Keith was Senior Vice President of Research at CombinatoRx, a Massachusetts-based biotechnology company he cofounded in 2000. Under his leadership, CombinatoRx created an integrated technology platform for the discovery of multi-target therapeutics, yielding a broad pipeline of preclinical and clinical drug candidates in areas including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and neurodegenerative disease. Dr. Keith earned his BSc in biochemistry from McGill University and received his AM and PhD in chemistry and chemical biology from Harvard University.
Robert S. Sullivan加州大学圣地亚哥分校Rady商学院 院长 Robert S. Sullivan joined the Rady School of Management at UC San Diego as its founding dean in January 2003. Dr. Sullivan is an expert on entrepreneurship, knowledge management and operations management. Dr. Sullivan has successfully recruited top-tier faculty, from universities such as the University of Chicago, MIT, New York University, Northwestern, Princeton, Stanford, the Wharton School and Yale. Under Dr. Sullivan’s leadership, the Beyster Institute was integrated with the Rady School, thereby increasing the school’s brand in San Diego and throughout the world. In 2013-14, Dr. Sullivan served as chair of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International), the premier accrediting body for business education. During Dr. Sullivan’s tenure, the Rady School opened and moved to Otterson Hall in June 2007, followed by Wells Fargo Hall in May 2012. In 2004, Dr. Sullivan secured the naming gift for the School, $30 million from the Rady Family Foundation. In 2015, Dr. Sullivan secured an additional $100 million investment to endow the Rady School. Prior to joining UC San Diego, Dr. Sullivan was dean of the Kenan-Flagler Business School of The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and dean of the Graduate School of Industrial Administration at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Sullivan holds a doctorate in operations management from Pennsylvania State University, a master’s degree in production management and quantitative methods from Cornell University and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Boston College.
Toshio Fujimoto武田药品工业株式会社,武田湘南健康创新园区 总经理 Toshio Fujimoto, MD, MBA, is the General Manager of Shonan Health Innovation Park (iPark), a science park launched by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd in Shonan, Japan in April 2018. In his current role, Dr. Fujimoto provides strategic leadership and oversight for all key iPark activities, including development and execution of business and financial plans, coordination of site operations and services, tenant recruitment and management, and marketing and public relations activities. He implements the iPark's vision to be an open innovation ecosystem which builds meaningful collaborations with academia, biotech, pharma companies, and the government. Prior to joining Shonan iPark, Dr. Fujimoto held positions with increasing responsibility at Eli Lilly Japan. Most recently he was Vice President of the Medicine Development Unit, where he oversaw the R&D Management function in Japan. Earlier in his career, he completed a clinical fellowship in General Thoracic Surgery at the Mayo Clinic in the U.S, worked as an Assistant Surgeon at Ruhrlandklink in Essen and Freiburg University Hospital in Germany. Dr. Fujimoto received his M.D. from Kyoto University and his M.B.A. from Kobe University. He completed his residency at the Department of Thoracic Survey at Kyoto University Hospital and affiliated local hospitals.
Greg ScottChinaBio 创始人及首席执行官 Greg founded ChinaBio® Group in 2007 to help life science companies and investors achieve success in China. ChinaBio® works with US, European and APAC companies seeking partnerships, acquisitions, novel technologies and funding in China. ChinaBio® has also organized over 30 conferences in China focused on cross-border investment and partnering, including the ChinaBio® Partnering Forum which draws over 1400 attendees from around the world to China each spring. Greg is also co-founder of two investment groups that have funded over 50 biotechnology and medical device companies in the US and China, and Executive Editor of ChinaBio® Today, a widely read newsletter covering the China life science industry. He also is the current chair for the American Chamber of Commerce Healthcare Committee, and a prior board member of BayHelix Group. Greg is considered a leading expert on China’s life science industry and is frequently quoted in media including the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg, BioWorld, BioCentury, and other industry publications. Headquartered in Shanghai, ChinaBio® has team members in San Diego, Palo Alto, and Basel, Switzerland.
蔡江南中欧国际工商学院 卫生管理与政策中心主任、经济学教授 蔡江南教授是中欧国际工商学院卫生管理与政策中心主任、经济学兼职教授。他在中国和美国的大学、咨询公司、和政府部门从事了二十多年的卫生经济和卫生政策的教学、研究和咨询工作,发表了大量有影响的研究成果。他参与了美国第一个(麻省)全民医疗保障制度改革方案的设计、实施和评价,以及中国新医改方案的研究工作。 蔡教授曾是华东理工大学经济发展研究所(所长)和商学院的主要创始人之一(1987-1990),曾担任复旦大学经济学院公共经济系第一任系主任(2006-2009)。蔡教授曾获1990年孙冶方经济科学论文奖(我国经济学最高奖)、2002年美国卫生研究学会最杰出文摘奖、2009年上海市社会科学界年会优秀论文奖、2013年《中国卫生》杂志十大医改新闻人物提名。他于1997年获得美国布兰戴斯大学社会政策博士、1984年获得复旦大学经济学硕士、1982年获得华东师范大学经济学学士。
李彬博士是汇桥资本LB医疗基金的创始人和首席投资官及汇桥资本集团的合伙人。在此之前,李博士于2008-2015担任国际著名投资银行摩根士丹利的董事总经理和高级研究分析师, 主管大中华区医疗行业的投资研究。李博士建立了摩根士丹利亚洲医疗行业团队,并在两家知名华尔街投资评选机构——"机构投资者" (“Institution Investor”) 和 “Greenwich”的投票评比中,连续多年被评为亚洲和中国最佳医药行业分析师。其中包括在"机构投资者"的评选中连续七年蝉联亚洲第一医疗分析师(2008-2014)以及连续五年蝉联"中国最佳医药分析师"(2010-2014),也曾在其它权威排行榜评选中(比如"Greenwich"和"Asiamoney") 多次夺冠,还在" 华尔街日报" 2011年最佳亚洲医药行业分析师评选中,靠着出色的选股能力被评为最佳分析师。 李博士创立和领导了美林证券大中华区医疗证券研究团队。在此之前,李博士就职于纽约的美林证券,是该行美国医药行业研究团队的一名重要成员,此团队也多次在华尔街投票中被评为全美第一。他在任职美林证券之前,曾担任美国默克(默沙东)研究实验室的科研人员。李博士拥有纽约大学生物化学博士学位和MBA,以及复旦大学学士学位。 汇桥LB医疗基金自2015成立以来连续三年都被国际著名基金行业研究机构 Eurekahedge 和 AsiaHedge 提名为亚洲表现最佳对冲基金之一。
Chair, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic Rochester. President, Mayo Clinic Laboratories. Research interests: Lymphoproliferative disorders of cytotoxic T-cells and natural killer (NK) cells. The laboratory evaluation and diagnosis of plasma cell proliferative disorders and B-cell disorders with plasmacytic differentiation.
发起创办山蓝资本,具有医疗专业基金发起、募资、团队组建、投资、投资后管理等全过程管理经验; 具有整个医疗企业创业全过程成功经验:上海微创医疗器械(集团)有限公司(香港上市公司)11年的创业经验;主管研发、新业务开拓、投资及并购部门,积累了包括技术研发﹑营销﹑供应链﹑品质与临床法规﹑人事与财务﹑战略规划﹑资本运作与IPO等全面管理运营经验; 具有在医疗技术领域深厚的功底:南开大学物理学本科及理学博士、英国牛津大学博士后、深厚的技术研发背景,获国家科技进步二等奖和发明奖,十余项科技项目负责人,获得国家超过一亿元科技经费,获得20多项专利授权; 开发的心脏药物支架总计产生40亿人民币销售额,连续8年位居全国销售份额第一; 主导及参与4项国际国内并购及合资的谈判及交易,总金额3亿美金; 发起创立三家微创医疗集团的子公司,目前三家子公司每年销售超过15亿元; 在4家国家级医疗行业协会任理事,中国医疗器械产业投资与并购CEO峰会创始发起人及连续5届大会主席,具有广泛人脉。
Martien van OschForbion 管理合伙人 Martien is a Managing Partner at Forbion, a leading European venture capital firm that works closely with entrepreneurs to build life sciences companies that transform people’s lives. Forbion currently manages over EUR 1 Billion, including its most recent flagship fund, Forbion IV, launched in 2018 with EUR 360 Million in capital commitments. Forbion has a team of seasoned investment professionals with head offices in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and an office in Munich, Germany. Forbion helps companies to bridge research and development through the team’s expertise in drug development and company building. Forbion’s investment team has built an impressive performance track record since the late nineties with successful investments in over 60 companies. Martien van Osch was a founding Partner at Forbion and has a leading role in the Forbion Team and the Portfolio. Within the Portfolio, he was responsible for the investments in PneumRx (sold to BTG in 2015), Circulite (sold to Heartware in 2013), Pathway Medical (sold to Bayer Medrad in 2011), Impella (sold to Abiomed in 2005), Flowmedica (sold to Angiodynamics in 2009), Santaris (sold to Roche in 2014) and Acadia (IPO on Nasdaq in 2004). He currently serves on the boards of Mitralign , Autonomic Technologies and Staten Biotechnology. He recently moved with his family to Singapore from where he will lead Forbion’s activities into Asia.
刘釜均博士深耕生命科学行业近30年,其中包括20年临床诊断及医疗设备跨国集团的领导经验,在跨文化业务与资源整合,新兴公司业务拓展,国际并购重组及企业管理等方面拥有丰富的经验。 刘釜均博士于2014年初加入药明康德集团,创建测试事业部。通过有机整合及拓展一体化测试服务,在中美两国迅速扩大运营规模,进一步提升了其在新药研发和医疗器械测试市场的领先地位。经过不懈努力,刘博士领导临床测试团队于2018年初成功携手美国梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic),创建药明奥测, 致力于构建创新型体外诊断特检服务和产业赋能双平台,推动产业变革,引领 精准医疗。 加入药明康德集团之前,他曾在Hologic, Life Technologies, Applied Biosystems和Bio-Rad等多个跨国集团公司担任过亚太区副总裁、中国区总经理、美国总部全球业务总经理等职务。 刘釜均博士拥有美国Loma Linda大学分子生物学博士学位,美国Pepperdine大学MBA学位及山东大学生物化学学士学位。
Mr. Andy A. Liu is the CEO of CW Data Technologies. (中电药明数据科技) CW Data is a joint venture between China Electronics Corporation: a state owned enterprise with national responsibilities for the development and management of China’s healthcare data assets and WuXi Apptec: the leading global pharmaceutical and medical device open-access capability and technology platform company with global operations. CW Data is a healthcare technology company with deep expertise in data collection, data mining and data analytics. The company provides end to end technology solutions and services for stakeholders ranging from pharmaceutical companies, providers, payers, policy makers and healthcare professionals. Mr. Liu was previously the President of Asia Pacific and China for IQVia. (Previously known as IMS Health) Mr. Liu managed the Data Analytics, Commercial Effectiveness and Consulting businesses for the entire Asia Pacific. Mr. Liu was responsible for managing the P&L of the entire region inclusive of 17 countries including China, Australia, India, South Korea, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Mr. Liu has spent many years with multinational companies such as Merck and UCB Pharma holding several executive management and leadership positions in the US and Asia. Mr. Liu has also spent many years with private equity firm TPG as an operator running TPG portfolio companies including IMS and Moksha8. Mr. Liu's area of focus is healthcare big data analytics. He also has extensive experience in product launch and commercialization: inclusive of regulatory approval, pricing, customer acquisition, marketing and sales execution. He has successfully managed and launched products across key therapeutic franchises such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, anticonvulsants, arthritis, antihistamine, osteoporosis and diabetes. He also has strong experience in deal transactions, investments, joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions in the life sciences sector. He is also currently serving as a Board of Directors for the Hong Kong Government led Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI). He is also a Board Member of HKBIO.
Fay XING is the CEO of Pica Health, a digital health company that was incubated at Wuxi Healthcare Ventures. Pica is committed to empower Chinese physicians through education and services. Concurrently, Fay is a venture partner at 6 Dimensions Capital, where she invests and seeds early stage healthcare companies in both China and US. She has over ten years of experience investing and operating in healthcare companies in US and China. She graduated from Stanford Medical School and Harvard Business School.