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活动日期2022年07月21日16:00 - 17:00 GMT+8 添加到日历

Dear Members and Friends of SwissCham,

SwissCham is delighted to invite you to our webinar on the topic "How Successful Business Make the Most of Economics Zones" on Thursday, July 21st on Zoom.

Economic zones and Industrial parks are important engines of China's development since the 1970s. Foreign companies enjoy special policies such as tax incentives and greater trade freedom when they set up within these economic zones and often use these economic zones to jump start their business within China.

In the webinar we are honored to have our guests speakers, Lim Hong Kian, CEO North Asia of Surbana Jurong, he will focus on the geopolitical drivers, considerations and approaches behind an economic zone. Dr. Priscilla Peh from Surbana Jurong Singapore will focus on new policies advantages in economic zone and how can you leverage those advantages. Dr. Ye Zhenlong, Managing Director of Shanghai Cell Therapy Group, will describe the BDIA economic zone advantages and opportunities.

Join us as we explore the dynamics of industrial parks and economic zones within China and discover how companies can leverage on the benefits of the policies to build your business.

Webinar's Language: English



经济区开发和工业园区是 1970 年代以来中国发展的重要引擎。外国公司落户经济区可享受税收优惠和更大的贸易自由等特殊政策,因此经常利用这些经济区在中国开展业务。

此次研讨会我们很荣幸邀请到演讲嘉宾,盛裕集团北亚区首席执行官Hong Kian先生,将重点介绍经济区背后的地缘政治驱动因素、考虑因素和方法。来自盛裕集团新加坡的Priscilla Peh博士将重点介绍经济区的新政策优势以及如何利用这些优势。上海细胞集团总经理Ye Zhenlong博士将介绍北京大兴国际机场临空经济区的优势和机遇。



With best regards,

Your SwissCham Team

  • Hong Kian LIM (CEO of Surbana Jurong, North Asia)

    Hong Kian LIM

    CEO of Surbana Jurong, North Asia

  • Priscilla PEH (Pharmaceutical and Consumer Healthcare Project and Partnership Manager at Surbana Jurong)

    Priscilla PEH

    Pharmaceutical and Consumer Healthcare Project and Partnership Manager at Surbana Jurong

  • Zhenlong YE (Managing Director of Shanghai Cell Therapy Group’s Beijing Brunch)

    Zhenlong YE

    Managing Director of Shanghai Cell Therapy Group’s Beijing Brunch


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